Test No 5 (Chapter No 9,13)

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Class: I.C S – Part – 2 Roll No.

: ______ Session: 2020 –

Test No.:(5) Chapter No.: 9, 13 Subject: COMPUTER (OBJECTIVE)
Total No.: 10 Obtain Marks: ______ Remarks: _______


Q No. 1: Encircle the correct options. Only one option is correct. Cutting and multiple options will be
marked wrong. 10 * 1 = 10

1 A memory location with some data that can be changed is called

a). Name Constant b). Variable
c). Named Constant d). Address

2 Variables are created in

a). RAM b). ROM
c). Hard Disk d). USB

3 A memory location with some data that cannot be changed is called

a). Constant b). Variable
c). Key Words d). Address

4 Which of the following is a valid character constant

a). a b). “Hello”
c). ‘6’ d). =

5 Which of the following operators has lowest precedence

a). ! b). +
c). = d). = =

6 a+ = b is equivalent to
a). b+ = a b). a = +b
c). a = a + b d). b = b + a

7 Which of the following is type of function available in C language

a). User – Defined Function b). Built-In Function
c). Sub Program d). Both A & B

8 Function prototype for built-in functions are specified in

a). Source File b). Header File
c). Object File d). Image File

9 Global variables are created to

a). RAM b). ROM
c). Memory d). Cache

10 Memory is allocated to a local variable at the time of its

a). Declaration b). Destruction
c). Definition d). First Reference
Class: I.C S – Part – 2 Roll No.: ______ Session: 2020 –
Test.:(5) Chapter No.: 9, 13 Subject: COMPUTER (SUBJECTIVE)
Total No.: 30 Obtain Marks: ______ Remarks: _______


Q No. 2: Attempt any TWO LONG Questions from Following Questions. 08 * 2 = 16

Question 1.: What is a variable? Discuss its main rules, declaration and initialization.
Question 2.: What is data type? List different categories of data types in C language.
Question 3.: What are operators? List different types of operators in C language.


Q No. 3: Attempt any SEVEN SHORT Questions from Following Questions. 02 * 07 = 14

1. What is expression?
2. Describe L Value and R Value.
3. What do you know about keywords of C language?
4. What is constant? Explain its main types.
5. Describe the concept of over and under flow.
6. Describe comments used their use in C programs.
7. What is meant by type casting?
8. What is a function?
9. Explain different types of functions.
10. What is function call?
11. How does a function return value?
12. What is difference between local and global variable?
13. Differentiate between formal and actual parameter.

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