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TPACK – Technological pedagogical Content Knowledge

TPACK is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge that
teachers need to combine to successfully teach in a technology-enhanced learning

The TPACK model is expressed through diagram where content knowledge, pedagogical
content and technological knowledge overlaps.

Technological Knowledge:

The Technological Knowledge (TK) is the knowledge that teachers need to have to
properly integrate technology within their curriculum.

Pedagogical Knowledge: (How to teach)

Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) refers to the way in which the educator presents content
to their students in an effective way. (Knowing what teaching approaches fit the content,
and likewise, knowing how elements of the content can be arranged for better teaching)

Content Knowledge: (What to teach)

Content Knowledge (CK) is the actual knowledge about a specific field or subject matter.
Potential Barriers: Three main factors that contribute to these barriers include teacher
perceptions of technology, school culture or policies, and physical access to technology.

It is important to recognize that the TPACK model represents an ideal scenario. In order to
meet this ideal or come close to achieving this within a classroom, the standards for
integration have to be attainable. Incorporating technologies that are inexpensive or free
and the ones that are intuitive and easy to learn is the cornerstone of the successful
integration of tech-tools in the classroom.

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