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Introduction to ASE Cockpit

Created by Marilyn Airey, last modified by Ryan Hansen on Sep 17, 2018

This presentation is the information disigned to:

Install new ASE cockpit server

Add an ASE instance to the ASE cockpit
Know how to navigate through ASE cockpit.
Note: ASE Cockpit, IQ Cockpit, DBA Cockpit are separate tools.

• ASE16 SP02 software or above
• Use setup.bin or setup.exe to install software
• Install the full software including the ASE cockpit to monitor existing ASE instance(s).

Installation of ASE Cockpit: tech_user is automatically granted the privilege to configure SAP ASE Cockpit settings.
Technical User is a dedicated account used for creating and scheduling collection jobs and monitoring, and
triggering alerts based on predefined thresholds.

Do not use the technical user account to log into SAP ASE Cockpit. The technical user account should only be
used for creating and scheduling collections, monitoring, and triggering alerts.

The port number selected must be available.

Be sure and make note of these ports.

SAP ASE Cockpit has two predefined SAP ASE Cockpit Agent login accounts: sccadmin and uafadmin

These two logins can only be used to authenticate against the SAP ASE Cockpit Agent.

Do not use these user accounts to log in to the SAP ASE Cockpit.

To change the passwords manually edit the agent-plugin.xml file properties values for
SAP ASE and HADR components.
Changing the UAFADMIN or SCCADMIN Password

The sccadmin and uafadmin are not placed in the ASE server they are for the cockpit repository.


The SAP ASE Cockpit embedded repository stores information related to managed systems, as well as user preference data, operational data, statistics, and alert configuration.
The ASE Cockpit repository is a SQLAnywhere server that is not to be touched by human hands. It is an “internal database”
Accessing the ASE cockpit Repository using dbisql or other tools of this nature is not supported.
You can back up the repository database on demand, schedule automatic backups, restore the repository from backups, and configure repository purging options. Full and incremental backups are
available. A full backup copies the entire repository. An incremental backup copies the transaction log, capturing any changes since the last full or incremental backup. (More on this in later slides).

The ASE Cockpit is automatically started when the install is complete. To bring it up – use any browser:


Basic Steps to Manually Configure ASE Cockpit:

Step 1 - Setup ASE Cockpit Network Ports

Step 2 - Add the existing ASE to the ASE Cockpit

Step 3 - Start ASE Cockpit server

Step 4 - Create technical user and set password

Step 5 - Set the ASE Cockpit Agent password

Step 6 – Register and Authenticate an ASE Cockpit Agent

Step 1 - Setup ASE Cockpit Network Ports

Run $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/bin/cockpit –p to change default port number.
Example: $ -p db=port http=port https=port msg=port rmi=port tds=port

Check for port conflicts between SAP ASE Cockpit and other software running on the same host. SAP ASE Cockpit cannot function properly if other services use its ports.
Run cockpit --info port to verify that all ports are valid to use. When the “In Use” is marked “true”, you need to change the port number by re-running the cockpit –p command.

Step 2 - Add the existing ASE to the ASE Cockpit

1. Create the ASE profile plugin in the SYBASE/COCKPIT-4 directory.
2. Create a directory in $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/plugins. The name of the directory is the ASE name. In this slide, we use the MyASE as an example.
3. Copy the com.sybase.ase templates to the $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/plugins/myASE directory to create the myASE plugin profile.
4. Generate the encrypted password for ASE plugin profile.
5. Edit the $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/plugins/ASEservername/agent-plugin.xml file and enter ASE plugin profile information.
•Please see KBA 2133600 for details. A script provided in this KBA to simplify the above steps.

Step 3 - Start ASE Cockpit server

•Run in /$SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/bin directory to start the ASE Cockpit server.

Example: [SAP bin]$ ./
SAP> Starting Cockpit Server...

---------- SYSTEM INFO ----------

Home Directory: /your/cockpit/directory/COCKPIT-4 Version:

Cockpit Server 4 SP11
Node: ServerName(
Log Message level: WARN

Platform: linux
Bitwidth: 64
OS Name: Linux
OS Version: 2.6.32-431.17.1.el6.x86_64
OS Architecture: amd64

Available Processors: 8
Total Physical Memory: 13925 MB
Free Physical Memory: 4236 MB

java.library.path: /your/cockpit/directory/COCKPIT-4/rtlib:/your/cockpit/directory/COCKPIT-4/bin/sa16/linux64/lib64
Java Home: /your/cockpit/directory/shared/SAPJRE-X_X_XXX_64BIT
Java Version: 1.8.0_45
Java VM Version: 8.1.008 25.45-b02 VM Process ID
VM Arguments: -Xms128m, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=/your/cockpit/directory/COCKPIT-4/log, -Dcom.sybase.home=/work/mairey/ASE_cockpit, -,, -Dcom.sybase.platform=linux, -Djava.library.path=/your/cockpit/directory/COCKPIT-
4/rtlib:/your/cockpit/directory//COCKPIT-4/bin/sa16/linux64/lib64,, -,

Cockpit Web Console: https://ServerName:port/cockpit

Type help for more options cockpit>

Copy the https into a web browser. It may take times to display the Cockpit login panel. After you see the
panel, login as sa and enter sa password.
ASE configuration windows will display when ASE cockpit parameter was not set. Set these values and apply
the changes.

Step 4 - Create technical user and set password

1. In SAP ASE Cockpit, click the EXPLORE tab.

2. In the left pane, click ASE Servers.
3. In the left pane, do one of: Click the arrow to the right of the name. Click the Actions button.
4. Select Create Cockpit Technical User.
5. Click Technical User Credentials.
6. On the Add Technical User - Technical User Credentials page, enter a password for the default user tech_user.
a. tech_user is automatically granted the privilege to configure SAP ASE Cockpit settings.
b. Technical User is a dedicated account used for creating and scheduling collection jobs and monitoring, and triggering alerts based on predefined thresholds
c. Do not use the technical user account to log into SAP ASE Cockpit. The technical user account should only be used for creating and scheduling collections, monitoring, and triggering alerts.
7. Click Finish.

Step 5 - Set the ASE Cockpit Agent password

1. The password is in an encrypted form. Before you can set the password, you need to use the passencrypt utility to encrypt the agent password of your choice. The default agent password is
Example: %$SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/bin /passencrypt -csi
Password: your_unseen_password_text
2. Cockpit Agent password is stored in the csi_config.xml file. In a text editor, open the csi_config.xml file in $SYBASE/COCKPIT-4/conf.
3. Search for the account name: Default SCC agent admin account: uafadmin
4. Paste the new encrypted password into the value field of the password line. Be sure to paste inside the double quotes:
<options name="password" value="{SHA256:oRx3DWtwcd4=}voH01Ddz8VUJywbkJ9Grg8IPqWPXSP89gKW5ytKtbf4=" />
5. Save the file and exit.
6. To make the new password take effect, restart the SAP ASE Cockpit server on which the changes were made. The default password is “Sybase4me”.

Step 6 – Register and Authenticate an ASE Cockpit Agent

1. In SAP ASE Cockpit, click the EXPLORE tab.

2. In the left pane, click ASE Servers.
3. In the left pane, do one of:
Click the arrow to the right of the name.
Click the Actions button.
4. Select Properties.
5. In the left pane, select Agent.
6. Enter the ASE server agent port number which is the RMI port number in Step 1 and click Register.
7. Specify the user name and password, then click Authenticate.
8. The default user name for the agent is uafadmin.
9. Enter the agent user (the default is uafadmin) and password from Step 5.1.


2591017 - Introduction to ASE Cockpit

2133600 - How to manually add an ASE server to ASE Cockpit? - ASE 16.0 SP02 PL02

2307016 - How to manually configure ASE Cockpit on an existing ASE installation without GUI installer ?

2294093 - After installing ASE Cockpit - when clicking on the errorlog tab, an error occurs.

2332101 - Can sql commands be run inside SAP ASE Cockpit?

Changing the UAFADMIN or SCCADMIN Password

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Former Member
Note the first link to KBA 2133600 is incorrect - it takes you to 2122600
Feb 07, 2017

Marilyn Airey
Thank you for the correction - I have updated the link.
Feb 07, 2017

Glenn Brown
Thanks for the info Marilyn, I believe (or have read) that Cockpit is a 1:1 installation? We have 4 SAP ASE servers within our organisation. Does this mean that I have to install Cockpit on each server?
Or can I monitor all 4 servers from the 1 installation on a single server?
Mar 01, 2017

Marilyn Airey
You can monitor any number of ASE's which are on the same host. So if you have 4 different ASE servers on 4 different machines, you will need on ASE Cockpit for each of them.
Mar 01, 2017

Marilyn Airey
Let me be a bit more clear. If you have multiple ASE servers running on the SAME host, then you can have them all on a single ASE Cockpit. If the servers are on different hosts, then you must have
a cockpit running each of those servers. One ASE Cockpit per host.
Mar 07, 2017

Glenn Brown
Thanks Marilyn, that's quite clear. After installation is there any need to reboot the operating system? From the documentation above it doesn't seem so???


Mar 08, 2017

Marilyn Airey
No, there is no need to reboot the OS.
Mar 08, 2017

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