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As the theory illustrated in the book International Business Competing in the

global marketplace 11e, the function of international business’s marketing

strategy is to determine whether the product standardization is suitable with the
current market or not. Moreover, how to position the product in the market,
giving promotion and delivering message to the consumer should also be
particularly adjusted with the local market.
In terms of Samsung, their global marketing operate collaboratively with the
strategies of innovation and vertical integration. Initially, Samsung had been a
company focusing on manufacturing smartphones at lower cost than its
competitors. Because of the need for building the brand image powerfully in
long-term period, Samsung had to take a swift over marketing strategy that add
high-quality to gain success in global market. The first step in the tranformation
process is to start a new competitive strategy in order to develop and promote
superior products as well as enhancing the Samsung’s image as a stylish and
high-quality electronic corporation. Their goal is to position themselves as
unique company whose product’s design is more attractive to the young
generation. As a result, Samsung decided to invest heavily in innovating
technology and their R&D department. During the oconomic crisis of 2008-
2009, Samsung spent over 7 Billion dollars for nearly 6% of their revenue into
research and development. Another crucial factor of Samsung global marketing
strategy was mangaging their marketing resource to bulid long-term brand
visibility, brand loyalty and awareness. There were initial resistance from
regional and product managers to those huge changes, only when Eric Kim, an
executive VP of global marketing operations on Smartphone, boost up brand
preference, market share and profit.(Dahlen, M., Lange, F. & Smith, T., 2009).
By ultilizing fashion-oriented TV commercials, they built a contemporary sense
of style as well as highlighting the technical function of their products. WPP
also use promotional tools such as product placement, sponsorship, and online
advertising to enhance to brand.
The innovated marketing strategy has been considered a huge success of
Samsung globally. In detail, the global value of Samsung’s brand increased
more than 200% from 2003 to 2008. As a result, their revenue has grown into a
straggering $218 billion as of 2018. In addition, Samsung continues to take
further steps on innovation of technology and product. For example, Samsung
has released Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and the Galaxy Fold, which is indicated as
latest example of leading innovation

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