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US 20080193601A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.2 US 2008/0193601 A1
Nasser (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 14, 2008

(54) PROTEIN-CONTAINING BEVERAGE AND Publication Classi?cation

A23L 2/66 (2006.01)
(76) Inventor: Faik A. Nasser, Canton, MI (U S) A23L 2/60 (2006.01)
A23L 2/56 (2006.01)
A23F 3/00 (2006.01)
Correspondence Address: C11B 5/00 (200601)
THE WEINTRAUB GROUP, P.L.C. A 23L 3/16 (200601)
guite 240; 3210193 Ng?lzvgggfrn Highway (52) us. Cl. .......... .. 426/72; 426/590; 426/597; 426/542
“mung 0“ l s’ (57) ABSTRACT

(21) App1_ NO; 12/069 255 A protein-containing beverage is provided by the inclusion of
’ an acidi?ed Whey aqueous solution therewith. A sport drink is
_ prepared by admixing the acidi?ed Whey aqueous solution
(22) Flledi Feb- 81 2008 With an aqueous tea solution. With nutritional supplements
added to the sport drink, an energy drink is obtained. The
Related US Application Data preferred tea is a green tea. Adjuvants such as sweeteners,
supplemental antioxidants, preservatives, vitamins, caffeine
(60) Provisional application No. 60/ 900,439, ?led on Feb. and carbonated Water may be incorporated into the beverage
10, 2007. hereof
US 2008/0193601Al Aug. 14, 2008

PROTEIN-CONTAINING BEVERAGE AND [0014] For a more detailed description of the present inven
METHOD OF MANUFACTURE tion reference is made to the folloWing detailed description
and accompanying example
[0001] This application is a completion application of co [0015] In accordance hereWith, it had been found that by
pending US. provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/900, acidifying Whey, in an aqueous medium, it is possible to
439, ?led Feb. 10, 2007 “Protein-Containing Beverage and incorporate the Whey, as a source of protein, into an aqueous
Method of Manufacture”, the entire disclosure of Which is based beverage. Preferably, the Whey is incorporated into a
hereby incorporated by reference. tea to provide a sport drink.
[0016] Speci?cally, it has noW been found that by acidify
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ing and extracting Whey in an aqueous medium there is pro
vided a protein source Which is soluble in aqueous solutions
[0002] 1. Field of the Invention and Which can be incorporated into a tea-based beverage to
[0003] The present invention pertains to beverages. More de?ne a sport-drink.
particularly, this invention relates to a pre-packaged protein [0017] More speci?cally, it has noW been found that an
containing beverage. Even more particularly, the present acidic extract of Whey is readily soluble in an aqueous solu
invention concerns pre-packaged protein-containing tea tion and is storage stable over an extended period of time.
based beverages and methods of manufacture. [0018] When this acidi?ed Whey solution is mixed With an
[0004] 2. PriorArt aqueous beverage, and, in particular, a solution of tea there is
[0005] As is knoWn to those skilled in the art to Which the obtained a protein-containing tea-based sport drink.
present invention pertains, pre-packaged bottled beverages [0019] The acidifying process contemplated for use herein
have become quite popular. These bottled beverages are mar generally, comprises dissolving a poWdered Whey in acidi?ed
keted in various ?avors, some sugar-containing and some Water to thereby acidify the Whey. In acidifying the Whey,
With arti?cial sWeeteners. Oftentimes, these beverages are food grade acids or GRAS acids are utiliZed.
tea-based beverages. With a tea-based beverage, the tea itself, [0020] The aqueous solution from Which the Whey is pre
Which is an antioxidant, is ordinarily supplemented With at pared is acidi?ed With one or more acids selected from the
least one additional antioxidant, as Well as With preservatives, group consisting of food grade phosphoric acid, food grade
?avorants and a food grade acid (GRAS) such as phosphoric citric acid and mixtures thereof Preferably, a mixture of the
acid, citric acid or the like. phosphoric and citric acid is used. Where a mixture of acids
[0006] HoWever, What is readily apparent is that none of are used, they are employed in a volumetric ratio of about 3 :l
these tea-based beverages contain protein or a source of pro of citric to phosphoric.
tein thereby precluding the utiliZation of these tea-based bev [0021] The acid is utiliZed in an amount su?icient to main
erages as a “sport drink”. Because of the nature of the tea tain the pH of the acidi?ed Water at a pH less than pH 3.0.
based beverage, itself, and Whey as a protein source, attempts Preferably, the pH Will range betWeen about pH 2.80 to pH
to incorporate Whey protein therein fails because the protein 2.90. The acidi?cation takes place at ambient conditions With
precipitates out of solution. gentle agitation to avoid aeration of the solution.
[0007] As is subsequently detailed, the present invention [0022] In accordance With the present invention, a commer
addresses this issue by providing modi?ed Whey, as a protein cially available source of Whey, preferably, an acidic Whey is
source, Which can be incorporated into a tea-based beverage added to the at least one acid-containing Water. Preferably, the
and a method of manufacture therefor. Whey itself is a poWdered Whey having a pH of betWeen pH
3.2 and pH 3.6. This type of Whey is Well knoWn and com
mercially available such as that sold by Glanbia Nutritionals
under the trademark Provon A-l 90.
[0008] In accordance With the present invention there is [0023] Preferably, distilled Water is used in the acidifying
provided an acidi?ed Whey Which is used as a protein source process
in various beverages. [0024] In carrying out the production process for the Whey,
the Whey is present in an amount ranging from about 1.0 to
[0009] The acidi?ed Whey is prepared by dissolving a poW
dered Whey in acidi?ed Water. In acidifying the Whey, food about 30 parts, by Weight, per gallon of acidi?ed Water. Pref
grade acids or GRAS rated acids are utiliZed. Amongst the
erably, the Whey is present in an amount ranging from about
useful acids are phosphoric acid, citric acid and mixtures 2.3 parts to about 22 parts, by Weight, per gallon of acidi?ed
thereof. The acid is utiliZed in an amount su?icient to main
tain the pH of the aqueous solution at a pH less than pH 3.0. [0025] The acidi?ed Water is prepared at ambient condi
tions adding the acid to the Water until the pH reaches about
[0010] Acidi?cation takes place at ambient conditions With
pH 2.8 to about pH 2.9. Thereafter, the Whey is added thereto
gentle agitation to avoid aeration of the solution. in the speci?ed amounts at ambient conditions and With
[0011] The so-acidi?ed Whey is Water-soluble and can be gentle agitation. The mixture is then stirred to dissolve the
readily admixed With various aqueous-based beverages, Whey, in the acidi?ed Water While continuing to add acid, if
including tea and ?avored Waters. necessary, to maintain the pH beloW pH 3.0.
[0012] Additionally, When incorporated into a tea a “sport [0026] The so-acidi?ed Whey is in solution and is usable as
drink” is thereby de?ned. an aqueous solution thereof. The acidi?ed Whey can then be
[0013] The sport drink may then have suitable adjuvants admixed With various beverages including, for example, ?a
incorporated thereWith to prepare an energy drink therefrom. vored Water, sodas, teas, and the like.
US 2008/0193601A1 Aug. 14, 2008

[0027] In a particularly preferred embodiment, there is pro With taurine, inositol, a milk acid such as lactic and/or tartaric
vided a tea-based beverage Which comprises an effective acid, acid salts such as sodium and potassium citrate, ?a
amount of the acidi?ed Whey hereof. vorants, colorants and the like being added thereto in effective
[0028] The tea used herein and Which is admixed With the amounts.
Whey solution comprises an aqueous solution of tea. The tea [0039] Among the useful vitamins are, for example, Vita
solution may be used as is or may have adj uvants incorporated min B-12, Vitamin B-6, niacin, ribo?avin, folic acid, Vitamin
thereWith. Suitable adjuvants include, for example, natural C and the like. Similarly, other food grade or GRAS acids
sWeeteners, such as honey, sugar and the like as Well as may be added to the tea solution such as malic acid.
mixtures thereof. Similarly, arti?cial sWeeteners can be used [0040] Useful natural sugars used herein including, for
as Well. Additional antioxidant sources such as grape skin, example, dextrose, sucrose, glucose and the like, as Well as
grape juice, aronia, as Well as ginseng and the like may be mixtures thereof. These sugars may be substituted for or used
used herein in suitable effective amounts, as Well as mixtures conjointly With the honey used in the sport drink. Also, minor
thereof. amounts of caffeine may be added thereto as Well as addi
[0029] The tea, itself, may be any of the Well-knoWn teas tional herbal supplements such as further minor amounts of
such as green tea, oolong tea, orange tea, Ceylon tea, black tea aronia may be used to prepare the energy drink.
and the like, as Well as mixtures thereof. [0041] The energy drink is prepared by adding these addi
[0030] The aqueous tea solution is prepared by either using tional ingredients to the sport drink in effective amounts at
a tea extract or by boiling tea leaves in Water for a suf?cient ambient conditions and With gentle stirring.
period of time, usually 5 to 10 minutes and, thereafter, ?lter [0042] In preparing the tea solution portion of the energy
ing the solution to remove the tea leaves therefrom, alterna drink, it is preferred that it be prepared from tea leaves in lieu
tively, the tea may be prepared by steeping the leaves in the of the tea extract.
boiling Water. Preferably, a tea extract is used to prepare the [0043] The ?nal energy drink Will ordinarily contain about
sport drink. three grams of tea per gallon of energy drink.
[0031] Generally, about 10 to about 50 pounds of liquid tea [0044] For a more complete understanding reference is
extract per 1000 gallons of Water are used to prepare the tea made to the folloWing illustrative example of the present
solution. invention. In the example, all parts are by Weight absent
[0032] The sWeetener, Where used, Will ordinarily be indications to the contrary.
present in an amount ranging from about 200 grams to about
500 grams thereof per gallon of tea solution. This is directly EXAMPLE
dependent on the type of sWeetener used and may be varied to
adjust for taste. Arti?cial sWeeteners are, ordinarily, used in [0045] This example illustrates the preparation of a sport
the loWer end of the range. drink in accordance With the present invention.
[0033] The additional antioxidants, Where used, Will be [0046] Into a suitable mixing vessel equipped With stirring
present in an amount ranging from about 10 parts to about 100 means is added, at room temperature and pressure, one thou
parts thereof, per gallon of tea solution. sand gallons of puri?ed ?ltered Water. To the Water is added
[0034] Preservatives, such as, for example, potassium sor 0.1 grams per liter of a 50:50 volumetric mixture of food
bate, sodium benzoate, sodium citrate and the like as Well as grade phosphoric acid and citric acid to bring the Water to pH
mixtures thereof may also be added to the tea mixture in 2.85. Thereafter, 0.5 grams per liter of Water of a commer
effective amounts. cially available poWdered Whey, sold by Glanbia Nutritionals
[0035] In the practice of the present invention, a preferred under the name Provon A-190, is added thereto With mixing.
tea solution for admixture With the Whey extract comprises Mixing is continued until all the Whey is dissolved in the
green tea, grape skin extract, aronia, and honey, preferably, acidi?ed Water.
Without preservatives. [0047] Into a separate batch processor is added, With stir
[0036] To prepare the sport drink, the tWo separate solu ring and at ambient temperatures and pres sure, one thousand
tions are mixed together While maintaining the pH at less than gallons of ?ltered Water, thirty pounds of dry green tea
pH 3.0. The tWo batches are mixed together With stirring and extract, eighteen pounds of honey, one pound of grape skin
at ambient conditions. Once mixed, the so-produced beverage extract and one pound of aronia. Once the dry poWdered
is then pasteurized at suitable temperature and pressure for a components are dissolved, the Whey-containing solution is
suf?cient period of time to provide the tea-based sport drink. added to the tea solution and the tWo solutions are mixed
It should be noted that in addition to pasteurizing the bever together.
age, aseptic packaging may be used Wherein the bottles are [0048] After mixing the tWo solutions together, the result
sterilized, ?lled and sealed under sterile conditions to elimi ing product is pasteurized by boiling the product at 1800 F. for
nate the need for refrigeration. about one minute. Thereafter the product is cooled doWn, then
[0037] The resulting sport drink product contains from bottled aseptically, and is ready for use.
about 0.5 gram to about 1.0 grams of protein per 500 millili [0049] It is to be appreciated from the preceding that there
ters or more of beverage. Preferably, the resulting beverage has been described herein a process for manufacturing a sport
does not exceed 30.0 grams of protein per gallon of ?uid. drink as Well as the resulting protein-containing sport drink
[0038] The sport drink hereof may be forti?ed to provide an itself.
“energy drink”. To prepare an energy drink, nutritional
supplements such as vitamins, the additional antioxidants, Having thus described the invention, What is claimed is:
referred to above such as grape skin or grape skin extract, 1. In an aqueous-based beverage composition, the
additional sugars, caffeine and the like, Will be added to the improvement Which comprises:
sport drink. Furthermore, in preparing an energy drink in an effective amount of an aqueous solution of acidi?ed
accordance hereWith carbonated Water may be used along Whey as a protein source.
US 2008/0193601A1 Aug. 14, 2008

2. A sport drink, comprising: 9. The sport drink of claim 6 Which comprises: about three
(a) an aqueous tea solution, grams of the tea per gallon of the entire composition.
(b) an aqueous solution of acid Whey dissolved in the tea 10. The sport drink of claim 2 Which comprises:
solution. up to about thirty grams of Whey per gallon of the entire
3. The sport drink of claim 2 Wherein: drink.
the tea solution includes a supplemental antioxidant
selected from the group consisting of grape skin, grape 11. The sport drink of claim 2 Wherein:
juice, aronia, ginseng and mixtures thereof. the tea is selected from the group consisting of green tea,
4. The sport drink of claim 3 Which further includes a oolong tea, orange tea, Ceylon tea, black tea and mix
natural sWeetener selected from the group consisting of tures thereof.
honey, sugar and mixtures thereof; 12. The sport drink of claim 2 Wherein:
5. The sport drink of claim 4 Which further includes an the tea is green tea.
effective amount of a preservative. 13. The sport drink of claim 2, Wherein the drink is at pH
6. The sport drink of claim 2 Which further includes at least less than pH 3.0.
one nutritional supplement to de?ne an energy drink.
7. The sport drink of claim 6 Wherein the nutritional supple 14. A method of producing a sport drink, comprising:
ment is selected from the group consisting of: (a) preparing an aqueous solution of acidi?ed Whey,
(a) at least one vitamin, (b) preparing an aqueous tea solution,
(b) at least one supplemental antioxidant, (c) mixing the tWo solutions together at ambient conditions
(c) at least one natural sWeetener, While maintaining a pH of less than pH 3.0, and
(d) caffeine, and mixtures thereof. (d) pasteuriZing the resulting solution, and
8. The sport drink of claim 7 Which further includes at least
one adjuvant selected from the group consisting of:
(e) cooling the resulting pasteurized solution.
(a) carbonated Water, 15. The method of claim 14 Which further comprises:
(b) taurine, aseptically packaging the pasteuriZed and cooled solution.
(c) inositol, 16. The method of claim 14 Wherein the so-produced drink
(d) a milk acid selected from the group consisting of lactic comprises:
acid, tartaric acid and mixtures thereof, up to about thirty grams of Whey per gallon of drink, and
(e) an acid salt selected from the group consisting of about three grams of tea per gallon of drink.
sodium citrate, potassium citrate and mixtures thereof,
* * * * *
(f) a ?avorant, and mixtures thereof.

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