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Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education, Wellness Massage (Grade 10)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. differentiate the hazard and risk;
b. establish and recognize the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Act 2002
c. practice the safety consideration when dealing with hazardous substances.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Safety Consideration when dealing with Hazardous Substances
Subtopic: Hazard, Hazardous substances found in the salon, Hazardous substances can
enter via many routes, Causes of hazardous substances
Reference: K to 12 Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module (Grade 10)
Wellness Massage pp. 124-125
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation
a. Greetings
Good Morning Class! Good morning Ma’am

b. Prayer
Who’s assign for today’s prayes?

Yes Ai, kindly lead the prayer.

c. Classroom Management
Kindly open your camera and mute you
microphone for a smooth class. If you have a
question kindly click the raise hand button and if
you want to answer as well.

Is that clear class? Yes ma’am

d. Checking of attendance
Class secretary, who’s absent today? None ma’am

e. Review of the past lesson

What was our topic last meeting? Our topic last meeting was the endangerment
sites of the lower extremity.

Very good! What are the endangerment sites of Femoral triangle

the lower extremity? Sciatic Notch
Popliteal Fossa
Deep Calf
Tarsal Tunnel

Very good!

For today’s lesson, please allow me to share my


B. Motivation
Before we proceed on our lesson for today, I
want you to take a look at the picture shown on

What have you notice about the picture? Accident Ma’am


Hazard! Very good!

What do you think is the difference between
hazard and risk?

A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm

or adverse health effects on something or
someone while the risk is the chance or
probability that a person will be harmed or
experience an adverse health effect if exposed to
a hazard.

C. Lesson Proper
What is hazard? A hazard is something that will cause danger or
There are five basic workplace hazards; the
chemical, physical, biological, physiological, and
ergonomic hazard,

What is chemical hazard? A type of hazard that are related to chemicals.

Chemical hazards are hazardous substances that

can cause harm. These hazards can result in both
health and physical impacts, such as skin
irritation, respiratory system irritation, blindness,
corrosion and explosions.
Next is physical hazard. The physical hazard can result physical injury
when doing something.

Physical hazards are environmental factors that

can cause harm without necessarily touching
them, including heights, noise, radiation and

How about the biological hazard? Biological hazard is the type of hazard related to
the infected person by kind of viruses.
Biological hazards include viruses, bacteria,
insects, animals, etc., that can cause adverse
health impacts.

What is psychological hazard? It may result stress or mental tension.

Ergonomic hazard Ergonomic hazard can cause a lifetime of pain

and disability.

Ergonomic hazards are a result of physical factors

that can result in musculoskeletal injuries. For
example, a poor workstation setup in an office,
poor posture and manual handling.

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Act 2002 (COSHH)
It requires employers to control the exposure to
hazardous substances to prevent ill health. It
protects everyone in the workplace from
exposure to hazardous substances.

Hazardous substances found in the salon include: Cleaning agents

Massage Products
Powders or dust

Hazardous substances can enter the body via

many routes, for example:
Broken or damages skin
Eyes and ears
Nose and mouth
Hair follicles
Substances hazardous to health may cause the Skin burn
following: Skin allergic reaction such as dermatitis
Skin irritation
Irritation of nasal passages and lungs or allergies
to products, especially fine
Powder or dust, resulting in the development of
Breathing difficulties
Nausea and vomiting if swallowed
Eye damage

D. Application
I will make a break room and group you into 5.
you are task to give an example of hazard and
how to deal with it. Each group will have a
presenter to discuss your work. I will give you 5
mins. Your time starts now!

E. Generalization
What are the types of hazard? Chemical, physical, biological, physiological, and
ergonomic hazard,

How about the hazardous substances found in Cleaning agents

the salon? Disinfectants
Massage Products
Powders or dust

Where hazardous substances can enter into our Broken or damages skin
body? Eyes and ears
Nose and mouth
Hair follicles

What are the causes of hazardous substances? Skin burn

Skin allergic reaction such as dermatitis
Skin irritation
Irritation of nasal passages and lungs or allergies
to products, especially fine
Powder or dust, resulting in the development of
Breathing difficulties
Nausea and vomiting if swallowed
Eye damage

Is that clear class? Yes Ma’am

IV. Evaluation
1-5 Enumerate the 5 basic workplace hazards.
6-10 Enumerate at least 5 causes of hazardous substances
11-12 Give 2 examples of hazardous substances found in the salon.
13-15 Give 3 examples on where hazardous substances can enter into our body.
15-30 Differentiate hazard and risk.

V. Assignment
On a one (1) whole sheet of paper, give the following precautions and responsibility when
dealing with hazardous substances.

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