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US 20090234025A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0234025 A1
Strachan (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 17, 2009

(54) PROTECTIVE SURFACE FILM FORA (30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Aug. 4, 2006 (AU) .............................. .. 2006904227

(76) Inventor: graham G. Strachan,V1ctor1a Publication Classi?cation

(51) Int. Cl.
Correspondence Address: A 61K 4 7/3 4 (2006-01)
CHARLES C. MCCLOSKEY C08L 83/04 (2006-01)
763 S. NEW BALLAS ROAD STE- 170 (52) US. Cl. .................................... .. 514/772.3; 524/588
ST. LOUIS, MO 63141 (US)
(21) APP1~ N05 12/376,246 A composition and method of protecting the protection of an
exposed body of Water comprising 5-95 Wt % silicone poly
(22) PCT Filed: Aug. 3, 2007 mer; greater than Zero percent to 90 Wt % carrier material; and
greater than Zero —20 Wt % surfactant. The method includes
(86) PCT NO; pCT/AU2007/001094 the steps of adding the composition to the surface of the Water
and alloWing the composition to form a liquid ?lm across the
§ 371 (0X1), surface of the Water. The ?lm is effective for reducing evapo
(2), (4) Date; Feb. 18, 2009 ration of Water from the surface.
US 2009/0234025 A1 Sep. 17,2009

PROTECTIVE SURFACE FILM FOR A compositions. They can vary in consistency from liquid to gel
LIQUID to rubber to hard plastic. The most common type is linear
polydimethylsiloxane or PDMS.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0010] The applicant has found that silicon based polymers
[0001] The present invention relates to a protective surface
(including silicone base polymers) can be advantageously
employed as a large scale liquid surface protector, such as
?lm for a liquid and in particular stable protective surface
?lms used to cover a large body of Water to prevent evapora
unenclosed Water storage facilities (eg. reservoirs or dams).
tion. In particular, silicone base polymers possess a number of
desirable properties, at least some of Which are unexpected,
[0011] a) it is easy to apply (in liquid form), either from
[0002] The need to conserve scarce Water supplies is a the banks of the Water storage, by boat or by aerial
major environmental issue WorldWide. As a result, an increas spraying;
ing level of attention is being directed to various Water-saving [0012] b) it ?oats naturally Without the need for added
measures. In particular, the loss of Water through evaporation buoyancy (the speci?c gravity is less than 1.0);
is one area of major concern. Measures to restrict evaporation [0013] c) it tends to self-spread on the surface4even
have included the use of underground drip irrigation, the against signi?cant Wave pressure, such that is experi
replacement of open irrigation channels With pipelines and enced on exposed bodies of Water;
restricting the application of Water to times at Which evapo [0014] d) it has a high mechanical strength and even if
ration is kept to a minimum. the ?lm is broken, it readily re-forms, thereby maintain
[0003] Several products have also been developed to reduce ing the integrity and functionality of the ?lm;
the evaporation from Water bodies by covering the surface of [0015] e) it is resistant to high temperatures, oxidation
the Water, such as shade structures, plastic ?lms and other and ultra violet breakdoWn;
?oating membranes. HoWever, the Widespread adoption of [0016] f) it is transparent and has a high oxygen perme
such products has been inhibited by the substantial initial ability and therefore has minimal impact upon sub-sur
capital costs. face aquatic life.
[0004] Chemical monolayers have also been proposed. [0017] g) it is classi?ed as non-hazardous and can there
These are poWders Which are dispersed on the Water. They fore be safely applied to drinking Water bodies; and
commonly incorporate an alcohol (such as cetyl or stearyl [0018] h) it remains effective for at least several Weeks.
alcohol), Which is knoWn to help prevent evaporation by [0019] The silicone polymer may be in a liquid or solid
forming a barrier on the surface. An additive such as hydrated
lime may also be blended With the alcohol to assist the alcohol
form, With the product dispersing into a ?lm upon contact
With the liquid surface. Preferably, the silicon polymer is a
to self-spread by creating charged particles. polyorganosiloxane, such as poly(dimethylsiloxane), Which
[0005] The fundamental disadvantage With alcohol based
may have a variety of forms including ?uids, elastomers and
monolayers is that the ?lm typically degrades Within a
resins. Silicone polymer ?uids are typically straight chain
couples of days and therefore must be regularly re-applied to polymers of dimethylsiloxane. For ease of application the
remain an effective barrier to Water loss. In addition, trials
?uids preferably have a viscosity betWeen 350 and 1000
have shoWn that alcohol layers are only partially successful in
reducing evaporation With evaporation reductions of less than
30% reported. [0020] By progressively increasing the cross linking of the
dimethylsiloxane, solid elastomers and resins are formed.
[0006] Therefore there is a need for a cost effective com
position for application to a liquid as a protective surface ?lm Silicone polymers With increasing levels of cross linking (and
Which reduces the evaporation loss of the liquid for an therefore solid) may be applied in a poWder form. Dispersants
extended period of time. are preferably added to the solid composition to aid in the
uniform spreading of the polymer over the liquid surface. The
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION higher cross linking in the solid compositions leads to a
thicker polymer surface ?lm Which Would be expected to
[0007] In a ?rst embodiment of the present invention there provide a better heat and mass transfer barrier at the liquid/ gas
is provided a composition for protecting a liquid surface, the interface.
composition including a silicon based polymer. [0021] To assist in the identi?cation of the spread of the
[0008] The silicon based polymer is preferably a silicone composition on the liquid surface, a coloured dye or ?ller
based polymer Which is knoWn to be hydrophobic (Water material (inert to the liquid to be protected) may be added.
repellent) and possess a very silky feel Which has led to their Examples of inert ?ller materials include calcium carbonate,
use in personal care products such as cosmetics, deodorants talc, ?ne coal particulates, ?y ash or cenospheres (a light
and shaving gels. Weight, inert, holloW sphere ?lled With inert air or gas, Which
[0009] Silicones, or polysiloxanes, are inorganic-organic may be derived from ?y ash). This list is not exhaustive and
polymers With the chemical formula [R2SiO]n, Where other ?llers may be used, With their selectionbased upon cost,
R:organic groups such as methyl, ethyl, and phenyl. These density, hydrophobicity, inertness to the liquid to be protected
materials consist of an inorganic silicon-oxygen backbone ( . and their ability to coat and adhere to the silicon based poly
. . iSiiOiSiiOiSPOi. . . )With organic side groups mer.
attached to the silicon atoms, Which are four-coordinate. In [0022] The inert ?ller may also serve to improve the func
some cases organic side groups can be used to link tWo or tionality of the composition by improving the dispersion and/
more of these iSiiOi backbones together. By varying the or binding properties of the resultant ?lm. Further, the ?ller
iSi4Oi chain lengths, side groups, and crosslinking, sili may serve to re?ect a portion of the radiant heat from the
cones can be synthesiZed With a Wide variety of properties and liquid/ gas interface thereby loWering the partial pressure of
US 2009/0234025 Al Sep. 17,2009

the liquid above the liquid/gas interface, thus reducing the 3 to 90 grams per square meter, and even more preferably 3 to
rate of evaporation of liquid through the protective ?lm. 10 grams per square meter, and mo st preferably about 3 to 10
[0023] The ?ller material is preferably hydrophobic and of grams per square meter.
loWer density than the liquid medium, such that the ?ller [0037] The relatively loW application rates and high stabil
?oats on the liquid surface. The particle siZe of the ?ller is ity of the silicone based polymer compositions, compared to
typically betWeen 2 and 50 microns. alcohol based ?lms, enables a protective surface ?lm to be
[0024] The silicone based polymer ?lm may be chemically applied in a cost effective manner. Further, as the composition
modi?ed to enhance adhesion of the ?lm onto the ?ller mate is substantially inorganic, the price of the composition Will
rial. In extreme environments, UV additives or other polymer remain relatively stable in comparison to petroleum based
stabilisers may also be added to the composition. ?lms.
[0025] The composition preferably includes dimethyl [0038] For solid compositions, the method may also
siloxane in the range of 10 to 100 W/W %; a ?ller in the range include the step of coating the ?ller With the silicone based
of 0 to 90 W/W %; and a combined binder/dispersant in the polymer. This may be achieved through blending the ?ller
range 0 to 10 W/W %. In compositions Which include an inert under conditions Which enable a uniform coating to be
?ller, the Weight ratio of the silicone polymer to ?ller is achieved over the surface of the ?ller. The required conditions
preferably betWeen 1:10 to 1:1 and more preferably in the may include the incorporation of additives such as binding
Weight ratio of 1:7 to 1:4. agents and/or the application of heat to the blend.
[0026] The dimethyl siloxane is preferably of a type similar [0039] It Will be appreciated that the protective surface ?lm
to Dow Corning “200 Fluid” and has a viscosity of betWeen may be applied to a range of liquid surfaces to inhibit or
350 to 1000 centistokes. control mass and heat transfer from liquid/ gas interface or
[0027] In one preferred aspect of this ?rst embodiment, the form a physical and/or chemical barrier against the gaseous
?ller material may also possess other desirable functional environment. For example, the silicone based polymer com
properties. For instance, the surface ?lm may also act as an position may be applied to an oxidiZable liquid to prevent or
insect suppressant and inparticularly a mosquito suppressant. reduce oxidation.
The dual functionality of the protective surface ?lm address
ing both Water conservation and public health needs. EXAMPLES
[0028] The suppressant may be a liquid or may form part of
or be bound to the ?ller material. For example, sulphur and [0040] Examples of the compositions Were prepared by
sulphur containing material are knoWn to repel mosquitoes. mixing the silicone based polymer, With insert ?llers and
[0029] Therefore, coal particulates With su?icient sulphur other additives is described. Compositions in Examples 1, 2,
content may be advantageously used. 3 and a pure dimethyl siloxane solution Were applied to a
[0030] In certain applications, particularly in more mild Water surface in containers. The containers Were then put in a
environments, organic polymers such as vegetable oils (e.g. commercial oven at 50° C. for a 12 hour period. The results
canola, cottonseed, castor or linseed) may be blended With the indicated that the composition reduced the rate of evaporation
silicone polymer to reduce the overall cost of the composi by about 80-90% compared to a Water sample With no pro
tion. tective ?lm.
[0031] In a second embodiment of the present invention [0041] A protective surface ?lm of dimethyl siloxane solu
there is provided a method for protecting the surface of a tion on a body of Water exposed to the external environment
liquid comprising the steps of: Was found to shoW no signs of degradation after a 4 Week
period. Given the inert nature of silicone based polymers, the
[0032] applying a silicone based polymer composition to
protective ?lms of the present invention Would be expected
the liquid surface, Wherein the silicone composition forms a
maintain their functionality for a signi?cantly longer period
substantially continuous protective ?lm across the surface of
of time.
the liquid.
[0033] The liquid surface area is preferably large, such as
Water storage facilities (eg. reservoirs or dams). The compo Evaporation Retardant Formulations
sition may be applied from the periphery of the liquid body or
aerially, eg. via an airplane, such as a crop duster. Example 1
[0034] The continuous silicone based ?lm preferably
inhibits or controls the rate of heat and mass transfer across [0042]
liquid/gas interface, such that evaporation of the liquid is
reduced. The continuous silicone based polymer ?lm may
contain active ingredients Which protect the liquid/gas inter Indicative Preferred
face from insect infestations. Purpose Component Brand Speci?cation W/W %
[0035] For liquid compositions, the silicone based polymer Inert ?ller Fine dry carbon na Up to 20 75-85%
composition is preferably applied at an application rate of microns
about 0.3 to 50 grams per square meter, more preferably about Film forming Dimethyl siloxane DoW Corning Viscosity 12-17%
polymer “200 Fluid” 350-1000
0.3 to 30 grams per square meter, and even more preferably centistokes
0.3 to 10 grams per square meter, and most preferably about Combined Thermoplastic Vinnapas 524 Z 3—8%
0.3 to 1.0 grams per square meter. Dispersant/ synthetic resin
Binder polyvinyl acetate
[0036] For solid compositions, the silicone based polymer
composition is preferably applied at an application rate of
about 1 to 200 grams per square meter, more preferably about
US 2009/0234025 A1 Sep. 17, 2009

Example 2
Indicative Preferred
I I Purpose Component Brand Speci?cation W/W %
Indicative Preferred
Purpose Component Brand Speci?cation W/W %
Combined Thermoplastic Vinnapas 524 Z 2-6%
Inert ?ller Fly ash na Up to 2 70-80% Disp?rsant/ syn?wtic msin
Film forming Dimethyl siloxane Dow Corning Viscosity 15-22% Bind?r Polyvinyl 306mm
polymer “200 Fluid” 350-1000
Combined Thermoplastic Vinnapas 524 Z 5-10%
Dispersant/ synthetic resin
Binder polyvinyl acetate EXample 5

Example 3
Indicative Preferred
Purpose Component Brand Speci?cation W/W %
Indicative Preferred Active Pyrethroid Various na 0.1-0.2%
Purpose Component Brand Speci?cation W/W % component
Film forming Dimethyl DoW Corning Viscosity 99.8-99.9%
Inert ?ller Graphite na Up to 50 85-90% polymer Siloxane “200 Fluid” 350-1000
microns centistokes
Film forming Dimethyl siloxane Dow Corning Viscosity 10-15%
polymer “200 Fluid” 350-1000
Combined Thermoplastic Vinnapas 524 Z 2-6% . . . .
Disp?rsam/ Synthetic min Comparative Evaporat1on Rate of Compositions of the Inven
Binder polyvinyl acetate 11011


Example Example Example Siloxane Control
1 2 3 Liquid (No ?lm)

Application Rate 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.5 0.0

Initial height in ?ask 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
Final height in ?ask 9.5 9.2 9.2 9.7 6.5
Drop 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.3 3.5
% Drop 5% 8% 8% 3% 35%

Mosquito Suppressant Formulations [0048] It Will be understood that the invention disclosed
and de?ned in this speci?cation extends to all altemative
Example 4 combinations of tWo or more of the individual features men
0045 tioned or evident from the text. All of these different combi
[ 1 nations constitute various alternative aspects of the invention.

Indicative Preferred 1. A non-aqueous composition for the protection of a body

Purpose Component Brand Speci?cation W/W % Of Water Comprising
Active elemental sulphur na Up to 20 85-90% 5 to 95 Wt % Silicone Polymer;
c‘l’lmplfnenlt I th 1 I1 I n11“ OBIS 0 greater than Zero percent to 90 Wt % carrier material,
Fl m olmmg Dime y S1 Oxane POW colmfg Viscosity 1045 A’ Wherein the carrier material is mineral oil or vegetable
polymer 200 Fluid 350-1000 _
centistokes 011;
greater than Zero to 20 Wt % surfactant, Wherein
US 2009/0234025 A1 Sep. 17,2009

a substantially continuous protective ?lm is formed across a 5 to 95 Wt % silicone polymer;

surface of the body of Water When the composition is applied greater than Zero percent to 90 Wt % carrier material,
to the surface at a rate of 0.3 to 90 g/m2. Wherein the carrier material is mineral oil or vegetable
2. The composition according to claim 1, Wherein the poly oil; and
mer is a polyorganosiloxane. greater than Zero to 20 Wt % surfactant,
3. The composition according to claim 2, Wherein the poly The ?lm forming composition forming a substantially con
mer is a polymer of dimethylsiloxane. tinuous protective ?lm across the surface of the liquid.
4. The composition of claim 1, Wherein the surfactant is 11. The method of claim 10 Wherein the composition is a
present in an amount of 0.5 to 20 Wt %. liquid composition.
5. The composition of claim 1, Wherein the surfactant is 12. The method of claim 10 Wherein the surfactant is
present in an amount of 0.5 to 10 Wt %. present in an amount of 0.2 to 20 Wt %.
6. The composition of claim 1, Wherein the mineral oil or 13. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the carrier
vegetable oil is present in the range of 5 to 90 Wt %. material is present in the range of 5 to 90 Wt %.
7. The composition of claim 1, Wherein the mineral oil or 14. The method of claim 11 or 12, Wherein the surfactant
vegetable oil is present in the range of 5 to 75 Wt %. and the carrier material are mixed prior to forming the ?lm
8. The composition of claim 1, Wherein the composition is forming composition With the silicone polymer.
a liquid at ambient temperature. 15. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the con
9. The composition of claim 1 having a viscosity of tinuous protective ?lm protects the liquid/ gas interface from
betWeen 50 to 1000 centistokes at ambient temperature. insect infestations.
10. A method for protecting the surface of a liquid com 16. The method according to claim 10, Wherein the com
prising the steps of: position is applied to the surface at a rate of betWeen 0.3 to 50
applying a non-aqueous ?lm forming composition to the g/m2.
liquid surface at a rate of 0.3 to 90 g/m2, Wherein the ?lm
forming composition comprises

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