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Truss design

Roof trusses become necessary when sloping roofs have to be provided. At places of heavy rainfall or
heavy snowfall sloping roofs are necessary which have to be supported by roof trusses. Workshops
warehouses, industrial buildings etc. also need sloping roofs and hence roof trusses. For many single-
story buildings sloping roofs on trusses are common. When a roof is to be provided for a building which
does not have interior supports and the exterior walls are more than 12 m apart, a roof truss will be a
convenient arrangement to support the roof.

Components of a Steel Roof Truss:

A roof truss consists essentially of the following components:

(i) Upper chord members.

(ii) Bottom chord members.

(iii) Web members.

The upper most line of members which extend from one support to the other through the apex is
called the upper chord, whereas the bottom chord consists of the lowermost line of members
extending from one support to the other.

In trusses simply supported at the ends, the members in the top chord are subjected to
compression and the members of the bottom chord are subjected to tension. But in cantilever
trusses, the top chord members will be in tension and the bottom chord members will be in
compression. Usually in simply supported trusses, for the normal loadings, the top and bottom
chord members near the support carry greater forces.

The top and the bottom chord members are connected by vertical or diagonal members called
web members. The joints at which the web members are connected to the chords are called panel
points. The joint at the support is called the heel joint while the joint at the ridge is called the
peak joint.

Tension members are called ties while compression members are called struts.

The truss provides an easy means to transmit the loads through the reactions to the walls or
supporting columns.

The distance between the supporting end joints of a truss is called its span. When supported on
walls, the distance between the centres of bearings is considered as the span. When framed into
columns the distance between the column faces is regarded as the span.

The rise of the truss is the vertical distance between the apex and the line joining the supports.

The pitch and slope for various inclinations of roofs are given below:
When the rise is not more than 1 vertical to 6 horizontal the roof is called a flat roof. If the rise
exceeds the above limit the roof is called a pitched roof. As far as possible steep pitches are to be
avoided since they will have to resist greater wind pressure. Moreover, truss members become
longer, particularly the compression members, if made longer can carry only low stresses
depending on their slenderness ratio. Thus, compression members will have to be of heavy

The portion of the truss lying between two consecutive joints is called a panel. The portion of the
roof contained between successive trusses is called a bay. The member spanning from truss to
truss which is meant to carry the load of the roofing material and to transfer it on the panel points
is called a purlin. Hence the length of the purlin is equal to the width of the bay, i.e., the spacing
of the trusses.

The various components of the truss are shown in Fig. 12.1.

Types of Trusses:
The king post truss is mainly adopted for short spans (less than 6 m). It is usually built of wood
completely or of wood combined with steel. Steel rods are used as tension members.

The Queen post truss is found suitable for spans 6 m to 9 m. For ordinary buildings the fink type
truss is found to be very satisfactory. These trusses are convenient for spans 12 m to 18 m.

For small spans flat roofs may be supported on beams. But for larger spans flat trusses are to be
used. In this case the upper chord will be inclined sufficiently to provide just the required slope
for proper drainage.

In factory buildings where considerably more light is desirable the saw tooth truss is used. In this
type the steep sides of the trusses will be glazed. The glazed panels are usually faced towards
North to avoid the direct glare of the sun and are hence called North light roof trusses. For long
spans and where more head room is required the crescent truss is adopted. For such conditions
the scissors truss, the curb truss, the shed truss, the three hinged arched truss, the Hammer beam
truss are also used.

Loads on Roof Trusses:

1. Dead Loads:

These consist of weights of trusses, roof coverings, purlins and bracings. Usually the dead load
on the truss is expressed as the load per unit horizontal area.

Weight of Roof Covering:

The following table shows the weights of roof covering commonly provided.

Pitch of Trusses:

The slope of the top chord members or the ratio of rise to span of a truss is called the pitch of the
truss. The pitch of the truss is an important factor in the selection of a truss. Slope for roof is
necessary to drain off rain water falling on the roof. If roof slopes are not provided, i.e., if the
roofs are flat, then it may be very difficult to provide sheet roofing without the use of effective
mastic sealing of the sheet joints.

When G.I. sheets are used the pitch may be 1/6 of the span. When A.C. sheets are provided the
pitch may be 1/10 to 1/12 of the span. Where snow loads and wind loads exist, a pitch of 1/4 the
span is found convenient. In regions where snowfall is absent, a pitch of 1/6 is reasonable. In
trusses of low pitch there is the advantage of reduced wind pressure.


Purlins are beams of light sections spanning between trusses carrying dead load of roof, live load
and wind load. Purlins transmit these loads to the trusses. Generally, the purlins are so spaced
that they are supported over the top chord joints of the truss.

In the case of trusses of large spans, it may become necessary to support the purlins over the top
chord members between panel points. In such cases the top chord members will be subjected to
bending moment in addition to axial load. Purlins may be angles, channels, I-sections, tube
sections etc.

Spacing of Trusses:

The spacing of trusses is determined by the spacing of the columns. The spacing of the trusses
may be such as to minimize the cost of roofing. The spacing of trusses may be about 1/3 to 1/5 of
the span. Where snow loads and superimposed loads are practically absent larger spacing may be

Reasonable spacing of trusses based on spans are given below:

Lateral Bracings:

Wind forces parallel to the ridge acting on the gable ends are liable to produce displacements and
deformation of the roof trusses, unless a thick gable masonry wall is provided at each end. When
such end gable walls are not provided, it is necessary to provide lateral bracings connecting the
last two trusses. These bracings consist of two systems of lacings-One system of lacing connects
the bottom chord joints of the last two trusses. The second system of lacing connects the top
chord joints of the last two trusses (Fig. 12.3).
Weight of Purlins:

The size of purlins depends on the nature of roof covering supported, wind and other loads and
the spacing of the trusses.

Generally, the following figures may be adopted:

i. Purlins supporting slate roof = 120 N/m2

ii. Purlins supporting glazed roof = 100 N/m2

iii. Purlins supporting corrugated sheeting = 80 N/m2

Weight of Trusses:

Assuming that the roof covering is of corrugated sheeting and the trusses are spaced at 4 metres
and that the trusses are provided with a rise of one-fourth to one-fifth the span, the weight of a
truss expressed in N/square metre of plan area may be taken as-

Weight of Wind Bracing:

This may be assumed as 12 to 13 N/metre2 of plan area.

2. Live Loads on Roof Trusses:

(i) For sloping or flat roof with slopes up to and including 10 degrees.
The live load shall be taken as follows:

(a) When access is provided – 1500 N/m2

(b) When access is not provided – 750 N/m2 (except for maintenance)

(ii) Sloping roof with slope greater than 10 degrees.

The live load to be taken in this case is 750 N/m2 less 20 N/m2 for every degree increase in slope
over 10 degrees.


The live load shall not be taken less than 400 N/m2.

Snow Load:

If a roof is subjected to snow load it should be designed for the actual loads due to snow or for
the live loads specified above, whichever is more severe. Actual load due to snow will depend
upon the shape of the roof and its capacity to retain the snow and each case shall be treated on its
own merits. In the absence of any specific information, the loading due to the collection of snow
may be assumed to be 2.5 N/m2 per mm depth of snow.

The possibility of total or partial snow load should be considered, that is, one half of the roof
fully loaded with the design snow load and the other half loaded with half the design snow load.
In the ease of roofs with slopes greater than 50°, snow load may be disregarded; where, however,
there are possibilities of formation of snow pockets, these should be taken into account.

Economic Spacing of Trusses:

The economic sassing of trusses means the spacing at which the overall cost of trusses, purlins,
roof cover, columns etc. is the minimum. For large spacing of trusses purlins will work out to be
heavy and costly. For small spacing of trusses, while the purlins become light and less costly, the
trusses will work out to be costly. The trusses may be spaced such that the overall cost of the
roof structure is a minimum.
Hence, for economic spacing of trusses, the cost of the trusses should be equal to double the cost
of the purlins plus the cost of the roofing material.

Wind Load:

Wind means air in motion with respect to the surface of the earth. The rotation of the earth and
variations in terrestrial radiation cause the wind. Upward and downward convection of wind are
due to radiation effects. In general wind blows horizontally at high speeds. Anemometers or
anemographs are the aids used for estimating wind speeds. These are installed in meteorological
observatories at a height of 10 m to 30 m above the ground level.

Winds of speed over 80 km/h are referred to as very strong winds and are usually associated with
cyclonic storms, dust storms, thunder storms or active monsoons. Cyclonic storms crossing the
coasts in India are observed to quickly get weakened and move inwards in the form of
depressions or lows. Sometimes we notice hurricanes of very high velocities for short durations
in the summer months over North East India.
The observed wind speeds at any place vary in a large range. How a high wind pressure affects a
building depends upon the presence of nearby obstruction to air flow, the geographical location
of the building, and on the characteristics of the building itself. We determine the effect of wind
on the structure as a whole by considering the combined action of external as well as internal
pressures acting upon it. We always assume that the wind loads act normal to be surface on
which it acts.

Wind Speed and Pressure:

The wind speed is practically zero at ground level and increases to a maximum value at a height
called the gradient height. The terrain condition at a site is responsible for the variation of wind
speeds with height. At any height the wind speed does not really remain constant and so it is
found convenient to arrive at an average value and a fluctuating component, fluctuating from the
average value. The fluctuating component is called gust.

Basic Wind Speed:

Fig. 12.4 shows the basic wind speeds applicable at 10 m height above ground level for various
zones of India. The basic wind speed shown is based on peak gust velocity averaged over a short
interval of 3 seconds. These basic wind speeds have been determined for a 50 year return period.
The Table 12.1 shows the basic wind speeds for some important cities of India.
Design Wind Speed VZ:

The basic wind speed Vb for any site shall be obtained from the map or table above and
shall be modified to include the following effects to get the design wind velocity at any
height (VZ) for the chosen structure:

(a) Risk level;

(b) Terrain roughness, height and size of structure; and

(c) Local topography.

The design wind speed VZ is given by-

VZ = Vb k1 k2 k3

VZ = Design wind speed at any height Z, in m/s.

k1 = Probability factor (risk co-efficient)

k2 = Terrain, height and structure height factor

k3 = Topography factor.


Design wind speed up to 10 m height from mean ground level shall be considered constant.

Risk Coefficient (k1 Factor):

The suggested life period to be assumed in design and the corresponding k1 factors for different
class of structures for the purpose of design is given in Table 12.2. In the design of all buildings
and structures a regional basic wind speed having a mean return period of 50 years shall be used
except as specified in the note of Table 12.2.

The factor k1 is based on statistical concepts which take account of the degree of reliability
required and period of time in years during which these will be exposed to wind, that is life of
the structure. Whatever wind speed is adopted for design purposes, there is always a probability
(however small) that it may be exceeded in a storm of exceptional violence; the greater the
period of years over which these will be exposed to the wind, the greater is the probability.

Higher return periods ranging from 100 to 1000 years (implying lower risk level) in association
with greater periods of exposure may have to be selected for exceptionally important structures,
such as, nuclear power reactors and satellite communication towers.

Equation given below may be used in such cases to estimate k1 factors for different periods of
exposure and chosen probability of exceedance (risk level). The probability level of 0.63 is
normally considered sufficient for design of buildings and structures against wind effects and the
values of k1 corresponding to this risk level are given above.


N = mean probable design life of structure in years;

PN = risk level in N consecutive years (probability that the design wind speed is exceeded at least
once in N successive years), nominal value = 0.63;

XN, P = extreme wind speed for given values of N and PN; and

X50, 0.63 = extreme wind speed for N = 50 years and PN = 0.63.

A and B are coefficients having the following values for different basic wind speed zones:
Terrain, Height and Structure Size Factor (k2 Factor):

Terrain Selection of terrain categories shall be made with due regard to the effect of obstructions
which constitute the ground surface roughness. The terrain category used in the design of a
structure may vary depending on the direction of wind under consideration. Whenever sufficient
meteorological information is available about the nature of the wind direction the orientation of
any building or structure may be suitably planned.

Terrain in which a specific structure stands shall be assessed as being one of the following
terrain categories:

(a) Category 1:

Exposed open terrain with few or no obstruction and in which the average height of any object
surrounding the structure is less than 1.50 m.


This category includes open sea coasts and flat treeless plains.

(b) Category 2:

Open terrain with well scattered obstructions having height generally between 1.50 m and 10 m.


This is the criterion for measurement of regional basic wind speeds and includes airfields, open
park lands and undeveloped sparsely built-up outskirts of towns and suburbs. Open land adjacent
to sea coast may also be classified as category 2 due to roughness of large sea waves at high

(c) Category 3:

Terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of building structures up to 10
m in height with or without a few isolated tall structures.

Note 1:

This category includes well wooded areas, and shrubs, towns and industrial areas full or partially

Note 2:

It is likely that the next higher category than this will not exist in most design situations and that
selection of a more severe category will be deliberate.
Note 3:

Particular attention must be given to performance of obstructions in areas affected by fully

developed tropical cyclones, vegetation which is likely to be blown down on defoliated cannot
be relied upon to maintain category 3 conditions. Where such situation may exist, either an
intermediate category with velocity multipliers midway between the values for category 2 and 3
given in Table 12.3 or category 2 should be selected having due regard to local conditions.

(d) Category 4:

Terrain with numerous large high closely spaced obstructions.


This category includes large city centres, generally with obstructions above 25 m and well
developed industrial complexes.

Variation of Wind Speed with height for different terrains (k2 factor). Table 12.3 gives
multiplying factors (k2) by which the basic wind speed given in the map shall be multiplied to
obtain the wind speed at different heights, in each terrain category for different sizes of

The buildings/structures are classified into the following classes:

Class A – Structures of size less than 20 m.

Class B – Structures of size between 20 m and 50 m.

Class C – Structures of size greater than 50 in.


Intermediate values may be obtained by linear interpolation, if desired. It is permissible to

assume constant wind speed between 2 heights for simplicity.

Terrain Categories in Relation to the Direction of Wind:

The terrain category used in the design of a structure may vary depending on the direction of
wind under consideration. Where sufficient meteorological information is available the basic
wind speed may be varied for specific wind direction.

Changes in Terrain Categories:

The velocity profile for a given terrain category does not develop to full height immediately with
the commencement of that terrain category but develop gradually to height (hx) which increases
with the fetch on upwind distance (x).

Fetch and Developed Height Relationship:

The relation between the developed height (hx) and the fetch (x) for wind flow over each of the
four terrain categories may be taken as given in Table 12.4.

Topography (k3 Factor):

The basic wind speed k6 given in the map takes account of the general level of site above sea
level. This does not allow for local topographic features such as hills, valleys, cliffs, escarpments
or ridges which can significantly affect wind speed in their vicinity. The effect of topography is
to accelerate wind near summits of hills, or ridges and decelerate the wind in valleys or near the
foot of cliffs, steep escarpments, or ridges.

The effect of topography will be significant at a site when the up wind slope (θ) is greater than
3°, and below that, the value of may be taken to be equal to 1.0. The value of k3 is confined in
the range of 1.0 to 1.36 for slopes greater than 3°. The value of k3 varies with height above
ground level, at a maximum near the ground and reducing to 1.0 at higher levels.

For a hill or ridge the k3 factor can be determined from the relation k3 = 1 + Cs, where C shall be
taken as given in the table below.

where, l = Horizontal length covered by the upwind slope in the wind direction
s = Factor depending on the height H above the mean ground level

x = Horizontal distance from the summit or crest relative to the effective length Le.

The factor s should be determined from-

(a) Fig. 12.5 (b) for cliffs and escarpments, and

(b) Fig. 12.5 (c) for hills and ridges.

Any structure which lies in the affected zone (1.5 Le on the wind ward side and 2.5 Le on the
leeward side) must be designed for this co-efficient. Note that the location of the structure is
measured with respect to the crest.

In the above figures-

H = Height of the crest above ground level

X = Distance from the summit to the effective length

Le = Effective horizontal length of the hill.

Design Wind Pressure:

The design wind pressure at any height is given by-

3. Erection Load:
All loads required to be carried by the structure or any part of it due to placing or storage of
construction materials and erection equipment including all loads due to operation of such
equipment, shall be considered as ‘erection loads’. Proper provision shall be made to take care of
all the stresses due to such loads.

Load Combinations on Roof Trusses:

A judicious combination of the working loads keeping in view of the probability of- (a) their
acting together and (b) their disposition in relation to their loads and the severity of stresses or
deformations caused by the combination of the various loads, is necessary to ensure the required
safety and economy in the design of a structure.

The various loads specified above should therefore be combined in accordance with the
stipulation in the relevant design codes.

In the absence of such recommendations, however, the following load combinations, given
for general guidance, may be adopted:

(a) Dead

(c) Dead load + load alone.

(b) Dead load + partial or full live load whichever causes the most critical condition in the

wind or seismic loads.

(d) Dead load + such part of or whole of the specified live load whichever is most likely to occur
in combination with the specified wind or seismic loads + wind or seismic loads.

(c) Dead loads + such parts of live load would be imposed on the structure during the period of
erection + wind or seismic load + erection loads.


For design purposes, wind load and seismic forces shall be assumed not to act simultaneously.
Both forces shall, however, be investigated separately and adequately provided for.


These are members spanning on the roof frames to support the roof coverings. Obviously, the
spacing of the trusses is the span of the purlin.

Purlins consist of angles, channels, or I-sections. When angles and channels are used, the
connections of the purlin to the rafters are made by using cleat angles. But, when I-sections are
used, they are bolted directly to the rafters.
Loading on the Purlin:

Let W be the vertical load transmitted to a purlin. This is due to the dead load of the purlin,
roofing, snow and live load.

Let We be the wind load on the purlin acting normal to the rafter.

Let θ be the inclination of the rafter with the horizontal.

Total load on the purlin normal to the rafter-

= we + w cos θ

Total load on the purlin parallel to the rafter-

= W sin θ
The purlin is thus subjected to biaxial bending. The bending stresses about both axes of bending
are determined. The resultant stress shall not exceed the permissible value. When wind load is
also considered it is usual to adopt a safe stress, 33⅓% in excess of the usual safe stress.

In the case of roofs whose slopes are less than 30° the purlin may be designed as follows:

(i) Width of the angle leg in a plane at right angles to the roof covering shall not be less than

(ii) Width of the angle leg parallel to the roof covering shall not be less than L/60

where, L = Span of purlin

= Spacing of the trusses

(iii) The maximum bending moment for the purlin

= WL/10

where, W = Total load on the purlin including the wind load. The loading on the purlin may be
assumed as acting normal to the roof. Bending about the minor axis may be ignored.

Roof and Side Covering:

Corrugated Galvanized Iron sheets (G.I. sheets) and Asbestos Cement Sheets (A.C. sheets) are
usually used as the covering material.

The G.I. sheets are available in curved condition also to a radius not less than 375 mm.

The two usual sizes of G.I. sheets are:

(i) 8 corrugations 75 mm wide, 19 mm deep

Overall width = 660 mm

(ii) 10 corrugations 75 mm wide, 19 mm deep overall width

Overall width =810 mm

In order to make the joints waterproof side laps of 1.5 to 2 corrugations are usually given. Where
the slopes exceed 20° an overlap of at least 150 mm shall be provided.

The G.I. sheets mentioned above are available in different lengths ranging from 1.20 meters to 3
meters increasing by 0.15 m.

These sheets are connected to the purlins.

A.C. sheets are weaker in strength than G.I. sheets. But A.C. sheets are better insulators. These
are usually available in two shapes (Fig. 12.14).

These are available in lengths of 1.50. 1.80, 2.10, 2.4. 2.7 and 3 metres. These sheets may be
spanned safely up to a span of 1.68 m. For a good arrangement a longitudinal overlap of at least
150 mm and a side overlap of at least 1 corrugation may be provided. The Trafford sheets are
available with a width of 1 metre (actually 1.02 m) between centres of end corrugations. The
corrugated sheets are available with a width of 1 metre (actually 1.07 m).

Wind Loads on Roofs:

For calculating the wind load on individual structural elements like roofs and walls and
individual cladding units, it is essential to take account of the pressure difference between
opposite faces of such elements. For clad structures, it is necessary to know the internal as well
as external pressures.

The wind load F acting normal to the individual structural element or cladding unit is given by-

F = (Cpe – Cpi)Apd


F = Net wind force on the element

Cpe = External pressure coefficient

Cpi = Internal pressure coefficient

A = Surface area of the structural element or cladding unit and

and P = Design wind pressure


Positive wind load indicates the force acting towards the structural element and negative wind
load indicates the force acting away from the structural element.
Fig. 12.40 shows an elevation and plan of a building with pitched roof. Four zones E, F, G and H
are shown. The external pressure coefficient for the various zones are shown in the Table 12.7.
Internal Pressure Co-Efficient (Cpj):

The internal air pressure in a building depends upon the degree of permeability of cladding to the
flow of air. The internal pressure may be positive or negative depending on the duration of flow
of air in relation to the openings in the buildings.
In the case of building where more than 20% of wall area is open the internal pressure
coefficients shall be taken as indicate is Fig. 12.36.

Advantages of Steel Roof Trusses:

Steel trusses have the following advantages:

(i) Steel trusses have good strength and may be economical to beams for large spans

(ii) They can be fabricated easily

(iii) They are most suitable for long spans

(iv) Angles, channels etc. can be easily transported from place to place

(v) They are free from attack by white ants and dry rot

(vi) Steel members are fire resistive, and

(vii) Steel trusses can be erected fast and easily.

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