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 What is the difference between imports countries.

– economic
and exports? – Imports are brought interdependence
into a country and exports leave a  The way resources, power, or goods
country are divided among people or groups –
 What is not a result of globalization? - distribution
A lesser dependence on the global   This International Organization help
economy the least developed countries by
 What is not a feature of multi-national stabilizing currency – International
corporations? – They originate from Monetary Fund (IMF)
developing countries  This is cooperation between at least
 What is trade alliance? - A group of two countries to reduce trade barriers
countries who join together to make it such as import quotas and tariffs in
easier to trade order to increase trade of goods and
 What is not a factor that attracts multi- services with each other. – Free
Trade Agreement
national corporations to a country. -
 A poorer country with a less advanced
Unfriendly government policies economy. In general, developing
 Increasing interdependence of nations countries are trying to increase their
and peoples across the globe. - industries and improve life for their
Globalization people. – Developing Nation
 The exchange of goods and services  The process of reducing barriers to
by sale or barter driven by the need trade – Trade Liberalization
for resources. – Trade  An agency of the United Nations that
 A policy in which a nation does not try works with the World Bank to bring
to limit imports or exports by enacting stability to international monetary
affairs and to help expand world trade
tariffs (taxes on imports) or subsidies
– The IMF
(taxes on exports). – Free Trade  A system in which government does
 Products meant to satisfy the wants not intervene (or intervenes only
and needs of buyers - Goods minimally) in the production and
 A large company that has operations control of goods and services – Free
Market Economy
in more than one country. –
 A dimension of globalization that
Multinational Corporations refers to the expansion of trade
 The development of a worldwide globally and the interdependence of
economy where resources flow fairly the economies of the world due to the
freely across borders. – Globalization development of global trade networks
 What are some negatives of and transportation and communication
globalization - Workers are exploited systems – Economic Globalization
in sweatshops, Pollution and  A tax imposed on imports to increase
their price and thus reduce
deforestation, Low wages for factory
competition with domestic products –
workers in Asia and Africa Tariff
 Investment by a person or company
 Trade Liberalization requires the - a
based in another country is called –
Foreign Investment reduction of barriers to trade
 Globalization has brought economic  The action of sending jobs to less
growth to many developing countries. developed countries where wages are
This has meant jobs for millions of lower is called: - outsourcing
people. It has also increased
“_________ ___________” among
 Globalization has led nations to join and then that idea being adopted by
trade organizations in order to – be other firms such as Burger King and
able to compete better Wendy's? – diffusion
 International governmental  The modern view of technological
organisations are – key players in advance is that it is -  a result of
global governance intense rivalry among individuals and
 Transportation cost of trade affects: firms
pattern of trade, boundaries between  The method of raising funds for capital
tradable and non-tradable goods, investment that involves the greatest
Global supply chains risk to the firm is - borrowing by
 Nations conduct international trade selling bonds.
because:  Resources are not equally  .This form of economic integration
distributed among all trading nations. involves diminished trade barriers,
 The reason why international trade common external trade barriers and
has strong effects on the distribution free movement of the products - A
of income is because: a) Resources free trade area
cannot move immediately or without   Which of the following is an
cost from one industry to another. And advantage of economic integration -
Industries differ in the factors of More efficient allocation of resources?
production they demand   The process of increasing unification
 A vertical foreign direct investment and interdependence of countries -
(FDI) is: a breaking up the production Economic integration
chain and parts being transferred to   The progress in communication
the affiliated and Mainly driven by technologies allows interaction across
production cost differences between the world immediately and without
countries. time constraints - The technologically
 Which of the following is not a benefit induced erosion of distance and time,
of international trade? – High wage giving the appearance of a world that
levels for all domestic workers is, in communication terms, shrinking.
 Globalization and growing income  Which of the following do NOT
inequality between nations are facilitate globalization? - Barriers to
associated with: - insufficient levels of trade and investment.
free trade.  Which of the following constitutes
 Globalization is beneficial for firms Foreign Direct Investment? – a  UK
because: - It opens up new market energy company buying territory
opportunities. abroad where it expects to find oil
 Globalization can be challenging for reserves.
business because: - it can result in  The internet facilitates globalization
more competition. by: Cutting the cost for firms of
 What idea is best illustrated by the communicating across borders.
example of McDonald's successfully   ____________ allows people to
introducing the fast-food hamburger travel, get information and
communicate with each other over  What was the US-led and -funded
long distances easily -  Modern plan for reconstructing postwar
technology Europe called? - The Marshall Plan.
 Share your personal experiences of  What organization promotes
globalization development in medium- and low-
 Which of the following best describes income countries with project loans,
the Silk Road? - a network of trade structural adjustment programs, and
routes that extended across Asia various advisory services? - World
 The Silk Road was important because Bank Group.
- it linked Asian and western cultures  The World Bank was originally the
for more a thousand years International Bank of Reconstruction
 Which of these is an example of an and Development that was initially
idea spread by the Silk Road? – tasked with which of the following? -
Buddhism Facilitating private investment and
 In ancient times, silk was a valuable reconstruction.
good for China to trade because - only  The GATT, IBRD, and IMF were the
the Chinese knew how to make it. three institutions of what post–World
 Silk is a fiber that comes from - War II system? - Bretton Woods.
silkworm cocoons  The Bretton Woods system was
 Which of the following Roman largely influence by the ideas of
products was most valued by the economist named: John Maynard
Chinese? – glassware Keynes
 The Great Wall of China lay to the  Which of the following resulted from
north of part of the Eastern Silk Road. the Great Depression? - Increased
How did the Great Wall affect trade barriers and devalued
travelers on the Silk Road? - The currencies.
Great Wall gave protection against  What is the main role of the IMF? - To
bandits from the north. ensure a stable exchange rate regime
 Two products the Romans exchanged and provide emergency assistance to
for Chinese silk were glassware and – countries facing crises in balance of
gold payments.
 Which of the following is an accurate  What is meant by the 'Washington
statement about cultural diffusion? - Consensus'? - The ten-point guideline
Cultural diffusion spreads ideas, to liberal economic reform for
knowledge, and goods. development around the world.
 What was the main reason why  Which of the following is not a
traders crossed the desert traveling in purportedly beneficial outcome of the
caravans? - to make it safer to travel globalization process? - The
 What international institution was not redistribution of wealth, addressing
part of the Bretton Woods system at disparities in economic and resource
its creation? - The United Nations. allocation across the globe through a
sense of greater 'interconnectedness'.
 Which of the following statements  Economic crises occur when money is
best describes our understanding of not being spend and therefore, not
the term 'globalization'? - Best moving. - John Maynard Keynes
described as intensification of  Why did Europeans want spices from
worldwide social relations and Asia? - Spices help preserve food and
increasing interdependence, mask flavors of spoiled food. Spices
globalization is the result of the were not grown in Europe, so they
compression of space and time had to be traded with Asian markets.
through the development of new Spices were used in making medicine,
technologies. perfumes, and incenses
 How have the World Bank and  European explorers were sent to the
International Monetary Fund, as New World for ______. - gold, land,
international financial institutions and to convert native people to
(IFIs), affected the development of Christianity
poorer countries? - IFIs identified the  This Portuguese explorer's expedition
economic failings of developing was the first to circumnavigate the
countries as being the result of world. Who was he? - Ferdinand
political problems. Thus, IFIs adopted Magellan
an approach that involved political  Why did explorers come to America? -
and economic restructuring of these They wanted to spread Christianity.
states, coercing governments into the They wanted to gain new knowledge.
adoption of specific financial policies They wanted to expand and claim
designed to promote debt repayment land.
and economic development.  Which of the following best completes
 Why do states undertake protectionist the diagram above? - Christianity was
measures? - To keep competitive introduced to the New World.
foreign goods from flooding the  Explorers could determine their
market. latitude while at sea by using the
 Inaugurated in 1944 to prevent stars. What device could accomplish
catastrophies of the early decades - this? – astrolabe
Bretton Woods  seventeenth-century economic theory
 This dominated global economic that held that the prosperity of a
policies from 1980s until the early nation depended on a large supply of
2000s - Washington Consensus gold and silver – mercantilism
 When economies slow down, this  The desire for spices and other trade
strategy will reinvigorate markets with goods was a direct cause of -
infusions of capital. – Keynesianism European exploration and colonization
 Exchange rate system was all based of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
on the value of gold, but it was  Which of the following is the primary
replaced by a currency which is reason that European rulers became
determined by their cost relative to interested in trans-Atlantic exploration
other currencies. - Fiat currency beginning in the 15th century? - They
were seeking an oversea trade route direct and indirect to facilitate more
to Asia. efficient use of scarce resources
 Which of the following played a key  Which of the following is the benefit of
role in the European Age of privatization? - Improved efficiency,
Exploration that emerged in the 15th Lack of political interference,
and 16th centuries? - Advancements Increased competition
in sea-faring technology. New lands  Why is the Ancient Silk Road
with the possibility for European significant in economic globalization?
expansion. An interest in developing a - The Ancient Silk Road has a
sea route to Asia for trade significant role in economic
 What is inflation? - A rise in the globalization as it paved the way for
general level of prices the exchange of goods, services,
 The difference between knowledge, cultures, and technology.
representative money and fiat money The exchange of goods between
is that - representative money is Europe and Asia, the spread of the
backed by silver or gold, ; fiat money silk production from China to the
is not. western countries, the spread and
 Under floating exchange rate system, diffusion or various religions between
exchange rate is determined by the: -
countries has aided economic
Supply and demand forces
globalization it is today.
 major advantage of a floating
 Articulate your stand whether you are
exchange rate is - it allows economy
in favor or not, regarding the plan of
to adjust the balance of payments
China to revive the Ancient Silk Road
 an exchange rate set by the
that involved the Silk Economic Road
government is termed – fixed
and Maritime Silk Road which is
 What happens when a nation’s
labeled as ‘One Road, One Belt” -The
currency depreciates? - Its products
project of reopening the Ancient Silk
become cheaper to other nations and
Road by President Xi Jinping would
exports may increases
allow great exchange of goods and
 Which were the two institutions that
services between countries thus
were instituted during the Bretton
benefiting China the most. The OBOR
Woods System era? - International
plan will open two trading routes to
Monetary Fund and World Bank
Europe and strengthen China's
 What is the source of fiat money’s
economy to 65 other countries. This is
value? - government decree
a great opportunity for developing and
 ________________________ money,
under developed countries to boost
called “legal tender,” has value
their global trade. However, the rise of
because the government decreed that
the power of the China is a great
is an acceptable means to pay debts.
threat to smaller countries as they see
– Fiat
this as a geopolitical agenda,
 the concept of free trade means - the
probably the colonization of China
removal of all trade barriers both
with other countries. This reopening
would probably fuel the present extensive multilateral collaboration
misunderstandings of developed and cooperation simply to achieve
countries and may cause war among domestic obejectievs
them, now who would tend to lose in  The post westphalian is characterized
this fight? It would be the developing by A real dilemma: in return for more
and underdeveloped countries. This effective public policy and meeting
would cause them great economic their citizens' demands, whether in
strains and would make the poorer as relation to the drugs trade or
they are now due to the setbacks from employment, their capacity for self-
the war that would arise. I do not think governance - that is state autonomy -
it is beneficial for the Silk Road to be is compromised.
reopened as it pose great danger for  The loss of sovereignty for nation
poorer countries. Not only that, drug states is often associated with
trafficking and human trafficking would globalization by political scientists
also rise and as well as smuggled  Political globalization is the process of
goods and other illegal acts. changes in the rules and structures of
 Which type of globalization relates to global governance
government organization – political  The Treaty of Westphalia is the move
 A state is – an independent self- to territorial sovereignty in Europe’s
governing political community whose  Which treaty ended the Napoleonic
governing institutions have the War and pave the way for the
capability to make rules that are Congress of Vienna – Treaty of Paris
binding on the population residing  Which leader below was responsible
within a particular territory for thr spreading of nationalism
 The peace of Westphalia – refers to throughout Europe when he
the signing of treaties that marked the conquered the majority of Europe om
end of the thirty years war, the early 1800s – Napoleon
established the concept of Bonaparte
sovereignty, clarified who should be  Which of the following are motivation
the single highest authority in each for internationalism
territory of Europe,  Self determination. Humanitarianism
 The federal system of government – is and global citizenship, economic
a system of government where stability
sovereignty is shared between the  Internationalism can also be linked to
central and regional governments ensuring economic stability within
 Political globalization suggest that the nation-state for example NAFTA
state shares the global political stage seeks to break down barriers and
with many new actors improve the economies of member
 State autonomy is challenged in the nation such as tariffs that restrict trade
post Westphalian order because it is  The doctrine that all members of the
more interdependent world, national global community accept collective
governments are forced to engage in
responsibility for the challenge that  He proposed a world government to
face the world – internationalism promote internationalism – Immanuel
 This was the meeting of the five kant
major nations of Europe called by  He believed that republican
klemens von Metternich to restore government w/o kings and queens
order after napoleon conquered and hereditary succession) and
Europe – congress of vienna proposed a free and independent
 After the reign of napoleon what took states as basis of international
root in Europe – nationalism cooperation – guseppi Mazzini
 The resentment of foreign rule and the  He received the noble prize to
desire to restore local costums are transform the league of nation as a
characteristics of nationalism venue for conciliation and arbitration –
 Forbade birth priveleges encouraged Woodrow Wilson
freedom of religion and promoted  He advocated the creation of
meritocracy in government service – international law that could govern
Napoleonic code inter-states relations – Jeremy
 He believed that any true form of bentham
internationalism should be  He placed a premium on economic
deliberately reject nationalism – karl equality in dividing the world into
marx classes – marx/engel
 The composition of the following  The subject matter of international
alliance of great powers are true relations covers – diplomacy between
except : allied powers (US, Britain, sovereign stes, economic relations
France, Russia, Germany) between states, the behavior of
 The following are attributes of world transnational corp
politics except: meeting are not  What was the concert of Europe – a
facilitated among states seriesof 19th century diplomatic
 The alliance of great powers (UK, conferences to resolve diplomatic
Austria, Russia, and Prussia) that problems in europeencouraged the
sought to restore world of monarchial socialist revolution across the world –
hereditary and world privileges – lenin
concert of europe  A part of the power of international
 The strong desire of nations to organization that can invent and apply
promote unity and cooperation – categories that reates powerful global
internationalism standard – power of classification
 He believed that any true form of  Which of the following concepts is
internationalism should deliberately sued to describe individuals who
reject nationalism – Karl Marx adopt a political identification that
 The composition of the following does not focus on the nation states
alliance of great powers are true  What is the United Nations Charter –
except: allied powers (US, birtain, a treaty, according to international law
France, Russia, Germany)
 When was the united nations created  Put the following events in order: The
– during world war 2 Treaty of Versailles, World War,
 How many countries signed the united Founding of Un
nations charter in 1945 – 50  Laegue of Nations, World War 2, UN
 What does the principle of sovereign  The 6 branches of the UN are the
equality states entail = that there are security council, gen assembly,
no differences between UN member trusteeship council, economic and
states, that all UN member states social council, secratriat and the
have equal rights and duties Internationaal court of justice
 What is the number of permanent  What are the 4 main purposes of un –
members on the UN Security Council keep peace, develop relations,
–5 improve the life of the world’s poor,
 What is the primary deliberative body provide a forum for nations
of UN – General Assembly  Where is the international court of
 Which of the following is not a role of united nations – hague, netherlands
the united nations in international  How many states are members of UN
politics – none. Peacepkeeping, - 193
cultivating in alleviating powverty  Which of the following is not one of
hunger disease and illiteracy, provide the 4 main purposes of the united
a forum to achieve the other goals nations – improve lives of the middle
 For the UN General assembly to class
make a decision on what it calls  Which administrative organ of UN will
important questions there must be – a settle in accordance with international
two-thirds majority law, legal disputes, submitted by
 Who is the current secretary general states and give advisory opinions on
of the UN – Ban KI Moon legal questions referred to it by
 The headquarters of UN is located in authorized UN organs and specialized
new York, new York – true agencies – international court
 Which un body carries out the day to  UN body where its headquarters is not
day work of the UN – Secretariat in new York – international court of
 The 5 permanent members of the justice
security council – US, France, Russia,  Due to the powers vested in its
China, Great Britain CHARTER and its unique
 The total number of countries on the international character the united
security council – 15 nations can take action on the issues
 Why can the general assembly be confronting humanity in the 21 st
considered as the most important century such as peace and security
body of UN – it is the largest body that climate change sustainable
includes all nations of the world development human rights
 The 5 permanent members of the disarmament terrorism humanitarian
security council have __ powers – and health emergencies gender
equality governance food production international organization to draw up
and more the united nations charter
 The SECRETARIAT comprises the  Representative of 26 countries
secretary – general and tens of fighting for the Rome berlin Tokyo
thousands of internation un staff axis decide to affirm support by
members who carry out the day to day signing the DECLARITION OF UN.
work of the un as mandated by the This important document pledged the
general assembly and the signatory government to the maximum
organizations other principal organs war effort and bound them against
 The name United Nations coined by making a separate peace
the United States President Franklin D  DUMBARTON OAKS CONFERENCE
Roosevelt was first used in the – Aug 21-Oct 7 1944 meeting was
declaration by the united nations on held at a mansion in Georgetown
January 1 1942 during the second Washington dc where representative
world war when representatives of 26 of china the soviet union the united
nations pledged their governments to states and the UK formulated
continue fighting together against the proposals for a world organization that
axis power became the basis of the united nation
 Six official languages of UN – Arabic  The only purpose of the SAN
Chinese English French Russian and FRANCISCO CONFERENCE 1945
Spanish was the establishment of a charter for
 Body of UN where all member nations the new organization from April 25 th to
participate – General Assembly June 26th to negotiate the details on
 The primary function of the UN when the establishment of the united
it was conceived was – peacekeeping nations
 The economic and social council is  On august 14, 1941, Winston
the principal body for coordination Churchill Prime Minister of Britain and
policy review, policy dialogue and Franklin Roosevelt met aboard on a
recommendation on economic social ship on the Atlantic Ocean and made
and environmental issues as well as a joint promise to end war and ensure
implementation of internationally the equality of nations and universal
 The secretary general is chief  Which institution of UN is a parliament
administative officer of the of nations which meets to consider the
organization appointed by the general worlds most pressing problems – The
assembly on the recommendation of General Assembly
the security council for Five-year  In countries where there has been a
renewable term war the UN can spend in soldiers to
 In 1945 representatives of 50 help prevent any more violence. What
countries met in san Francisco at the do we call these soldiers –
united nations conference on Peacekeeping troops
 Which was sparked the idea of the  It provides a platform to discuss ways
United Nations – World War 2 to improve development and promote
 What is the name of the document trade and investment opportunities. -
which sets out the main aims of the ECONOMIC COOPERATION
UN and the rights and obligations of ORGANIZATION(ECO)
each member state – The United  The following statements supports the
Nations Charter challenges of regionalism EXCEPT:
 On November 23, 2001 none, Resurgence of militant
representatives of 30 countries met in nationalism and populism. Conflict
Budapest and signed the first ever between sovereignty and regional
international treaty on criminal stability. Developed countries see
offences committed in the internet – regionalism as a tool for political
Treaty on Cybercrime democratization. developing countries
 The general assembly in 2000 see regionalism as an obstacle to
adopted a draft to the convention on economic globalization
the right of the child under which state  The following are countries belonging
parties agree to raise the age limit for to Global South EXCEPT –
both compulsory recruitment and AUSTRALIA
participation in combat from 15 to 18  What country used to be called “Land
 UN Resolution 1973 – Effort to Nab of Million Elephants” – Laos
Terrorism   Which if the following are the
 Old Regionalism is government driven characteristics of new regionalism - a.
while New regionalism is private It is an outgrowth of the process of
-sectors driven – True globalization b. It involves state and
 Regionalization is an integral part of nonstate actors (NGO's, IGOs, private
globalization – true sectors and etc.)
 _________________involved a  ASEAN was established on – Aug 8,
variety of state and nonstate actors 1967
involved in a process of  The following are objectives of
transformation of the world order – ASEAN EXCEPT To form an
new regionalism economic block against European
 Which of the followings is NOT a countries
positive effect of regionalism? - The  The following are the reasons why
possibility for each individual county there is a widening gap between
to lose their respective independence Global North and Global South
and/or identity EXCEPt – abundance of aid
 ______________describes global  In international relations, regionalism
disparities, primarily between is the expression of a common sense
developed and developing countries, of identity and purpose combined with
in regards to access to computing and the creation and implementation of
information resources. - Global institutions that express a particular
identity and shape collective action   The following are the Fundamental
within a geographical region – TRUE Principles of ASEAN EXCEPT -
  Which of the following regions can Interference of sovereignty
describe as the major oil-producing  The following are initiatives of the
countries in the world? – Middle East United Nations to lessen the gap
 Regionalism can be tackled by the between rich countries EXCEPT
government through the following Ensuring environmental degradation
positive measures - Supporting   Which of the following is not a
balanced growth without partiality. primary feature of a region -  The
Protecting rights, traditions, language, concentration of economic flows
culture and other beliefs of the  How many countries belong to
inhabitants of the region. Empowering ASEAN today? – 10
region by decentralizing  The division during the Cold War in
administration. Improve governance terms of security and balance –
and reduce friction between developed developing
establishments.  The following the characteristics of
 The following are characteristics of the global south EXCEPT it has
the GLOBAL NORTH EXCEPT – low political stability
development of industrial  The Global North” mostly covers –
development FIRST WORLD
 What is correct motto of ASEAN? -  The founding members of ASEAN -
One Vision, One Identity, One Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
Community Singapore, and Thailand.
 Regionalism arises due to - Collective  The following statements are true
feeling of neglect. Economic EXCEPT
backwardness.Resources are limited  Regionalism involves bringing
 What are the main characteristics of together people from what types of
regionalism - Strong local identity and backgrounds and societies? –
the search for more autonomy. SIMILAR
 These countries are characterized by  It provided a means for creating new
being less developed industrially, trade, investment and employment
lower human development index and opportunities, enhancing economic
have health risks such as having low security, and addressing broader
access to safe water, as well as socioeconomic and environmental
sanitation and hygiene problems. – issues. - REGIONAL ECONOMIC
 What are the main pillars of ASEAN? -  What is ASEAN?-  Association of
Political- Security Community, South East Asian Nations
Economic Community, and Socio-  It is the global division and predicated
Cultural Community. upon economic inequality. - Global
North and Global South
 Which of the following is not a
strategy for new regionalism? -. They
cannot oppose the government
 ASEAN integration can be traced
back to the 1967
 Which country is not in Southeast
Asia? - Japan, China, Australia
  What is the primary/main objective of
the ASEAN? - To promote economic
cooperation and stability in South
East Asia
 What is referred to as a political
process characterized by economic
policy cooperation and coordination
among countries? - Regionalism

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