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At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. Identify the be-verbs and it’s uses,
2. Use be-verb’s in a sentence

I. Subject Matter

Topic: Using be-verbs correctly

Reference: English 3, Quarter 2-Module 1, Online resources
Materials: Flash card, manila paper, worksheets, PowerPoint presentation and laptop

II. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Pls. all stand and bow your head, let Pupils will pray
us pray…

b. Greetings
Good morning teacher!
Good morning class! We’re feeling great ma’am!
How are you today?

c.Checking of attendance
Is anybody absent from the class None ma’am!
Very good! It’s nice to hear that
nobody is absent today.
d.Review of past lesson/checking of
Do you still remember our lesson Yes, mam!
Yes, Efren? “Our lesson yesterday is about words
with consonant blend /pl/ and /sl/.”
Thank you Efren!
Can you give me an example of words with
consonant blend /pl/and /sl/.
Yes, Cecille? “play and sleep ma’am”
Thank you Cecille!

Another example?

Yes, Aileen? Plants and slow ma’am!

Thank you Aileen!

Is there any questions or clarification about None ma’am!

our last topic?

Thanks for that! we are now going to move

on to our new lesson.

B. Motivation
I have here a picture of a dog
What can you say about the dog?
 The teacher will write the sentences
on the board given by the pupils.

Yes, Sherry!
 “The dog is cute.
Yes, Cecille!

Yes, Susan!  “The dog is color brown.

Very good children!

 “The dog is playing.”
What common words is present in the
sentences given by your classmates?
Yes, Michael?
The word ‘is” mam
Yes, that’s a very good answer Michael!
Let’s give a big clap to Michael!

C.Lesson Proper
In relation to that, today we are going to
learn about be-verbs and how to use it
correctly in the sentence.

What is be-verbs class? Do you have an Answer may vary”


Teacher will post the meaning of be-verbs

using PowerPoint
Let the pupils read:
The be-verbs tell us about a state of
The be-verbs tell us about a state of being being or existence.
or existence. These are the verbs is, am, are, was, and
These are the verbs is, am, are, was, and were

There are rules in using the be-verbs

Class read:  Use is and was if the subject is
 Use is and was if the subject is Examples:
singular  School is waiting.
 School is waiting. Subject be-verb

Subject be-verb  He was studying last

 He was studying last night.

Subject be-verb
Subject be-verb

Teacher will explain that we use be-

verbs “is” when subject is singular.

While we use the be verb “was “when the

subject is singular.
Class reads: .
 Use are or were if the subject is
 Use are or were if the subject is plural
plural Examples:
2. Friends are sad.
1. Friends are sad.

Subject be-verb

2.They were teaching their younger

2.They were teaching their younger
Subject be-verb
Subject be-verb

Teacher explains:

Another rule for using be-verbs

Please read class;  Use the be-verb are if the subject
 Use the be-verb are if the subject is is you and use the verb am if the
you and use the verb am if the subject is I.
subject is I. Examples:
Examples: 3. You are performing well in
1. You are performing well in the the class.
class. 4. I am reading
2. I am reading

Pupils will listen attentively.

Teacher explains

Please read class;

Use the be-verb were if the subject is you
 Use the be-verb were if the subject
and use the be-verb was if the subject is
is you and use the be-verb was if
the subject is I.

1.You were painting when your
1.You were painting when your
friends arrived.
friends arrived.
2.I was studying all day
2.I was studying all day yesterday.

Teacher will explain

Can you give me an example of sentences

using be-verbs?
 “She is beautiful”.
Yes, Henry?
Very good Henry!
 “They were shouting with
How about you Arriane? each other.”

Excellent Arriane!

How about the be-verb are and was, who  We are going to the mall”.
can give me an example?  I was late in the class
Yes, Lawrence? yesterday”
That’s a great answer Lawrence!

How about the be-verb am?

 I am thirsty”.
Yes, Zian?

Very Good Zian!

Class give them a round of applause! Pupils will give them a round of

Class? Can you now identify the be-verbs

and know how to use it? Yes, ma’am!
That’s great class!

Activity # 1
Provide the correct form of be verb in
the sentence.
 Pick a volunteer from the

1.The weather _____a bit warmer today.

2.you__hiding at the corridor 2. are
3.I __ sad because I cannot go outside. 3am
4.She ___excited to go outside their house. 4.was
5.They___singing happily. 5.were

Teacher and pupils will check if the

answers are correct.

Very good children!

Activity # 2

Group the pupils into 3, give

them manila paper and pentel
I want you to cooperate with your group
and share ideas with your groupmates.
Don’t make noises while you are doing
your activity. Each group will present their Each group will present their answers

Group 1: Use the be verb is, are, am, was

and were in a sentence. Give at least five Group 1: Use the be verb is, are, am, was
sentences and were in a sentence. Give at least five
Group 2: Explain the use of different be-
verbs is, are, was, were and am. Group 2: Explain the use of different be-
verbs is, are, was, were and am.
Group 3: In the poem “Home Schooling”
List down five sentences with be verbs Group 3: In the poem “Home Schooling”
List down five sentences with be verbs.
Teacher and pupils will check if the answer
of each group is correct!

Give each group ten times of clap!!

Very good children!

What have you learned today?
 We learned about be verbs and
What is be-verbs? how to use it in a sentence.
What are the be-verbs?
 The be-verbs tell us about
a state of being or
When do we use the be verb is and was?  I, am, is, are, was, and
When do we use the be verb are and?
were?  We use the be-verb are
and were if the subject is
When do we use the be-verb am? plural
 We use the be-verb am if
the subject is you.

A. Choose the correct be-verbs in the box below

am, is, was, were, are

1. I _____ready to start my day
2. She ____ waiting for me at the hall way last Friday.
3. Sir Ramon ____ teaching lesson today.
4. The children___ happy when they got high score in the test.
5. My parents___ going to the market this weekend.
B. Write 5 sentences using the be-verbs is, are, am, was and were.
1. _____________
2. ____________
3. _____________
4. _____________
5. ______________

Answer the Activity What I have learned and What I can do in your module.
Write your answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

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