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DOI: 10.1002/ente.


Polyethylenimine Applications in Carbon Dioxide Capture

and Separation: From Theoretical Study to Experimental
Xinhua Shen,[a] Hongbo Du,[b] Riley H. Mullins,[a] and Raghava R. Kommalapati*[c]

Solid absorbents made with polyethylenimine (PEI), which is achievements in carbon dioxide capture are investigated by
loaded on different porous substrates, are promising for post- the incorporation of PEI with different support materials,
combustion carbon dioxide capture. Herein, theoretical stud- such as mesoporous silica; nanotubes; membranes; and other
ies of polyamine applications, including PEI for carbon diox- materials, such as alumina, zeolite, resin, metal–organic
ide capture, are reviewed and the development of experi- frameworks, and glass fibers, through impregnation, grafting,
mental work on carbon dioxide capture by using PEI sum- and synthesis. The excellent carbon dioxide capture capacity
marized. The mechanisms of carbon dioxide capture are dis- and great stability of PEI-impregnated nanomaterials high-
cussed at different reaction sites of the polyamines, such as light PEI as one of the greatest candidates for carbon dioxide
primary, secondary, and tertiary amine groups. Experimental capture from flue gas or air.

1. Introduction

With increasing activity since the industrial revolution, an- tinuous operation. Oxy-fuel combustion by using pure or
thropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, mainly from higher concentration oxygen is the newest of the three ap-
the combustion of carbon-based fuels, such as coal, oil, and proaches and is starting to be applied for economic verifica-
natural gas, have caused the accumulation of CO2 for more tion in factories. Typical technologies available for postcom-
than two centuries. The increasing global CO2 concentration bustion capture are absorption (physical and chemical), ad-
has caused the greenhouse effect and is of serious concern in sorption, and membrane separation.[5] Chemical absorption is
most countries in the world. The Paris Agreement, which more widely used than physical absorption due to its higher
was the first-ever global climate deal, was adopted by 195 efficiency. In chemical absorption, solvents such as amines;
countries in 2015 under the framework of the United Na- alcohols; ammonia solution; and alkaline solutions, such as
tions. The agreement set out a global plan to limit the global NaOH, KOH, Na2CO3, and K2CO3, are employed. Solid ad-
average temperature increase to well below 2 8C. Although sorbents, such as activated carbon, alumina, zeolites, metal–
different renewable and sustainable energies, including hy- organic frameworks (MOFs), microporous carbon, polymers,
dropower, wind, solar, bio, and nuclear energies, are broadly and polyamines, are employed in adsorption.
explored and used to reduce the emissions of greenhouse Aqueous amine solutions, such as mono- (MEA) and di-
gases (GHGs),[1] carbon-based fuels will still dominate indus- ethanolamine (DEA), have been used to capture CO2 and
try for the next several decades, mainly due to economic effi-
ciency. Prevention of CO2 emissions from power plants that [a] Dr. X. Shen, R. H. Mullins
burn coal, oil, and natural gas is seen as essential to mitigate Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Northern Iowa, 1227 W 27th St.
global greenhouse effects.[2] Cedar Falls, IA 50614 (USA)
CO2 capture and sequestration (CCS) from power plants is [b] Dr. H. Du
an effective strategy for the reduction of CO2 emissions in Center for Energy & Environmental Sustainability
the atmosphere.[3] Current technologies for CO2 capture are Prairie View A&M University, 100 University Dr.
Prairie View, TX 77446 (USA)
generally classified into three approaches or processes: pre-
[c] Dr. R. R. Kommalapati
combustion capture, oxy-fuel combustion, and postcombus-
Center for Energy & Environmental Sustainability
tion capture.[4] These approaches or processes can not only Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
be integrated into new power plants, but also applied to the Prairie View A&M University, 100 University Dr.
retrofitting of existing power plants. Based on different fuel Prairie View, TX 77446 (USA)
types and working conditions, each approach is chosen in
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can
practical applications. Precombustion capture is an economi-
be found under:
cal option only when the CO2 concentration and pressure in
the fuel feed is high. Postcombustion capture can take ad- This publication is part of a Special Issue on “CO2 Utilization”. To view
vantage of integration into an existing power plant with con- the complete issue, visit:

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 822
Dr. Xinhua Shen is an Assistant Professor produce food-grade CO2 in the natural gas industry for more
of Meteorology/Air Quality in the Depart- than 60 years.[5a] Aqueous amine absorption is feasible to
ment of Earth and Environmental Scien- capture CO2 from gas streams with a low partial pressure of
ces at the University of Northern Iowa. CO2. Due to corrosion and degradation issues, the solution
She completed her Ph.D. in atmospheric of MEA used for capture is at a concentration of 15–20 wt %
science at Colorado State University. Her for the Kerr–McGee/AGG Lummus Crest (KMALC) pro-
research focuses on air-quality measure- cess and about 35 wt % for the Fluor Econamine FG PlusSM
ment and modeling, cloud–aerosol–pre- (EFG +) process.[6] The biggest issue for CO2 capture in the
cipitation interactions, as well as air-pollu- aqueous phase is the high heat capacity of the amine solu-
tion control technologies, including tions; this causes high energy consumption and high cost
carbon capture with different nanomateri- during endothermic stripping/regeneration. Another big
als. problem of aqueous amine absorption is the technical scala-
bility, which limits its applications to CO2 capture from
common electricity power plants burning coal or natural gas.
Dr. Hongbo Du received his BS and
Other problems include equipment corrosion and amine sol-
Master degrees in mechanical engineering
vent degradation caused by oxygen present in the aqueous
from Beijing Forestry University, P.R.
China, and Ph.D. degree in mechanical
CO2 capture by using solid adsorbents is considered one of
engineering from Colorado State Universi-
the most promising technologies for CCS. To avoid problems
ty, USA. He is currently a researcher in
linked to aqueous amine CO2 capture, some solid amine ad-
the Center for Energy and Environmental
sorbents loaded with different support materials are being in-
Sustainability, Prairie View A&M Universi-
tensively investigated and developed. Different amine spe-
ty. He has published over 10 journal
cies have been explored to load on solid supports from
papers and given more than 20 presenta-
amine oligomers to amine polymers,[7] such as MEA, DEA,
tions at regional, national, and interna-
diisopropylamine, tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA), dodecyl-
tional conferences. His current research
amine, 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, tris(2-aminoethyl)a-
interests include carbon capture with polyamine-functionalized nanoma-
mine, aziridine, poly(l-lysine), and polyethylenimine (PEI).
terials, environmental sustainability, and produced water treatment.
These amines react with CO2 through the presence of pri-
mary, secondary, and/or tertiary amino groups.
Riley H. Mullins is a Research Assistant in
Figure 1 shows the mechanisms of these amino groups re-
the Department of Earth and Environ-
acting with CO2.[8] Under dry conditions, primary or secon-
mental Sciences at the University of
dary amines react with CO2 to form carbamate, and may fur-
Northern Iowa, majoring in environmen-
ther convert into carbamic acid[8b,c] and/or bicarbonate at the
tal science with an air quality minor.
secondary amine sites in the presence of water. Carbamic
Over the past year, she has worked with
acid is dominant with high amine loading on the substrate,
Dr. Xinhua Shen on various carbon-cap-
and bicarbonate can be confirmed with low amine loading.[8d]
ture methods with nanomaterials and air-
Tertiary amines react with CO2 only under humid conditions.
quality-related research projects. She will
be graduating in May 2017 and then will
be looking for a job as an Environmental

Dr. Raghava R. Kommalapati received

MS and Ph.D. degrees in environmental
engineering from Louisiana State Univer-
sity, LA, USA. He is the Director of
Center for Energy & Environmental Sus-
tainability, a NSF-funded center at Prairie
View A&M University, Prairie view, TX,
which is part of the Texas A&M University
System. He has edited 1 book and pub-
lished about 40 peer-reviewed journal ar-
ticles and more than 90 proceedings and
presentations at regional, national, and
international conferences. His research interests include remediation of
contaminated soils, industrial waste separations, air-quality atmospheric
Figure 1. General mechanisms of primary (a), secondary (a), and tertiary (b)
air–fog interactions, and environmental impacts of energy technologies. amines reacting with CO2 (adapted from Ref. [8]).

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 823
MEA, DEA, and amine oligomers would have similar prob- ters. MD and MC simulations at the atomistic, microscopic,
lems of equipment corrosion and adsorbent degradation, or even mesoscale are used to investigate a wide range of
similar to that of amine solvents, because of the instability as properties from thermodynamics to bulk properties of solids
small molecules. Therefore, of all amines applied to solid ab- and fluids at the timescales of nano-, micro-, milli-, and sec-
sorbents, PEI is most investigated because it is easily synthe- onds, and length scales of nano-, micro-, and millimeters.
sized, relatively cheap, and more thermostable compared CFD simulations with continuum models perform bulk calcu-
with MEA, DEA, and amine oligomers. lations to investigate the interaction of gases, liquids, and
PEI is a multipurpose polymer with repeating units com- moving particles with surfaces defined by boundary condi-
posed of one amine group and two carbon aliphatic CH2CH2 tions at the greatest time and length scales. Amine-based ad-
spacers and is widely used in many products, for example, sorbents, including MEA, amine oligomers, and PEI, have
a wet-strength agent in the cellulose paper industry, in deter- been theoretically studied from the electronic or atomic level
gents, in adhesives, in water-treatment agents, and in cosmet- with DFT and to the grid level with CFD.
ics.[9] There are three types of PEI polymers: linear,
branched, and dendrimer PEIs. Since PEI was first intro-
2.1. DFT studies
duced for CO2 capture in the space shuttle by Satyapal
et al.,[10] many researchers have studied PEI as an adsorbent DFT modeling uses the functional of the electron probability
for CO2 capture by loading it on many support materials. density, which is a function of space and time, to investigate
Typical technologies for the loading of PEI on support mate- the electronic structure of small atomic systems with the
rials are impregnation, postsynthesis grafting, direct conden- Born–Oppenheimer approximation.[13] Because solvent
sation,[11] and copolymerization suitable for membrane sepa- amines, such as MEA and DEA, have been used for CO2
ration.[12] Herein, we focus on PEI applications in CO2 cap- capture in the natural gas industry for a long time, the reac-
ture and separation studied from theoretical to experimental tions between CO2 and solvent amines were widely studied
perspectives. through DFT modeling.[14] These studies help to understand
the reaction mechanism of PEI with CO2 due to the presence
of primary and secondary amines in small amine molecules.
2. Theoretical Studies The mechanisms of CO2 reactions with MEA, DEA, and am-
With increasing availability of high-performance computers, monia to form carbamic acid and zwitterion pairs in the
workstations, and clusters, numerical computations have aqueous phase were investigated by DFT with the B3LYP
become popular in materials science and engineering. Highly and G3MP2B3 functionals by Arstad et al.,[14a] and calcula-
parallelized computer systems today allow materials scien- tions with a solvent continuum model were used to interpret
tists to study the properties of material by solving complex, the great impact of surrounding water, MEA, DEA and am-
nonlinear, many-body problems at different time and length monia species on activation and reaction energies. Gibbs free
scales with efficient algorithms[13] (Figure 2). Ab initio calcu- energies of MEA reactions with CO2 in aqueous solution
lations based on quantum mechanics by using electron struc- were calculated by using geometry optimizations in gas and
ture theory, namely, DFT with the Born–Oppenheimer ap- aqueous phases with different basis sets, and the authors sug-
proximation, are performed at the timescale of femto- and gested that B3LYP calculations with the dispersion correc-
picosecond and the length scales of cngstrçms and nanome- tion significantly improved the results.[14f] With the B3LYP
functional and 6-31 + G(d,p) basis set, Lee and Kitchin com-
puted the energy and electronic structures of three classes of
functionalized amines—alkylamines, alkanolamines, and flu-
orinated alkylamines—along two main CO2 capture path-
ways of bicarbonate and carbamate, and evaluated the reac-
tion energies associated with the formation of amine–bicar-
bonate and amine–carbamate complexes in aqueous amine–
CO2 solutions.[15] Zhao et al. investigated the effect of chain
length of low-molecular-weight PEI on physi- and chemi-
sorption of CO2 by using the reference interaction-site model
(RISM) and DFT at the M06-2X/6-31G(d,p) level, and found
that CO2 capture capacities of both physi- and chemisorption
decreased as the chain length increased.[16]

2.2. MD and MC studies

MD simulations are used to investigate the interactions of
atoms and molecules based on classical intermolecular inter-
Figure 2. Computing techniques at different time and length scales. action potentials of covalent bonds, Coulomb interactions,
MC = Monte Carlo, CFD = computational fluid dynamics. torsion, and bending in molecules, and the Lennard–Jones

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 824
potential between nonbonded atoms by using NewtonQs laws tion and deployment of PEI-based CO2 capture technologies.
of motion.[13] MC molecular simulations rely on equilibrium Ryan et al. performed multiphase CFD simulations on an
statistical mechanics and employ a Markov chain procedure amine-based solid-sorbent carbon-capture system by using
to determine a new state for a molecular system from a previ- two different Eulerian–Eulerian and Eulerian–Lagrangian
ous state.[17] Explicit or atomic models of MD and MC are models available in FLUENT and BARRACUDA, and
used at the microscale, and implicit models are used at the found that the Eulerian–Lagrangian model was the better
mesoscale, at which a cluster of atoms is considered to be option for modeling a solid-amine adsorption system.[22]
a coarse grain or the solvent is considered to be a continuous Clark et al. also used the Eulerian–Lagrangian model to sim-
medium. Before the first modeling of CO2 capture with PEI ulate CO2 capture in a full-loop circulating fluidized bed
was performed through MD or MC methods, the protonation unit, and reached good results comparable to those obtained
behavior of linear PEI in solution was investigated through experimentally.[23] A CFD study of the parametric behavior
MD and MC simulations.[18] Partial atomic charges of PEI of solid-sorbent CO2 absorption in a riser reactor[24] showed
were determined by the RESP protocol by using Gaussian 03 that the reactor performance would be improved by speeding
with the 6-31G* basis set, and the explicit modeling of up the cycling of the amine-functionalized solid particles in
a short linear PEI chain with 20 repeating units was per- the reactor and reducing the gas flow. Figure 4 a shows a typi-
formed through MD simulations by using the generalized cal cycling solid-sorbent CO2 capture system simulated by
Amber force field (GAFF). Later, PEI was modeled with CFD modeling.[24] Another multiphase CFD modeling study
a coarse-grained method, in which parameters of the grains was performed to simulate a moving solid absorbent regener-
were obtained from first-step MD simulations. Two different ator with a series of additional perforated plates along the
functionalization methods, impregnation and grafting of PEI regenerator height under plug flow and well-mixed flow con-
on MCM-41, were studied by using a grand canonical Monte ditions, and CO2 adsorption and desorption were per-
Carlo (GCMC) method.[19] A comparison showed that the formed.[25] Breault et al. compared results of the 3D non-iso-
CO2 adsorption capacity of impregnation was greater than thermal multiphase CFD simulation by using kinetics ob-
that of grafting due to mobility of the impregnated PEI tained from thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) with batch
chains. Wang et al. further investigated the interaction be- experiments conducted by flowing a mixture of CO2 and N2
tween PEI and MCM-41 in a solid adsorbent by optimizing gas and vapor through a fluidized bed, and found that the
the molecular system with MD simulations, and the CO2 ad- time duration of CO2 capture decreased with increasing gas
sorption thermodynamics at various PEI loadings through flow.[26] Recently, Breault et al. further modified the amine-
GCMC simulations.[20] Figure 3 shows the structures of PEI based solid-sorbent CO2 capture unit with the aid of CFD
and MCM-41 before and after MD optimization.[20] In addi- modeling, and an alternative 180 mm Geldart group B materi-
tion to MCM-41, which has an ordered structure, Builes al was successfully used to replace the previous 115 mm Gel-
et al. examined the CO2 adsorption capacity of PEI function- dart group A material by keeping a constant circulation of
alized on disordered silica gel SG40 through GCMC model- a solid sorbent.[27] Figure 4 b shows the five modifications
ing.[21] (Mod 1, Mod 2, Mod 3, Mod 4, and Mod 5) of the carbon-
capture test unit followed by CFD simulations. The sequen-
tial modifications included an increase of the overall system
height, replacement of the L valve, height reduction of the
riser, and volume extension of the regenerator; these are de-
scribed in detail in Ref. [27]. The hydrodynamics and reac-
tion behavior in a fluidized-bed reactor for solid-sorbent
CO2 capture were also investigated by using CFD with inte-
gration of CO2 adsorption kinetics, and the researchers con-
cluded that the velocities of gas and solid particles were not
uniform in the reactor, and the CO2 capture efficiency de-
creased with increasing percentage of CO2 in the feed gas
Figure 3. The structures of PEI/MCM-41 before (a) and after (b) optimization. flow.[28]
Color code: yellow, Si; red, O; white H; blue, N; gray, C. (Adapted from
Ref. [20].)

3. Experimental Work
2.3. CFD studies 3.1. PEI-functionalized silica
CFD modeling is an engineering-based computational pro- Since silica was first reported as a support for a PEI-func-
cess to resolve different fluid-flow-related problems, includ- tionalized sorbent, for which PEI was bonded to silica gel
ing flow velocity, density, temperature, and concentration, through a covalent bond, in the early 1990s,[29] many kinds of
and possesses some practical advantages, such as prediction silica materials, such as MCM-41, SBA-15, SBA-16, and
before installation, reliable results, and cost and time savings. KIT,[7] have been explored for use as the support materials
CFD modeling would help to accelerate the commercializa- for amine-based adsorbents. Table 1 lists CO2 capture by dif-

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 825
Figure 4. (a) Typical solid-sorbent CO2 capture test system,[24] and (b) five modification steps for the amine-based solid-sorbent CO2 capture unit coupled with
CFD modeling.[27] ICFB = internally circulating fluidized bed. (Adapted from Ref. [24] and [27].)

ferent PEI-functionalized silica materials under different 75 8C in the range of 75–120 8C. Another SBA-15-based ad-
conditions. Xu et al. first reported that a solid amine adsorb- sorbent was also developed by the optimum combination of
ent made from MCM-41 impregnated with PEI could be SBA-15 and linear PEI (Mw = 423), and the sorption capacity
used for carbon capture.[30] The CO2 capture capacity de- of 140 mg g@1 was achieved in the presence of 15 % CO2 in
pended on the CO2 partial pressure and the presence of the feed gas.[41]
moisture; the highest capacity was 133 mg g@1 at 1 atm (= Chen et al. developed a series of hexagonal mesoporous
101325 Pa),[30b] and the lowest was 89 mg g@1.[30c] The capacity silica (HMS) materials with different textural mesoporosities
(measured at 75 8C) increased with the presence of moisture coated with PEI used as a CO2 capture adsorbent, and found
mainly due to the formation of carbamic acid, and the ad- that the textural mesoporosities played a very important role
sorbent could be regenerated at the same temperature. for loading PEI and facilitating CO2 diffusion inside the
Later, pore-expanded MCM-41 was tested as the support by pores.[63] The maximum CO2 capture capacity of 184 mg g@1
keeping the same pressure of 1 atm and the same adsorption was reached at 75 8C with a PEI loading of 60 wt % in pure
temperature of 75 8C; a much higher capacity of 210 mg g@1 CO2. Son et al. compared a series of mesoporous silica mate-
was achieved because some long alkyl chains covered the rials, MCM-41, MCM-48, SBA-15, SBA-16, and KIT-6, as the
pores to enhance the dispersion of PEI.[31] Inorganic alkali support materials for PEI-functionalized adsorbents, and re-
was also used to modify MCM-41, and the capacity of ported that the CO2 adsorption capacities of different ad-
54 mg g@1 was reached at 50 8C through feeding simulated sorbents were in the order of KIT-6 & SBA-16 > SBA-15 >
flue gas of 10 % CO2 and 90 % N2.[32] MCM-48 > MCM-41.[37] KIT-6, with the largest pores, exhibit-
Sanz et al. reported the CO2 capture of SBA-15 impregnat- ed the highest CO2 adsorption capacity of 135 mg g@1 at 75 8C
ed with branched PEI (10, 30, 50, and 70 wt %) through feed- with pure CO2 feed gas when PEI was loaded at a rate of
ing with pure CO2, and the corresponding capacities at 75 8C 50 wt % of the support material. Yang et al. synthesized
under 1 bar were 25.2, 60.8, 75, and 88.2 mg g@1.[38] The ca- sandwich-like graphene-based mesoporous silica (G-silica)
pacity was also strongly influenced by temperature, and in- sheets, in which graphene was confined between individual
creased over the test range of 25–75 8C. Heydari-Gorji et al. silica sheets with high surface areas, and compared the CO2
compared the properties of calcined pore-expanded MCM- adsorption capacities of PEI-impregnated G-silica sheets and
41, conventional SBA-15, and SBA-15 platelets with very PEI-impregnated silica sheets.[66] A high adsorption capacity
short channels—all supports were impregnated with PEI at of 190 mg g@1 at an optimized temperature of 75 8C was ach-
weight ratios of 50 and 55 %—and reached a maximum cap- ieved with PEI-impregnated G-silica sheets because the in-
ture capacity of 173 mg g@1 with SBA-15 platelets in pure terlayered graphene spacer was favorable for efficient CO2
CO2.[39] They also found that the capacity increased over the diffusion and adsorption.
temperature range of 25–75 8C, and then decreased from

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 826
Table 1. CO2 capture by different PEI-functionalized silica materials.

Support Branched/ CO2 partial Adsorption Equilibrium capacity [mg g@1] Regeneration Ref.
material linear PEI pressure [atm] T [8C] Dry Humid T [8C]
MCM-41 branched 0.005 75 48 – 75 [30a]
MCM-41 branched 1 75 133 – 75 [30b]
MCM-41 branched 0.15 75 89 131 75 [30c]
MCM-41 1 30 77 – 50 [33]
pore-expanded MCM-41 1 75 210 – 75 [31]
pore-expanded MCM-41 1 75 206 – 90, 100 [34]
pore-expanded MCM-41 branched 1 45 96.9 – 45 [35]
inorganic-alkali-modified MCM-41 0.1 50 54 – 100 [32]
MCM-48 0.24 80 94 – 140 [36]
MCM-48 linear 1 75 119 – 75 [37]
SBA-15 branched 1 45 88.2 – 45 [38]
SBA-15 branched 1 75 173 – 85 [39]
SBA-15 linear 0.15 75 105 – 100 [40]
SBA-15 linear 0.15 75 140 – 110 [41]
SBA-15 branched 0.15 45 55.6 86 110 [42]
SBA-15 branched 1 0 77.9 – 100 [43]
SBA-15 linear 1 75 127 – 75 [37]
SBA-15 branched 0.15 45 71.2 – 110 [44]
SBA-15 linear 0.15 75 140 – 100 [45]
Zr-SBA-15 0.0004 30 100 110 [46]
pore-expanded SBA-15 branched 1 45 111.1 – 110 [47]
pore-expanded SBA-15 branched 1 45 138 110 [48]
sulfonic acid functionalized SBA-15 0.07 75 – 100.9 105 [49]
SBA-16 linear 1 75 129 – 75 [37]
KIT-6 linear 1 75 135 – 75 [37]
mesocellular siliceous foam (MCF) branched 0.5 105 151 – 110 [50]
MCF linear 0.15 75 152 – 75 [51]
MCF branched 0.2 75 146 154 110 [52]
MCF 0.10 75 142.6 – 100 [53]
MCF 1 75 201 – 100 [54]
MCF branched 0.1 70 225 – 105 [55]
MCF branched 0.95 85 265 – 75 [56]
mesoporous silica branched 0.15 70 95 106–110 130 [57]
nanosilica branched 1 105 186 – 120 [58]
MCF with template 0.67 70 198 – 100 [59]
millimeter-sized spherical silica foams linear 1 75 188.3 – 100 [60]
mesocellular silica 0.1 45 55 – 110 [61]
mesocellular silica linear 1 75 218 – 75 [62]
HMS linear 1 75 184 – 75 [63]
fumed silica branched 0.0004 25 52 78 85 [64]
K2CO3/fumed silica 0.15 75 120.9 120 120 [65]
G-silica sheet 7 75 190 – 120 [66]
CARiACT G10 silica 1 80 121 – 80 [67]
silica monolith branched 1 75 210 260 75 [68]
silica gel 5 35 44.4 – 35 [69]
silica gel 0.15 75 138 185 100 [70]
silica gel linear 0.151 75 93.4 – 100 [71]
meso-/macroporous silica 0.14 90 122 – 110 [72]
mesoporous multilamellar silica vesicles 1 75 - 218 110 [73]
mesoporous multilamellar silica vesicles 1 90 208 – 110 [73]

[a] The type (linear or branched) of PEI was not reported in the reference.

Ebner et al. immobilized PEI on CARiACT G10 silica ob- reached 151 mg g@1 at 105 8C with 50 vol % CO2 feed gas,
tained from Fuji Silysia for pressure swing CO2 adsorption, which was greater than the largest adsorption capacities of
and the study showed that the adsorbent was very stable MCF loaded with the linear PEI (146 mg g@1 adsorbent) at
from 40 to 100 8C, with a CO2 partial ratio from 1.2 to 75 8C and SBA-15 loaded with the branched PEI (107 mg g@1
100 vol %, total pressure fixed at 1 atm, and relative humidity adsorbent) at 105 8C with the same feed gas. Yan et al. syn-
from dry conditions to 2 vol %.[67] Subagyono et al. developed thesized three MCF materials with different window sizes,
a PEI-impregnated MCF for CO2 capture by loading linear which were used for the support materials of PEI-impregnat-
PEI (Mw = 2500) or branched PEI (Mn = 1200).[50] The ad- ed adsorbents, and the largest CO2 capture capacity was
sorption capacity of MCF loaded with the branched PEI reached for the PEI-impregnated MCF with the largest

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 827
window size at 75 8C in the presence of 15.1 vol % CO2 in the MWCNTs functionalized with different branched PEIs
gas mixture of N2 and CO2.[51] Zhang et al. reported a hybrid (Mw = 300, 600, 1800, 10 000, and 70 000), and a maximum
PEI MCF used for CO2 capture by loading PEI with differ- CO2 adsorption capacity of 111.7 mg g@1 was observed at
ent molecular weights (Mw = 800, 1800, 25 000), and the ad- 70 8C with 10 vol % CO2 present in the feed gas (CO2 and
sorption performance of the adsorbent impregnated with N2) at a constant gas flow rate of 50 cm3 min@1, in which the
PEI (Mw = 25 000) was very stable during 100 cyclic runs be- CO2 concentration was monitored by GC.[79] Lee and Park
cause of lower evaporation of PEI with higher Mw.[56] A silica reported that silica-coated MWCNTs, which were synthe-
monolith with hierarchical meso-/macroporous structures, sized through the hydrolysis of tetraethylorthosilicate onto
large pore volume, and textural mesoporosity was reported surfaces of MWCNTs, were used as a solid polyamine ad-
by Chen et al.;[68] the CO2 adsorption capacity of 210 mg g@1 sorbent after the impregnation of PEI with a molecular
at 75 8C was achieved with pure CO2 feed gas when PEI was weight of 800.[80] The adsorption behavior of silica-coated
loaded at a rate of 65 wt % of the support material. The ad- MWCNTs impregnated at different PEI loading ratios of 10,
sorbent retained stable adsorption and regeneration perform- 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 % was determined, and a maxi-
ances during five repeated adsorption–desorption cycles and mum of 28.5 mg g@1 was observed at 60 8C under flue gas con-
its adsorption capacity was much higher than those of the ad- ditions (15 wt % CO2/85 wt % N2).
sorbents made from other silica materials. Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs),[85] which are a kind of alu-
minosilicate clay, possess a hollow nanotubular structure
with a diameter of about 20–50 nm and lengths of several
3.2. PEI-functionalized nanotubes
hundred nanometers. Cai et al. developed PEI-impregnated
Dillon et al.[74] first reported carbon nanotube (CNT)-based CO2 adsorbents based on HNTs, which were characterized
amine sorbents used for carbon capture, in which branched by FTIR spectrometry, gel permeation chromatography, dy-
(Mw = 600, 1800, 10 000, and 25 000 Da) or linear (Mw = namic light scattering, SEM, and TEM; the optimized cap-
25 000 Da) PEI were attached to fluorinated single-wall ture capacity of 54.8 mg g@1 was obtained with 30 % PEI
carbon nanotubes (F-SWNTs) through direct covalent bond- loading, and the capture capacity remained reversible and
ing to the single walls. The characteristics of PEI-loaded F- stable during 50 adsorption–desorption cycles.[81] Kim et al.
SWNTs were examined through solid-state 13C NMR spec- compared two amine-functionalized HNTs: APTES-grafted
troscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectros- HNTs and PEI-impregnated HNTs, and found that the cap-
copy, UV/Vis spectroscopy, AFM, and TEM, and the CO2 ture performance of APTES-grafted HNTs was more advan-
adsorption capacity was investigated through TGA. Adsorp- tageous than that of PEI-impregnated HNTs at a lower tem-
tion capacities of 41, 48, 52, and 72 mg g@1 were observed at perature of 50 8C; PEI-impregnated HNTs preferred a higher
75 8C under 1 atm for F-SWNTs loaded with different temperature of 75 8C.[82]
branched PEIs (600, 1800, 10 000, and 25 000 D). The kinetics Since the hydrothermal method was invented to fabricate
of CO2 adsorption of PEI-functionalized SWNTs was com- TiO2-based nanotubes,[86] also called titanate nanotubes
pared with those of PEI-functionalized graphite oxide, and (TNTs), TNTs have been intensively studied for many appli-
fullerene C60 by using six different kinetic models: Elovich, cations, such as photocatalysis, electroluminescent hybrid de-
pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, pseudo-nth-order, vices, solar cells, and batteries.[87] Liu et al. prepared proton-
modified Avrami, and extended model.[75] The kinetics of ated titanate nanotubes (PTNTs) in three steps: hydrother-
CO2 adsorption of PEI-functionalized SWNTs was observed mal treatment from TiO2 powder, washing the product ob-
to fit a pseudo-second-order model under both dry and tained in the first step with 0.1 m HCl to give pH 1.6, and
humid conditions. Kong et al. synthesized micro-/nanocarbo- then washing with deionized water to give a neutral pH.[83]
naceous composite activated carbon fiber (ACF)/CNTs as The obtained product was denoted PTNTs and impregnated
the support material for a PEI-functionalized adsorbent, and with PEI. The CO2 capture capacity of PEI-impregnated
the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent increased in the PTNTs was determined by TGA; it reached 129.4 mg g@1 at
temperature range of 30–60 8C, reached the maximum of 75 8C with pure CO2 feed gas. Later, Guo et al. compared
121.2 mg g@1 at 60 8C, and then slightly decreased over test the CO2 capture capacity of PEI-impregnated PTNTs with
range of 60–75 8C.[76] Lu et al. first reported multiwall carbon that of triethylenetetramine (TETA)-impregnated PTNTs, in
nanotubes (MWCNTs) used for CO2 adsorption, in which which PTNTs were made from anatase TiO2 powder.[84] The
the MWCNTs were modified by a solution of (3-aminopro- maximum capture capacity of PEI-impregnated PTNTs of
pyl)triethoxysilane (APTES), and CO2 adsorption was tested 134.6 mg g@1 was obtained with a 50 wt % PEI loading; how-
over the temperature range of 20–100 8C.[77] Lee et al. synthe- ever, the capacity was lower than that of TETA-impregnated
sized PEI-impregnated MWCNTs through two steps: 1) pre- PTNTs that were optimized with 60 wt % TETA loading.
treatment of MWCNTs with HNO3 and H2SO4, and 2) wet Both PEI-impregnated PTNTs displayed good stability and
impregnation of PEI; the PEI-impregnated MWCNTs exhib- regeneration ability during adsorption and desorption cycles
ited stable adsorption and desorption performances with with simulated flue gas as the feedstock. Table 2 lists CO2
a maximum CO2 adsorption capacity of 15.3 mg g@1 at 40 8C capture by different PEI-functionalized nanotubes under dif-
under flue gas conditions (15 % CO2/85 % N2).[78] Liu et al. ferent conditions.
investigated CO2 adsorption of industrial-grade (IG)

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 828
Table 2. CO2 capture by different PEI-functionalized nanotubes.

Support Branched/ CO2 partial T Equilibrium capacity [mg g@1] Ref.

material linear PEI pressure [atm] [8C] dry humid
single-wall CNTs branched 1 75 72 – [74]
ACF/CNT composite branched 1 60 121.2 – [76]
MWCNTs branched 0.15 40 15.3 – [78]
IG-MWCNTs branched 0.1 70 111.7 – [79]
silica-coated MWCNTs 0.11 60 28.5 – [80]
HNTs 0.0004 25 54.8 – [81]
HNTs branched 1 75 61.6 – [82]
TNTs 1 75 129.4 – [83]
TNTs branched 0.1 75 134.6 – [84]

[a] The type (linear or branched) of PEI was not reported in the reference.

3.3. PEI-functionalized membranes Recently, some PEI-functionalized mixed-matrix mem-

branes were developed for CO2 separation because of their
Some gas mixtures can be effectively separated through significant improvement in separation properties with trivial
membrane technology, and commonly used membranes are loss in membrane flexibility compared with conventional
generally made from polyamide, cellulose acetate, or ceramic polymeric membranes.[92] Wu et al. successfully incorporated
materials. However, it is difficult to separate CO2 and N2 PEI-functionalized mesoporous silica (PEI-MCM-41) into
with general membranes because the molecular sizes of CO2 poly(ether-block-amide) to fabricate a facilitated transport
and N2 are very similar. When PEI is incorporated into mem- mixed matrix.[92a] The incorporated PEI distributed in MCM-
branes for CO2 separation, PEI can act as a CO2 carrier be- 41 pores and on MCM-41 surfaces not only facilitated the
cause its amine groups can react with CO2 to form carba- transport of CO2 through a reversible reaction, but also
mate. Matsuyama et al. developed a facilitated transport strengthened the rigidity of polymer chains at the filler–poly-
membrane from a blend of PEI and poly(vinyl alcohol) mer interfaces; thus improving gas permeability and selectiv-
(PVA), and a CO2/N2 selectivity of over 230 was achieved by ity. Alternative SiO2 nanoparticles functionalized with
using the membrane at 25 8C with a CO2 partial pressure of PEI[92g] were recently used for incorporation into a cross-
0.065 atm.[88] A fixed carrier facilitated transport membrane linked polyethylene glycol (PEG)-based polymer, and the re-
for CO2 separation[12] was prepared by coating a thin blend- sultant ultrathin-film composite mixed-matrix membranes
ing layer of PEI–PVA onto a polyethersulfone (PES) hollow enhanced the CO2 permeance up to 1300 GPU with a CO2/
fiber membrane, and the CO2/N2 selectivity reached up to N2 selectivity of 27. Similarly, Xin et al. developed sulfonated
300 at 1 bar. Shen et al. cast PEI and carboxymethyl chitosan polyether ether ketone (SPEEK)/PEI-functionalized TiO2
onto polysulfone (PSF) ultrafiltration membranes, and the sub-microsphere mixed-matrix membranes by using dopa-
optimized membrane with 30 wt % PEI loading had a perme- mine and PEI, and the optimized selectivities of the mem-
ance of 630 GPU (GPU = gas permeation unit) for CO2 gas branes for CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 were 58 and 64.[92b] Further-
and a CO2/N2 selectivity of 325 at 2 atm.[89] Mondal and more, Xin et al. enhanced the optimized selectivities to 71.8
Mandal developed thermally stable cross-linked thin-film for CO2/CH4 and to 80 for CO2/N2 by incorporating PEI-
composite PVA/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) blend mem- modified MOFs into SPEEK.[92f] PEI-functionalized gra-
branes doped with PEI for CO2 separation, and a maximum phene oxide (GO) nanosheets used as fillers[92c] were incor-
CO2/N2 selectivity of 270 and CO2 permeance of 29 GPU porated into a commercial low-cost pristine Pebax mem-
were achieved at 100 8C with optimization of the membrane brane, and the optimized membrane with 10 wt % PEG–
design.[90] Liao et al. copolymerized PEI with epichlorohy- PEI–GO displayed a CO2/CH4 selectivity of 45, and a CO2/
drin, and the resultant product (PEIE) could act as
a raw material to build up hydrotalcite (HT), which
is known as a layered double hydroxide, because
the product had a much higher molecular weight
and more hydroxyl groups with grafting reactivi-
ty.[91] The PEIE-HT was cast onto a porous PSF ul-
trafiltration membrane to fabricate a high-speed fa-
cilitated transport membrane. Figure 5 shows the
schematic CO2 transport mechanism through fixed
carrier and high-speed facilitated transport mem-
branes. A CO2 permeance of 5693 GPU was ach-
ieved with a CO2/N2 selectivity of 268 at a feeding Figure 5. Schematic CO2 transport mechanism through fixed carrier (a) and high-speed
pressure of 0.11 MPa. (b) facilitated transport membranes (adapted from Ref. [91]).

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 829
N2 selectivity of 120. Shen et al. grafted hyperbranched PEI tions.[93b] Low-cost activated carbon, mesoporous carbons,
onto GO nanosheets (HPEI-GO), and further cast HPEI- and glass fibers were used as the support materials by several
GO and chitosan onto a porous PSF support.[92e] The resul- research groups.[96, 99, 105] Wang et al. tested the CO2 capture
tant mixed-matrix membrane reached a CO2/N2 selectivity of capacities and stability of PEI-impregnated mesoporous car-
107 with 3.0 wt % HPEI-GO coating. Dong et al. also applied bons under different conditions of 15 % CO2, low-concentra-
hyperbranched PEI and GO nanosheets onto a PSF support tion CO2, ambient air, high temperature, low temperature to
to prepare a fixed carrier composite membrane by incorpo- 0 8C, and with or without the presence of moisture, and the
rating trimesoyl chloride (TMC).[92h] The produced mem- results revealed excellent CO2 capture performance and
brane displayed the highest CO2 permeance of 9.7 GPU and great stability.[99]
a CO2/N2 selectivity of over 80 when it was tested with a mix-
ture of CO2/N2 (10:90 v/v) gas.
3.5. CO2 capture with PEI from flue gas or air
CO2 contributions from power plants account for about one-
3.4. Other PEI-functionalized materials
third of total CO2 emissions in the world. Flue gas emitted
In addition to different silica materials, CNTs, TNTs, and from coal-, gas-, or oil-based power plants contains 12–18 %
membranes, many researchers loaded PEI onto or directly CO2 with more than 66 % N2, some vapor, and small percen-
synthesized it into other various materials, such as mesopo- tages of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides. To prevent the ir-
rous alumina,[93] bentonite,[94] clay,[95] activated carbon,[96] fly reversible reactions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides with
ash,[97] layered silicate,[98] mesoporous carbon,[99] mesoporous PEI, nitrogen oxides need to be treated by optimized modifi-
sponge-like TUD-1,[100] MOFs,[101] nanofibrillated cellu- cation of the burning process or catalytic reactions with am-
lose,[102] porous chitosan beads,[103] resin,[104] glass fiber,[105] monia or urea, and sulfur oxides need to be removed by de-
polypropylene fiber,[106] polyamide imide hollow fiber,[107] sulfurization of flue gas before CO2 capture with PEI. In
ZSM-5 zeolite,[108] and ZIF-8.[109] The CO2 capture perform- most laboratory-scale experiments, the flue gas was replaced
ances of other materials functionalized with PEI are demon- with simulated flue gas, that is, a gas mixture of N2 and CO2
strated in Table 3. Chaikittisilp et al. compared PEI-impreg- (with or without the presence of moisture) and/or O2. PEI-
nated mesoporous g-alumina with some SBA-15-supported functionalized MCM-41,[30c] SBA-15,[42] MCF,[51] silica gel,[70]
PEI adsorbents and concluded that the PEI-impregnated CNTs,[78] TNTs,[83] mesoporous carbon,[99a] and so forth have
mesoporous g-alumina was better at both capture capacity been tested with simulated flue gas feed. The CO2 capture
and amine efficiency, especially under ambient air condi- capacities of PEI solid adsorbents are commonly lower than

Table 3. CO2 capture by different PEI–functionalized other materials

Support Branched/ CO2 partial T Equilibrium capacity [mg g@1] Ref.

material linear PEI pressure [atm] [8C] Dry Humid
mesoporous alumina linear 1 75 120 – [93a]
mesoporous g-alumina branched 0.0004 25 77 – [93b]
bentonite linear 1 75 47 – [94]
clay (nanosized) 0.1 85 65 – [95]
commercial activated carbon 1 25 49 – [96a]
K2CO3/activated carbon 0.08 60 52.8 158 [96b]
fly ash 0.1 90 145 [97]
layered silicate branched 0.05 75 268.8 – [98]
mesoporous carbon 0.15 75 212 235.8 [99a]
mesoporous carbon branched 0.0004 25 99 113.5 [99b]
mesoporous carbon branched 1 0 123 – [99c]
mesoporous carbon branched 1 30 205 – [99c]
mesoporous sponge-like TUD-1 0.15 75 116 130 [100]
MOFs linear 1 50 198 – [101]
nanofibrillated cellulose branched 0.0004 25 97 – [102]
porous chitosan bead 0.15 40 101 158 [103]
resin 0.0004 25 99.3 – [104a]
resin 1 25 181 – [104a]
resin 1 25 178 [104b]
glass fiber branched 0.24 30 182.6 – [105]
polypropylene fiber branched 0.1 25 – 260 [106a]
polypropylene fiber branched 0.1 30 235.4 – [106b]
polyamide imide hollow fiber branched 0.01 35 48.4 61.6 [107]
ZSM-5 zeolite branched 1 40 116 – [108]
ZIF-8 0.5 65 70.8 87.6 [109]

[a] The type (linear or branched) of PEI was not reported in the reference.

Energy Technol. 2017, 5, 822 – 833 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 830
those under higher partial pressures of CO2 or pure CO2 con- zation and deployment of PEI-based CO2 capture technolo-
ditions, and the presence of moisture enhances the CO2 cap- gies in some pilot applications at the industrial level. Meso-
ture capacities of PEI solid adsorbents because the water porous silica materials are the most widely investigated ma-
molecule acts as a proton transfer agent in the reaction of terials as supports of PEI-functionalized adsorbents because
CO2 and amine groups. For example, Sanz-P8rez et al. pre- of their availability and various nanosized pores. Some PEI-
pared amine-functionalized SBA-15 through impregnation or functionalized silica adsorbents obtained through impregna-
grafting of PEI and TEPA, and found that SBA-15 impreg- tion of PEI displayed a high CO2 capture capacity and excel-
nated with branched PEI enhanced the adsorption capacity lent stability for up to 50 or 100 adsorption–desorption cycles
by around 55 % with the presence of 5 wt % moisture.[42] of CO2. In addition, the presence of moisture enhances the
Relative to CO2 capture from flue gas, CO2 capture from CO2 capture capacity for both conditions of flue gas and the
air is more difficult because of the even lower CO2 concen- ambient environment. Some PEI-functionalized nanotubes,
tration of 400 ppm in air. PEI-functionalized zirconium- mesoporous alumina, mesoporous carbons, and so forth dis-
doped SBA-15,[46] fumed silica,[64] HNTs,[81] mesoporous car- played similar CO2 capture performances to those of PEI-
bon,[99b] nanofibrillated cellulose,[102] facilitated transport functionalized mesoporous silica materials. The CO2 capture
membrane,[12] and so forth have been tested to capture CO2 performance of some PEI-impregnated mesoporous carbons
from air. For example, Goeppert et al. reported that fumed proved that carbon could be a strong candidate for poly-
silica impregnated with 33 wt % branched PEI (Mw = 25 000) amine loading because of its abundance, low cost, and sur-
possessed stable CO2 capture capacities of 52 mg g@1 under face functionality. The applications of PEI in some facilitated
dry air conditions and 78 mg g@1 under humid air conditions transported membranes enhanced the selectivity and perme-
at 25 8C.[64] The presence of moisture also enhances the CO2 ance of CO2 because PEI chains in the membranes worked
capture capacities of PEI solid adsorbents under ambient as CO2 carriers.
Compared with absorbent regeneration in CO2 capture
with a solution of MEA, the regeneration of PEI-functional- Acknowledgements
ized solid adsorbents requires lower pressure and less
energy.[110] The temperatures for adsorbent recovery can be This work is partially supported by a grant from the Depart-
equal to or higher than adsorption temperatures during CO2 ment of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory
capture from flue gas.[30a, 40, 51, 83] For the case of CO2 capture Grant DE-FE0023040; National Science Foundation (NSF)
from air, the desorption temperature is usually set to a mild through the Center for Energy and Environmental Sustaina-
or high range of 70–130 8C to speed up CO2 release.[64, 111] In bility (CEES), a NSF CREST Center, Award #1036593; and
a CO2 capture scenario with a capture capacity of 40 tons of a University of Northern Iowa faculty 2016 summer fellow-
CO2 per day, as described by Zhang et al.,[111b] a total thermal ship.
energy of 3.2 GJ per ton of CO2 was required for the whole
cycle of adsorption and desorption, and the regeneration Conflict of interest
thermal heat was estimated to be 3.2 GJ per ton of CO2.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
4. Summary and Outlook
To overcome the drawbacks of solvent amines, such as MEA
and DEA, scientists and engineers are looking for some Keywords: carbon dioxide capture · membranes ·
great alternatives for CO2 capture. Different PEIs have been nanotubes · polymers · solid adsorbents
widely investigated to functionalize different solid support
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