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MODULE 4 ASSIGNMENT 3: The United Nations Security Council

1. Three things that I significantly learned from the video clip:

The United Nations is seemingly one of the highest forms of political figure that

the world has. I learned that the United Nations is made of six parts, the General Assembly,

the Security Council, the ECOSOC, the Trusteeship Council, the ICJ and the Secretariat.

Another thing is the that there is a member limit in the council and that the voting system in

the council is somehow biased. Also, given the nature of the voting of the non-perm

members, it seems that it will be difficult for many nations to have a say in council decision

without the direct support of all the five permanent members.

2. Three things that are still unclear to me

The things that are indistinct to me are the reason these nations are given express

veto control beside the way that they are major in power, since most issues that worry the

security committee these days include nations that don't have a state in the chamber.

Something else is the wide goal of keeping up harmony and security on the planet just as the

expansive order of what is viewed as animosity and acts against harmony. Something else is

the idea of the approvals and how the Unified Countries can approach its inconvenience, (for

example in light of late authorizes of North Korea and so forth.)

3. I used to think that

Knowledge is Power. Information is control. However, presently, what is power

are the individuals who hold down a political position. People with significant influence

have extraordinary resources whether individuals relations or potentially cash guidelines.

What drives a worldwide association, for example, this? Obviously, the UN is a major get

together that is discrete to the substances of the express, that it is in itself separate to the

plans of any country. Notwithstanding, presently I realize that it is still intensely attached

to the choices and subsequently close to home inspirations of the most dominant, taking

everything into account, it is especially adjusted to their qualities instead of something

different that manages different nations as some kind of perceived impartial expert.

4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video

I would like to ask the following questions: How different is the security council

from military inter-government organizations like NATO? Wouldn’t having five entities with

veto power be difficult in making a decision? The five permanent members are all after-all

very different. Shouldn’t there be a way to deal with vetos among the permanent members?

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