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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020

Change Management Strategy for Organization

in the Era of Industry 4.0
Lianna Sugandi, Yohannes Kurniawan, Lydiawati Kosasih Asalla

 At present, Indonesia has begun to work on the Industrial

Abstract: The Changes have survivalbenefits for an Revolution 4.0, as seen from factories that have used the
organization. And with out any change, it can be ascertained that internet network system to facilitate access to information on
the age of the organization will not last long. The Change sint end internal access, employee supervision, and accounting. These
to make the organization notastatic but remained dynamic in the factories are often referred to as Smart Factory. To approve
face of changing times. A leadershouldhave a vision and a change
this era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is still
in the strategy based on assumptions about future condition
sthatare expected to occur. The only leader who have the relatively new, special preparations are needed to support
personality, be havior, and the sense of power that are able to deal industry players, we must be able to change plans quickly,
with change. This paper analyzed the several literature study from and how organizations can manage these changes requires
national journals and books in Indonesia and international changing management strategies. This paper reviews the
journals to see the change management concept from two literature from various sources to see how organizations can
perspective. And the results showed the similarity research survive in the industrial era
funding from the researcher in Indonesia and the other countries Mangkuprawira Sjafri [1] said that in a business
about change management strategies and challenges. organization, the human element becomes a strategic thing in
the production process. How to control and manage them has
Keywords :Change management, organization, leader,
become an organizational problem. And today we know that
strategy, change.
increasing change is inevitable in human life. As humans we
live in a worldfullofchange. The rapid changes in
theenvironment and technology force an organization to
The era of the Industrial Revolution Phenomenon 4.0 is adapt. Many organizations fail to adapt to change and are
definitely no longer in our ears, given the development of eventually left behind by their competition and eventually the
technology and information that is happening all over the organization dies. But on the other hand, large organizations
world. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a phenomenon that that want to move forward innovatively and are always able
collaborates cyber technology and automation technology. to survive in facing changes, for example like BNI, Gudang
The concept of application is centered on the concept of Garam and so on, can still exist even though they are more
automation carried out by technology without asking for than a hundred years old because the organization is able to
human labor in the application process. change to adapt.
The benefits of technology in the industrial field, the There are difficult and even critical times in passing the
benefits can also be obtained by all levels of society. At changing times and the organization becomes slow,
present, retrieving and transferring information can be easily vulnerable, dull and lackluster, the organization must be
done anytime and anywhere through the internet network. forced to change, if it does not change soon, such an
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a phenomenon that organization will be displaced and left far behind by its
collaborates cyber technology and automation technology. competitors. The change management is an ongoing process
The concept of application is centered on the concept of to serve every need for change and change always raises
automation carried out bytechnologywithoutasking for concerns and expectations. One of the goals of change
humanlabor in theapplicationprocess.Thisaddsvalue to management is to strive for the transformation process to take
theefficiency of the work environment where management place in a relatively fast time with minimal difficulties.
considers it vital and is needed by industry players. In Meanwhile, according to Kasali R. [2] change management is
addition, time management will improve work quality and an important part of management and every leader is
production costs. A concrete example that can be taken from measured by his ability to predict changes and make those
the use of technology in the industrial field is the changes a potential. Heller [3] said that change is the most
bookkeeping and production process which can now be important element of business management, in order to be
easily accessed by anyone and at any time. competitive in an increasingly aggressive market, the
organization and the people within it must be response
positive about change. According to Heller [3] ignore or
underestimate changes in trends, the organization will lose
Revised Manuscript Received on January 15, 2020 money.
* Correspondence Author The concrete goals of change management for different
LiannaSugandi, Information Systems Department, School of organizations may not be the same. However, the ethos of
Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480.
Yohannes Kurniawan*, Information Systems Department, School of
change management is the same, namely, making the
Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480. organization more effective, efficient and responsive to
E-mail: changes that occur within the
LydiawatiKosasihAsalla, Information Systems Department, School of organization. The process of
Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480.
change is usually done through

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D9108118419/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9108.018520 3629 & Sciences Publication
Change Management Strategy for Organization in the Era of Industry 4.0

the focus of organizational change and starting from the Ciongwei quoted (2010) that 229 companies out of 300
business world who first realized the importance of change electronics companies surveyed in the United States that 63%
both small and large organizations, both in the private or of companies failed to achieve quality improvement and only
public sectors. Most people struggle hard every day but often 10% of this program it works. In Europe, especially the
fail due to change. Organizational change always involves United Kingdom, only 8% managed to make changes from
individual changes, and the response in responding to the two thirds of the top 500 companies.
B. Change Management Perspective
II. METHODS According to Soerjogoeritno [5] organizational change
can be done through a change management perspective. The
The approach used for this article is limited to analysis based
basis of the change management perspective there are four
on literature studies conducted from several sources national
main dimensions, namely: (1) relating to the concept of the
(Indonesia) from books and journals and international
change process; (2) relates to context and uncertainty; (3)
journals to see the change management concept from two
relates to the concept of the content and scale of changes to be
perspectives. The researchers want to explore the strategies
made; (4) relates to the methods and strategies chosen in
and challenges of change management in Indonesia compare
managing change. the first dimension that arises regarding
with the other countries.
the concept of the process of change. The concept of this
change process will provide an understanding of the process
of change that can be used as a basis in creating conditions so
The factors that causes change are (1) technology, (2) that change is possible.
economic conditions, (3) global competition, (4) social and This second dimension concerns the context and
demographic changes, (5) internal challenges. The changes uncertainty related to the reasons for changing. If it is
that occur in organizations are caused by various kinds of associated with phenomena in a business environment that
external and internal forces. To be able to grow and survive, continues to experience dynamic changes, questions like "Do
organizations need to react and adapt to various forces. we have to change?" Become irrelevant to be raised. The
Organizations that carry out innovation activities and on an more important questions are "Where will the change
ongoing basis to improve products to meet changing begin?", And "Will the change be for the better?", "When
consumer demand and to deal with competitors.According to should the change be made?" The answer to such questions
Heller [3] changes in organizations can be dealt in three ways will be the basis for building a concept of activities and even
namely (1) opposing, (2) following, (3) leading. The become the basis for managing change. A strong foundation
opponents try not to change the impossible at this time, most will be very urgent when it is understood that any change will
individuals or organizations who reject change will miss or create uncertainty.
fail and will eventually follow the change. According to The third dimension is about the concept of the content
Gunawan et al. [4] try to anticipate and lead safer changes and scale of the changes to be made. This dimension requires
because the positive aspects of the changes are not as clear as that change must be perceived as something down to earth
the negative aspects if there has been a change in perspective and accessible to thought. When the direction of change is
and in developing strategies to enter and play in the business perceived as something high, what is created is strong
then the trend of change organizations continue to increase in resistance to resist change. The direction of change that is not
frequency, speed, complexity and turmoil in the current in accordance with the goals and interests of the organization,
conditions and there seems to be no sign of decline. if change is perceived as something that makes members of
The changes can have a negative impact but can also the organization uncomfortable with new positions and
have a positive impact on the organization. Change can affect conditions. The last dimension concerns the method or
every aspect of organizational life by being proactive towards strategy chosen in making changes. This dimension raises the
change, that is, with the only way to master the future of the question of, "What strategies will be used?", And the
organization. Internal structural changes in organizations and selection of appropriate methods and strategies is a
markets are often rooted in broader changes in society, determining factor for the organization's success in making
economy and technology. There are many factors that can changes.
make the need for action to change. Behavioral experts in the
company in their book Organizational Behavior written by
C. The Power that Helps and Blocks Organizational
Kreiner Robert and Kinicki Angelo (2001) cited by Gunawan
et al [4] said that there are two forces which can encourage
the emergence of the need to make changes, namely: (1) The organizational change is an act of changing an
External forces, i.e. forces that arise from outside the organization from the current conditions, to the future
organization such as demographic characteristics (age of conditions desired to increase its effectiveness. The
education, skill level, gender, immigration etc. Technological organizational environment is constantly changing and the
developments in market changes, social pressures and organization concerned needs to make changes in order to
politics, (2) Internal strengths, i.e. strengths that arise from survive.
within the organization, such as human resource problems
(unmet needs, job dissatisfaction, productivity, work D. When Changes Happen and When Done
motivation and so on), behavior and management decisions.
Soerjogoeritno[5] explains that there are three factors
A. Change Management Failures that drive organizational
According to a survey from the Total Quality Management change, namely: (1) the amount
(TQM) program from Schaffer and Thompson, Song of dissatisfaction with current

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D9108118419/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9108.018520 3630 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020

conditions. The greater the feeling of dissatisfaction with potential consequences. Rules and norms that are firmly
current conditions, the more it will push to make changes; (2) entrenched will also prevent a change.Soerjogoeritno[5]
availability of desired alternatives. The more alternatives identified several causes for the rejection of change
available that are more feasible for updating current including: (1) lack of understanding of the need to change;
conditions towards better conditions, the more profitable it is (2) the environment is not conducive to change; (3) the
to make changes; (3) with a plan to achieve the desired changes to be made are contrary to the basic values of the
alternative and if a good and systematic planning means more organization, (4) errors in understanding changes and their
opportunities for change. implications, (5) there is an understanding that the changes to
Making changes does not need to wait until the moment be made are not the best choice for the organization; (6) lack
of crisis. The best changes are made when the company is of confidence for those who put forward a plan for change;
experiencing an increase. Because at that time the (7) injustice in carrying out the process of change.
organization had great self-confidence, sufficient cash (cash The resistance to change can occur because of the need
inflow) and resilient resources. [2]. Rejection of change for information and the impact of not making changes is
(Resistance to Change) will appear very strong because the lacking. The form of rejection of change does not always
organization is in a position of growth and organizational appear directly in a standard form. Rejection can be clearly
members who are in a comfortable state. To create change seen (explicit) and immediately for example, protesting,
according to Kasali[2] organizations need great teams and threatening strikes, demonstrations and the like, or it can be
great players. implicit and implicitly, for example, loyalty to the
In other words, this concept suggests that organizations organization decreases, work motivation decreases, work
do not wait until they are sick to make changes and recruit errors increase absenteeism rates etc. other. Other things can
new people who are more "fresh" if not forced so the also be a problem such as the unavailability of configuration
organization will sink. The change really requires sharp information in up-to-date infrastructure.
analysis that will determine which points should take According to Gunawan et. al [4] one of the causes of
precedence. Changes are made to continue life. And for that, failure experienced by organizations in making changes is the
the implementation must be done conceptually, formation of a coalition that is strong enough among people
systematically and gradually. who have the authority and ability to encourage change.
The condition for change quoted from Kasali[2] is the There are eight levels in the process of change, namely: (1)
existence of a learning process, and all people in the Building a sense of urgency. (2) Creating coalitions. (3)
organization are learning human beings. Organizations learn formulating a strategic vision. (4) Communicate the vision of
through several stages, namely: (1) human resources are change. (5) Empower overall action. (6) produces short-term
selected through a very rigorous process; (2) the organization wins. (7) Consolidating results and driving greater change.
is led by entrepreneurial leaders; (3) the learning process (8) Adding a new approach to culture. The eight levels are a
takes place inside and outside the organization; (4) there are sequential whole but if the initial stages have been
linkages between the organization and circumstances outside implemented there is no need to repeat them.The main impact
the organization; (5) there is a place to accumulate and of mistakes made in managing change is the emergence of
disseminate information; (6) there is recognition and reward resistance from managers or employees related to changes
for success in individuals and groups; (7) there are no made by the organization. Resistance to change as an
conflicts at each level; (8) there is a clear process that makes emotional / behavioral reaction that arises as a response to the
it possible for human resources to do things that are emergence of threats, whether real or imaginary when
innovative (innovative culture). changes occur in routine work [4].
A number of factors need to be considered when
changes are made to an organization namely: (1) change F. Forms of Change Strategy
agents; (2) determining what needs to be changed; (3) types
of changes to be made; (4) individuals who are affected by According to Kasali[2] there are many terms that are
change; (5) evaluation of these changes. The organizational commonly used in change strategies. The terms include (1)
process has two kinds of objectives, namely: (1) adjusting the change management. (2) turnaround management. (3) crisis
organization concerned to its environment and (2) changing management (4) reform (5) transformation (6) adaptive
the behavior of employees. strategy. The change strategy is also known through its
programs such as: (1) downsizing, (2) rightsizing, (3)
E. Change Resistance reengineering, (4) restructuring. Whereas Platt (2001) in
Kasali [2] said that change strategies can be divided into three
Many things are the reason why organizations prefer to categories, namely: (1) transformational management (2)
maintain the existing status quo and refuse to make changes. turnaround management (3) crisis management. Management
Rejection of changes in things that often occur and are natural transformation is usually carried out by healthy
according to Handokoet al [6] causes of rejection are: organizations, or organizations that begin to perceive poor
personal interests, misunderstanding, norms, and the balance signals.
of power and the existence of various differences such as The management turnaround is usually done when an
values and goals. There is a loss of comfort, power, security organization has begun to face rather complex problems and
money as well as identity and other benefits incurred. involve broader parties. Whereas crisis management is
With the change will cause rejection, other than that usually carried out if the company has entered a crisis period
misunderstanding as a result of misinformation makes people when the company starts to run out of funds and energy
reluctant to accept the change. This will happen if it is not (reputation, motivation) quoted
included in the discussion and preparation of the change plan from Kasali [2]. These three
so that it does not know the objectives, processes and strategies are closely related to

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D9108118419/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9108.018520 3631 & Sciences Publication
Change Management Strategy for Organization in the Era of Industry 4.0

each other namely when the organization enters a dangerous a change leader can arise from people inside and outside the
stage it is not possible to do a management turnaround, at this organization. Ulrich [8] said that the process of change in an
stage it must immediately implement crisis management in organization, a change leader must be able to become a
the form of strategic rescue measures. This stage is often champion, namely: (1) must be able to spread his vision and
referred to as "stop the bleeding", or stopping the bleeding in encourage individuals to achieve that vision; (2) must be able
the form of cash flow, good name and trust of all parties. to play a role not only as a knowledge worker but also as a
The biggest mistake usually starts with dismissing signs knowledge broker; (3) must be able to spread knowledge to
of setback by only making mere operational changes. other members.
Operational changes alone will certainly not be able to
produce strategic advances. All forms of change must be well The Characteristics of an effective change leader
known by the change leader and need to be done conceptually according to Moran and Brightman [9] are: (1) knowing the
so that it does not stop halfway. Transformational change can picture of change as a whole and knowing its impact on
be likened to what Greiner [7] said as a change that has an individuals in the organization and being able to encourage
evolutionary nature, that is, changes that are made gradually members to adjust to new changes that occur are also able to
and require a long time in the long run. Transformation provide the necessary resources; (2) creating an environment
strategies emerge as anticipation of change before the that allows individuals to try changes that occur, provide
demands for change occur. According to Kasali [2], there are encouragement, have experience in new ways that are
four types of changes in the Strategic Competitive Wedge, operated and able to break down existing cultures; (3) lead
namely: (1) technology, (2) products & services, (3) strategy the effort to change in every words and actions. Responsible
& structure, (4) culture. Changes in technology can change for implementing the performance process that has taken
the product processes, skills and knowledge base so that place and identifying potential rejections; (4) shows a strong
production becomes more efficient the product is produced dedication to change. Focus on results and processes, analyze
more quickly. mistakes, determine why they occur and dare to try; (5)
interacting with individuals and groups within the
G. The Key to Leaders' Success in Managing Change organization, able to explain who, what, when, where, when,
why and how the change occurred.
The desire to change only to a handful of people in the
organization, change can be made if you have initiatives that H. Managing Resistance to Change
arise from the awareness of the importance of a change. A
trigger will begin and possibly lead the change process and There is no organization that can avoid change. Change
there will be an effort to get other members to make changes. raises concerns because people fear economic losses,
This allows change to be recognized as a necessity by all inconvenience, uncertainty, and disconnect from common
members of the organization. But a desire will definitely lead social patterns. Almost every change in structure,
to rejection of change, if the desire and need to change is technology, people or strategy has the potential to disrupt
strong then the refusal will be sought to be eliminated.By first patterns of interaction that are already comfortable.
raising awareness and eliminating rejection, the process of According to David Fred R.[10], resistance to change can be
managing change will be more youthful. The next process is considered the greatest threat to the successful
by agreeing on the type of change needed, identifying and implementation of a strategy. People often reject the
developing a critical success factor, providing systems and implementation of strategies because they do not understand
structures that ultimately lead to a strategy development. what is happening, the implementation of strategies will
The keys to success in managing organizational change succeed depending on the ability of managers to develop
cited by Ulrich [8] are: (1) leading change which is a person anorganizational climate that is conducive to change. Change
who sponsors the changes made by the organization; (2) must be seen by managers and employees as opportunities
creating a share need, namely convincing individuals to think and not threats to employees.
together why they have to change and what needs are needed Resistance to change can occur at any stage or at the level
to change and the possibility of rejection of rejection made; of the strategy implementation process. According to David
(3) shaping a vision, namely overcoming obstacles to change; Fred R. [10] to implement change there are three strategies
(4) mobilizing commitment which is an identification to bind that are commonly used are (1) the strategy of forced change,
and defend the interests of stakeholders that must be (2) the strategy of educational change, (3) the strategy of
considered in managing change; (5) changing systems and rational change or for its own sake. Force change strategy
structures, that is, using human resource and management includes issuing orders and obligations to carry out the order;
functions (staffing, development, appraisal, rewards, the advantage of this strategy lies in its speed, but the
organizational design, communication, systems, etc.) to downside is low commitment and high resistance. Educative
ensure that changes are built into the organizational change strategy is a strategy that presents information to
infrastructure; (6) monitoring process - setting benchmarks, convince people of the need for change, the weakness of the
milestones and experiments that can measure and educational change strategy is that its implementation
demonstrate the process of change; (7) making change last becomes slow and difficult.
which gives confidence that changes occur through the This type of strategy results in higher commitment and
implementation of planning, thinking and commitment. less resistance than a forced change strategy. Finally, a
The presence of a change agent who will lead the process rational change strategy for self-interest (rational or
of organizational change is the most essential factor in self-interest change strategy) is
determining whether or not an organization faces change. a strategy that seeks to
Without the presence of a change leader, the change process convince individuals that
will not be organized and will lose direction.The presence of change is necessary for their

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D9108118419/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9108.018520 3632 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-5, January 2020

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the impact caused to find out progress, provide feedback in
order to improve the instrument of organizational change.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D9108118419/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9108.018520 3633 & Sciences Publication
Change Management Strategy for Organization in the Era of Industry 4.0


LiannaSugandi is a lecturer at Information Systems

Department, School of Information Systems, Bina
Nusantara University, Indonesia. She obtained
herbachelorand master degree in Information Systems.

Yohannes Kurniawan is a lecturer at the School of

Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University,
Indonesia. He obtained his doctoral degree in
Management Information Systems. His teaching
experience for undergraduate and graduate students are
in the field of knowledge management, user experience,
business analysis, IT innovation, information system analysis and design.

LydiawatiKosasihAsalla is a lecturer at Information

Systems Department, School of Information Systems,
Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia. She obtained
herbachelorand master degree in Information Systems.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: D9108118419/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D9108.018520 3634 & Sciences Publication

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