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21st Century Literature

Types of Characters

Vivien Blaise J. Bajardo

STEM 12.1

Myrish T. Alam
21st Century Literature Teacher

1. Which character is best described as the protagonist? Lawrence.

Explain your answer.

In most cases, the story revolves around the protagonist. This story is
Lawrence’s, on how he underwent a dramatic character development after
seeing the consequences of his decisions. Although the protagonist may be
confused to be Miguel, Miguel’s character here is just a portrayal to help the
personal transformation of Lawrence, which is the protagonist.

2. Is Miguel a dynamic or static character? Static.

Explain your answer.

Throughout the story, Miguel remained to be the hardworking employee of

the factory making him a static character. Static characters are character that
do not change in the course of the story. In this case, even after given the
promotion in the end, Miguel is still the hardworking employee as he was
described in the beginning of the story.

3. Is Lawrence a static or dynamic character? Dynamic.

Explain your answer.

Dynamic characters are characters who undergo change in the story. Lawrence
is a dynamic character, with the help of his brother’s ghost, he experienced
change in his point of view and understanding on Miguel’s situation.

4. Is Lawrence a round or flat character? Round.

Explain your answer.

Round characters are those who are well-developed and are known to the
readers. Lawrence is the central character of the story and shows a well-
developed trait.

5. Is the ghost of Lawrence's brother a static or dynamic character? Static.

Explain your answer.

The ghost of Lawrence’s brother is the same throughout the entire story,
making him a static character. He is a helping character that made a
significant role in the personal transformation of the central character.

6. Is Miguel's oldest child a round or flat character? Flat.

Explain your answer.

Miguel’s oldest child is a flat character because its character was not given the
exposure it needs for it to be known to the readers, making it not well-

7. Is Miguel's youngest child a static or dynamic character? Static.

Explain your answer.

Miguel’s youngest child was only shown in the story once, there are no
significant changes that was observed in the story making the character a
static character.

8. Is the ghost of Lawrence's brother a round or flat character? Flat.

Explain your answer.

Although the ghost of Lawrence’s brother gave a significant change to the

perspective of the central character, not much about his character was
described in the story. Its character is not very developed. His character is flat.

9. Is Miguel an antagonist? No.

Explain your answer.

The antagonist is known to be a character who opposes the decisions of the

protagonist or the protagonist itself. Miguel hasn’t shown any oppositions to
Lawrence, not making him an antagonist.

10. Is Miguel's wife a round character? No.

Explain your answer.

Just like the children of Miguel, his wife was only mentioned a few time in
the story. It is difficult to judge whether there were any developments in her
traits and character throughout the story. His wife’s character is flat, not a
round character.

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