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The Agriculturists 7(1&2): 128-136 (2009) ISSN-1729-5211

A Scientific Journal of Krishi Foundation

Water Saving Irrigation in Rice Cultivation with Particular Reference to

Alternate Wetting and Drying Method: An Overview

M. M. Husain1 , M. Shahe. Alam2, M. H. Kabir1, A. K. Khan3 and M. M. Islam4

Applied Research Division, 2Agril. Economics, 3 Irrigation Water Management and 4Soil Science Division,
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh

*Corresponding author and Email:

In the context of global energy crisis and water scarcity, rice production system is undergoing changes
with the strategy to produce more rice with lesser amount of water. Water saving technology has
therefore, been developed and increasingly adopted to irrigate rice in different countries. Impact of
alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation as a water saving technique on rice yield, water
productivity and environment has been overviewed in this paper. On-farm trials were conducted during
the years 2007 and 2008 to validate the adaptability of AWD method of irrigation in Boro rice-variety
BRRI dhan29. The trials were conducted at different locations of Gazipur, in which three farmers’
plots of rice were irrigated following AWD method, which were then compared with another 3
farmers’ plots of rice irrigated in conventional method maintaining 3-5 inches of standing water
throughout. The trials have revealed that AWD method saved about 365 mm irrigation water (about
27%) over the conventional irrigation practice. However, there was no adverse effect of AWD-
irrigation on grain yields of rice. AWD method as perceived by farmers, although reduced irrigation
cost, resulted in more weed infestation and was associated with more weeding cost. Following the
impressive results of the validation trials, the demonstrations were conducted in the farmers’ fields of
different districts during boro 2009. In general, the demonstrations were successful to impress the
farmers about AWD-irrigation as a water saving and low-cost irrigation method. However assurance of
timely availability of irrigation is a precondition for farmers to adopt the technique and weed
management using appropriate herbicides is necessary for adoption of the technology.

Keywords: Water saving irrigation, alternate wetting and drying, rice yield.

1. Introduction becomes profitable. Another concern is of

Water for agriculture is becoming increasingly ecological safety, which is potentially threatened
scarce (Rijsberman, 2006). Per capita availability by excess use of natural resources like water for
of water resources in Asia is expected to decline rice cultivation.
by 15-54% in 2025 compared with 1990 levels In Asia, about 40% of the fresh water is diverted
(Guerra et al., 1998). In the context of global to irrigate rice land. About 75% of the global rice
energy crisis and water scarcity, rice production production comes from irrigated lands, which are
system is undergoing changes. China will reduce predominantly found in Asia (Sakthivadivel et
her agricultural water use by 60% from now on al., 2001). It has been estimated that 3000- 5000
to 2020. The strategy is to increase productivity liters of water is required to produce 1.0 kg of
at a reduced cost of production so that farming rice (SAIC, 2007). Precision in irrigation is
Water saving irrigation in rice cultivation 129

therefore, needed to save water. Through out the rice seeds. Irrigation is applied with a depth of
rice growing countries, farmers are habituated to about 5-cm after the water level reaches 15-20
maintain continuous standing water in rice land, cm depth below the ground surface. At this
which is associated with increased energy condition, there is enough water for the rice
consumption and eventually higher cost of plants to maintain photosynthesis, even though
production. In fact, 20-30% of the rice water is not seen on the top. Around flowering,
production cost is incurred for irrigation only in one week before to one week after the peak of
case of irrigated rice depending on soil type and flowering, ponded water should be kept at 5-cm
mode of payment (Alam, 2006). Alternative depth. After that, during grain filling and
water saving irrigation techniques have been ripening, AWD can be applied again. However,
developed and increasingly adopted in rice no further irrigation is needed at the onset of
growing countries during recent decades. The hard dough stage.
aims of this paper is to overview the adoption
and impact of water saving irrigation technology The practical way to implement AWD is to
with particular reference to alternate wetting and monitor the water depth in the field using a “field
drying irrigation in rice cultivation. The results water tube” – preferably a perforated PCV pipe
of some on-farm validation trials on AWD installed in the rice field to allow observation of
irrigation in Bangladesh is also discussed. water level. The pipe is installed in a spot that
represents the whole field (neither at depression
2. Water saving irrigation technology- nor at an elevated patch). The PVC pipe of 10-
alternate wetting and drying (AWD) cm diameter and about 30-cm long be installed
Water Scientists have developed technology for such that the top 10-cm (non perforated) remains
producing rice with less water. The technique is above the ground and the rest 20-cm (perforated)
so-called “Alternate Wet and Dry” (AWD) is placed below the ground surface. The AWD
method of irrigation in which irrigation water is irrigation has been widely adopted in China. This
applied to obtain flooded conditions after a technique was promoted among farmers and has
certain number of days have elapsed after the become a common practice in Japan and Sri
disappearance of ponded water (Bouman et al., Lanka and being tested by farmers in India and
2007). The AWD technique considers rice crop Philippines. Recently, the technique has been
like any other irrigated crop, with no standing introduced in Bangladesh.
water and maintaining an aerobic condition in
3. Grain yield and water productivity under
the soil. The main principle underlying the
different water saving irrigations
technique is to increase yield per unit
transpiration, reducing non-beneficial depletions, 3.1. Grain yield
effective use of rainfall and reducing outflow. Many studies have revealed that continuous
submergence is not essential for obtaining high
The AWD method of irrigation is actually the yield of rice (Guerra et al., 1998). Tabbal et al.
application of irrigation water based on visual (1992) and Singh et al. (1996) reported that
observation of water table in the rice land. The maintaining a very thin layer, at saturated soil
concept is that irrigation is applied in rice land to conditions or at alternate wetting and drying can
bring ponding conditions after a certain period reduce water applied to rice field by about 40-
has elapsed after the ponded water has receded 70% compared to continuous shallow
from the field. (Sakthivadivel et al., 2001, submergence, without significant yield loss. In
Bouman et al., 2007). The period of non-flooded 31 field experiments analyzed by Bouman and
condition may very depending on soil texture, Tuong, (2001), 92% of the AWD treatments
but normally that could be 3-4 days. AWD resulted in yield reduction varying from just
irrigation begins from 10-15 days after more than 0 to 70% compared with those of the
transplanting or 20 days after direct seeding of flooded controls.
130 Husain et al./The Agriculturists 7(1&2): 128-136 (2009)
In Philippines, grain yields of rice did not vary In Japan, alternate wetting and drying irrigation
greatly with 4-8-day intervals between irrigation. was promoted among farmers in late 1950s and
However, grain yield dropped 1.0 t/ha, or more the technique has become very popular.
with irrigation intervals beyond 8 days (De Dalta Investigations conducted by Anbumozhi et al.
et al., 1973). Qinghua et al. (2002) reported that (1998) on the effects of continuous, intermittent
intermittent irrigation reduced rice yield by 4-6% and variable ponding and also under different
than the flooded treatment. Water saving in doses of fertilizer application on rice have shown
alternately submerged and non-submerged that at 9 cm ponding depth, grain yield of 5.2 and
irrigation was 13-16% compared with 4.95 t/ha were obtained with continuous and
continuously submerged regime (Belder et al.,
intermittent ponding, respectively. AWD
2002), while water regime did not significantly
irrigation resulted in higher water productivity of
influence yield.
1.26 kg/m3 compared to continuous flooding
(0.96 kg/m3). Studies conducted in China during
3.2. Water productivity
the 1980-1990s showed water saving irrigation
The concept of increasing water productivity following alternate flooding and drying
“more crop per drop” was first introduced at the
consistently produced higher yields than the
International Water Management Institute
traditional practice of continuous flooding.
(IWMI), Sri Lanka in the mid-1990s (Giordano
Studies in India also revealed increased yield of
et al., 2006). Water productivity denotes the
amount or volume of product (rice yield) per unit rice irrigated following AWD irrigation.
of water used). Castaneda et al. (2002) found However, the response to AWD irrigation varied
that under aerobic rice cultivation in China, depending on rice varieties, soil type and
water productivity was increased by 20-40% seasons. In Bangladesh, large number of on-farm
over that under flooded conditions, because trials have revealed that AWD method of
water use deceased relatively more than yield. irrigation in boro rice using perforated PVC pipe
Intermittent irrigation required 27-37% less produced grain yield of 5.8 t/ha, which was
water than the flooded treatments whereas grain about 8% higher than that produced by farmers’
yield increased by 4 to 6%. practice of continuous ponding water in rice land
(Sattar et al., 2009). Water productivity in those
Sakthivadivel et al. (2001) reviewed the effects trails was about 30% heigher under AWD
of water saving techniques of irrigation (WSI) on compared with farmers’ practice of continuous
rice yield and water productivity in many standing water.
countries. Studies in International Rice Research
Institute (IRRI) revealed that rice yield generally 3.3. Irrigated rice and weed growth
declined as soon as the field water content Emergence of weeds and the types of weeds in a
reached or dropped below saturation. Yield
weed population are closely related to the
reduction was reported to be upto 10% when the
moisture content of the soil and the water depth
soil water was kept at satuation. Water
in the rice field. Moist, but un-flooded soil,
productivity in on-farm studies varied from 0.1-
1.9 g grains per Kg of water depending on rice warm temperatures and adequate light favour the
varieties and environment. It was revealed that growth of grass. Five cm of continuous standing
water saving irrigation techniques could water may substantially control grasses. But
substantially reduce water input at the field level infestation of other weeds very greatly with the
and generally increased water productivity of depth of standing water, with sedges being
irrigation. WSI maintained or decreased land severe under dry condition (De Datta, 1981).
productivity compared with continuous flooded Permanently flooded rice land tends to have less
rice and then did not result in increased total rice weed growth than rice land that is not
production with less water. permanently flooded (Mortimer and Hill, 1999).
Water saving irrigation in rice cultivation 131


G ra s s e s s
B ro a d L e a f
Weeds (no./m )


S edges


0 cm 2 .5 c m 7 .5 c m 16 cm

W a te r d e p th (c m )

Fig. 1. Weed population as influenced by water depth in the rice land (Adopted from De
Datta, 1981).


25 Grass Broad Leaf Sedge

Weed population (no./m )



15 cm 20 cm 30 cm

Deplation level (cm) below soil surface

Fig. 2. Weed infestations under various water depletion levels (Khan, 2009 unpublished data).
132 Husain et al./The Agriculturists 7(1&2): 128-136 (2009)

Weed infestation and types of weed population (Kirk, 2004). Amonia volatilization from urea
are closely related with water content of the soil fertilizer is the major pathway of N loss in
and water depth in the rice land. Grasses can tropical flooded rice land (Buresh and De Datta,
substantially be controlled by continuous 1990). Irrigated rice system is a significant sink
flooding. Infestation of weeds may vary greatly for atmospheric CO 2, a significant source of
with depth of standing water (Fig. 1 and 2). methane (CH4) and also a small source of nitrous
oxide (N2O) (Bouman et al., 2007.
Under dry condition, sedge population is the
maximum. Studies show that with the depletion Excess withdrawal of underground water to
of water level below 15 cm and further, grass irrigate rice can also be potentially associated
population is always higher in the boro rice land with arsenic contamination in the rice plants and
(Fig. 2). may endanger human and animal health
(Anonymous, 2004-05). Thus, the growing
3.4. Irrigated rice and its environmental concept of “Evergreen Revolution” – “increasing
impacts crop productivity is perpetuity without
Flooding of rice land increases the availability of associated ecological harm” (Swaminathan,
phosphorous, potassium, calcium etc. But 2008) may be hindered. However, the risk of As-
flooding of highly permeable soils causes contaminated irrigation water to crop production
leaching down of nutrients from the root zone has received little attention until now. Duxbury
(De Datta, 1981). Drainage with moderate drying and Zavala (2005) estimated that ten years of
allows oxygen to penetrate into the soil. irrigating paddy fields with As-contaminated
Percolating water can bring oxygen into the soils water would add 5-10 mg/kg soil to 41% of the
and leach toxic substance beyond the rooting 456 study sites included in their study. Williams
zone. Generally, most rice varieties maintain et al. (2006) in an extensive sampling of rice
better growth and produce higher grain yields throughout Bangladesh found a positive
when grown in a flooded soil than when grown correlation between As in the ground water and
in a non-flooded soil. As in the rice. AWD irrigation practices also
provide opportunities to improve human health.
Flooded rice land is associated with emission of The intermittent drying of rice land produced
several greenhouse gases. Experiments dramatic impact on the control of mosquito
conducted in China showed that there was populations associated with the propagation of
pronounced effect of altered water management vector-borne diseases in Portugal and Indonesia
on greenhouse gas emission. Flooding of the soil as reported by Sakthivadivel et al. (2001).
is responsible for sustained emission of methane. 4. AWD irrigation in Bangladesh
Mid-season drainage greatly reduces methane BRRI Adaptive Research division validated the
emission. CH4 emission from ground covered technology in farmers’ fields of Gazipur during
rice productions systems was low compared with boro season of 2007 and 2008. Being highly
conventional flooded rice (Dittert et al., 2002). encouraged by the on-farm performance of the
Maintenance of standing water throughout rice AWD irrigation, the technology was
crop growth may potentially promote methane demonstrated in ten locations of the country
emission, particularly in the soils rich in organic during boro season, 2009. Outcomes of those
carbon. It was estimated that low land rice activities are presented below.
emitted about 10-20 % of global methane in
early 1980s (Kirk, 2004). Estimates of annual The validation trials were undertaken during Boro,
methane emissions from rice land are in the 2007 and 2008 season at Kapasia, Gazipur. Six
range of 5-10% of the total global emission dispersed farmers’ plots of equal sizes (about 33
Water saving irrigation in rice cultivation 133

dec.) were selected in each year at almost equal rainfall) during the growing season. That is, about
distance from the irrigation pump within the same 300 mm water was saved in AWD irrigation. The
command area. Out of the six plots, 3 were rainfall was distributed during the tillering and
irrigated following the alternate wetting and reproductive stages, which was congenial for
drying (i.e. irrigate the plots 3 days after pounded Boro rice production. Time required for irrigation
water disappeared from the field) and the rest 3 during the crop-growing season for same area
plots were irrigated following conventional under alternate wetting and drying method and
farmers’ practices (i.e. continuous standing water farmers’ practice were, respectively, 23.25 and
throughout the growing period) and were 43.60 hrs. This indicates that about 29% irrigation
considered as 3 replications. The rice variety was water and about 47% application time could be
BRRI dhan29 and was cultivated under farmers’ saved by alternate wetting and drying method
management. The amount of applied water was without affecting grain yields (Table 1). Alternate
measured by a depth gauge in the plot and the wetting and drying method thus reduced the
time required for each irrigation was also irrigation cost. Grain yields under both AWD and
recorded. Rainfall data were collected from the conventional methods of irrigation were very
BRRI meteorology station, about 20 km far from similar at about 7.2 t/ha, that is AWD method did
the trial sites. Following the validation trials, the not affect grain yield.
demonstrations were conducted in ten locations of
the country during Boro, 2009. In the AWD- Farmers’ perception
irrigation plots perforated PVC pipes were The farmers perceived that alternate wetting and
installed and monitored. Farmers’ perception drying method reduces the number of irrigation
about the technology was also analyzed. without affecting yield. It reduces fuel or
electricity cost for pump operation and hence
5. Results and discussion reduces irrigation cost. However, the farmers felt
Boro 2007: Table 1 reveals that total irrigation that weed infestation increases under alternate
water applied in alternate wetting and drying wetting and drying method of irrigation and
(AWD) method for the whole growing season was hence needs more labour for controlling weeds
about 730 mm, whereas that under farmer’s and thus increases weeding cost.
practice was about 1030 mm (excluding 176 mm
Table 1. Grain yield, water and time saved through alternate wetting and drying method at Farmer’s
field, Boro, 2007.
Applied Grain saved over
Rainfall* Total Irrigation over
Irrigation methods water yield farmer’s
(mm) (mm) time (hr.) farmer’s
(mm) (t/ha) practice
Irrigation at 3
days after ponded
730 176 906 23.25 7.23
disappearance 29 47
following 1030 176 1206 43.60 7.18
farmers’ practice
* Rainfall was measured at BRRI Gazipur about 25 Km far from the experimental site.
134 Husain et al./The Agriculturists 7(1&2): 128-136 (2009)

Boro, 2008: Table 2 reveals that during boro perceived that alternate wetting and drying
2008, total amount of irrigation water applied in method reduces the number of irrigation without
alternate wetting and drying plots for the whole affecting yield. It reduces fuel or electricity cost
growing season was about 820 mm, whereas that for pump operation and hence reduces irrigation
under farmer’s practice was about 1185 mm. cost. Increased weed infestation and the
That is, about 365 mm water was saved in AWD associated increased cost of weeding was
irrigation. Time required for irrigation during the identified as the main limitation of this
crop-growing season for same area under technology.
alternate wetting and drying method and
farmers’ practice were respectively, 14.35 and Boro, 2009: Demonstrations were conducted in
20.65 hrs. This indicates that about 31% field 10 locations of Gazipur, Netrokona, Shirajgonj,
irrigation water and about 45% application time Comilla, Sylhet, Satkhira and Barisal to
could be saved by alternate wetting and drying demonstrate the advantages of AWD-irrigation,
method without affecting grain yields (Table 2). using perforated PVC pipe. Generally, AWD
Therefore, Alternate wetting and drying method method was found to be a good water saving
could thus save irrigation water and reduce the technology as perceived by the farmers.
irrigation cost substantially.
On-farm demonstrations of AWD – irrigation 6. Socio-economical aspects of AWD irrigation
were also conducted by others in Bangladesh In Bangladesh, AWD irrigation has been a recent
Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) has introduction. Alam et al. (2009) conducted a
shown that over 460 locations, AWD- irrigation study on its socio-economic impacts over 87
gave 0.61 ton higher yield per ha over traditional farmers who adopted the technology. They found
irrigation. AWD – irrigation also saved 28% of that the farmers who adopted the AWD
time compared to traditional practice. Similarly, technology required about 30% less water in
Bangladesh Agricultural Development growing irrigated rice compared to conventional
Corporation (BADC) and Barind Multipurpose irrigation. The use of less water in AWD
Development Authority BMDA) have found irrigation was associated with 12 to 15%
slight yield advantages and significant amounts reduction in cost. A partial budget analysis
of water savings by AWD- irrigation.
showed that adoption of AWD irrigation would
Farmer’s perception result in a net profit of about TK. 4200.00 per
Farmers’ perception on AWD method was very hectare over the conventional irrigation of
similar to that observed during 2007. Farmers continuous standing water.
Table 2. Water and time saved through alternate wetting and drying method at Farmer’s field, Boro, 2007-08
Applied Rainfall* Total Irrigat Grain Water saved Time
Irrigation methods water (mm) (mm) ion yield over saved over
(mm) time (t/ha) farmer’s farmer’s
(hr.) practice (%) practice
Irrigation at 3 820 159 979 14.35 8.52
days after ponded
disappearance 27 30.5
Irrigation 1185 159 1344 20.65 8.42
farmers’ practice
* Rainfall of BRRI Gazipur considered as the rainfall of the experimental site.
Water saving irrigation in rice cultivation 135

7. Conclusions and Recommendations International Rice Research Institute. Los

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