Cross Cultural Understanding 4

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What is my culture?
Cross-Cultural Understanding : Mee3ng 4 : 08/03/19
warm-up discussion

ì  Gather in groups of 3–4.

ì  Ask yourselves: What do you think is the most dis3nct or

unique quality of your culture? You can choose different
quali3es for different iden33es (Indonesian, Javanese,
Yogyakartan, etc.)
ì  I think America is unique because of our pride. We really
believe that America is the greatest country in the world
and that we deserve to control the world.
ì  I think the most dis3nct quality in SeaTle is our musical
history. We are the birthplace of “grunge” and “riot grrrl”
rock, and are famous for our jazz, indie rock, and hip-hop
music as well.

ì  Compare your answers with your groupmates.

America: America: America:
“American” food: Hamburgers, hot American football is top dog. Also English. A lot of Spanish as well.
dogs, etc. European food: Italian, baseball, basketball, and hockey. Usually casual, informal language.
Bri>sh etc. Mexican food. Not a lot of soccer. Very loud in the east.
Sea:le: Sea:le: Sea:le:
Asian food (Chinese, Japanese, Big football town. Soccer and basketball English (west coast dialect), with Spanish
Vietnamese, Korean), seafood (salmon), are also popular. Not much hockey. and many Asian/Middle East languages.
La>n American food Very casual, very quiet.
Family: Family: Family:
S>r fry, pasta, salmon, lots of Not very interested in sports, but English, also a lot of Swedish.
vegetables, some>mes Swedish we like soccer. Go SeaOle Other second languages
food Sounders! (German, Spanish,
Make this your own! Indonesian)
small Change categories,
food sports language
topics, etc. if you
America: America: want America:
Casual wear. A lot of diversity. We love movies, TV, pop music. Chris>an (Protestant), some>mes
American fashion has taken over American arts have also taken over very Chris>an. Also many Catholics,
the world. the world. Jews, some Muslims.
Sea:le: Sea:le: Sea:le:
Very hipster, fashionable. A lot of cute We’re a music city. We like grunge, indie, Not very religious in general. Many
winter wear. Influences from Asian folk music. Many famous musicians and Chris>ans, Catholics, Muslims. Some
trends. bands come from here. Asian tradi>onal religions as well.
Family: Family: Family:
No one cares about fashion. My Everyone loves classical music Historically Chris>an, but now
sister and I follow trends a liOle except me. We like interna>onal not religious.
bit. TV, a lot of Swedish shows.

dress arts religion / faith

Discussion (again)

ì  In your group, take turns discussing your culture


ì  Don’t feel like you have to talk about the whole

thing—maybe take turns sharing one category each
(food, sports, language, etc.).

ì  Only share what you want to share! If there are

things that you want to keep private, that’s okay.

ì  If you haven’t finished your culture map, take some

3me to complete it.

ì  If you want to add more to your culture map now

that you’ve had your discussion, feel free to do it.

ì  If you think your culture map is complete, you have

the week off J

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