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Structural Evaluation of the State of Power Losses in

0.4-220kV Electrical Networks of Khatlon Region,

Republic of Tajikistan
Sirojiddin R. Chorshanbiev Firdavs O. Ismoilov 1, Khushdil S. Sangov2,
Dept of "Power supply" Gafurzhon H. Madzhidov3
Tajik Technical University named after academic M.S.Osimi Dept of "Power supply"
Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan Tajik Technical U niversity named after academic M.S.Osimi Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
Galaktion V. Shvedov
Dept. of Electrical Power Systems
National Research University "MPEI"
Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract— The results of a structural evaluation of power the whole of the electric networks of Khatlon region in 2016
losses in 0.4–220 kV electrical networks of Khatlon region of the was 15.5%. The overestimation of the relative losses of
Republic of Tajikistan have been described in this paper. The electricity due to physical processes during transmission and
data about the number and installed capacities of step-down distribution leads to an increase in electricity tariffs for
transformers in substations and the length of transmission lines consumers. Considering these aspects, the problem of a high
in the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan, classified by level of losses in the country is recognized at the state level: a
the voltage level from 0.4-220 kV are presented. number of relevant laws and decrees have been adopted by the
The structure of technical power losses according to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan [9-11].
voltage level and the nature of losses has been presented. The
enterprises of electric networks with high levels of relative power All of this speaks of the high relevance and relevance of
losses have been identified. In addition, significant differences research in this area, and also requires a thorough analysis of
were found in the ratios of load and conditionally permanent electric power losses in 0.4-220 kV electrical networks in the
losses in electric networks of 35-220 kV in some enterprises of Khatlon region. In this connection, this article considers the
Khatlon region. The values of the components of technical power analysis and assessment of electric power losses in electrical
losses were compared with the average values in the electrical networks of 0.4-220 kV in the Khatlon region of the Republic
networks of Russia. of Tajikistan.
Keywords— power loss; transformer,;technical power losses;
transmission lines; Khatlon Region; Republic of Tajikistan

Energy saving, provision of reliable and high-quality
power supply and reduction of electric power losses are
strategic tasks for any electric grid company. Despite the
detailed scientific studies [1-4], today, the level of electric
power losses during its transmission over the power grids of
the Republic of Tajikistan and in particular of the Khatlon
region does not correspond to the optimal values and exceeds
the indicators of technically developed countries that make up
no more than 4-10% from vacation to the network [5-7].
Evidence of this can be seen in Figure 1. The actual relative
loss of electricity in electrical networks of 0.4-220 kV in the
Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016 [2.8]
exceeds the optimal values of 4-10%.
As follows from Figure 1, the level of relative energy losses Fig. 1. The actual relative power loss in 0.4-220 kV electric networks of
among urban and district electric networks is 13-19%, and in the Khatlon region, Republic of Tajikistan, for 2016

1179 978-1-7281-5761-0/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

II. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT 6-220 KV STEP DOWN From table 1 it can be seen that the total installed capacity
SUBSTATIONS AND TRANSMISSION LINE IN ELECTRIC of transformers at SS 6-220 kV in the Khatlon region as a
NETWORKS OF THE KHATLON REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF whole is 4,263.806 MVA. Of these, the largest share is the
TAJIKISTAN power of 6-10-20-35 / 0.4 kV PS - 1357.256 MVA (31.83%)
and 220 kV PS - 1170 MVA (27.44%); the share of other PS:
As of 2016, the electrical networks of the Khatlon region 110 kV: 939.6 MVA (22.03%), 35 kV: 796.95 MVA (18.7%).
consist of 7 district and city electrical networks [8,12]:1) JSC
"Southern Energy Systems"; 2) JSC "Kulyab ES"; 3) JSC From Table 2 it can be seen that the total length of 0.4-220
"Dangara ES"; 4) JSC “Kulyab Mountains. ES; 5) JSC kV power transmission lines in the Khatlon region as a whole
“Kurgan-Tube ES“ ; 6) JSC "Yavansky ES"; 7) JSC "Nurek is 26191.082 km, of which 25693.558 (98.1%) account for
ES". overhead lines, 497.524 for CL (1, 9 %). Among the overhead
lines, the lines of 0.4 kV are 13,917.75 km (which is 54.2%)
Table 1 presents data on installed capacities of transformers have a significantly greater length in comparison with other
of downstream substations (PS) of 6-220 kV, and Table 2 voltage classes. Among CLs, CLs with a voltage of 6-10–20
shows data on the length of overhead (OHL) and cable (CL) kV have a greater length — 275.24 km (which is 55.3%).
power lines (TL) with a rated voltage of 0.4-220 kV, which are
part of the electrical networks of the Khatlon region of the
Republic of Tajikistan [2,8,13].

High voltage side of substation (kV) 6-10-20-35/0.4 35 110 220 Total

Number of transformers (pcs) 5201 95 41 9 5346
Transformer rating (MVA) 1357.256 796.95 939.6 1170 4263.806


Line Type Length of power lines, km

0,4 kV 6-10-20 kV 35 kV 110 kV 220 kV Total

Overhead transmission *13907.908 8417.844 1067.656 1055.041 568.105 25016.554

*13917.75 8482.982 1195.91 1322.292 774.624 25693.558
Cable 222.284 275.24 - - -

Total 26191.082

Note: * In the numerator, the length in the direction, and in the denominators, along the chain

III. ANALYSIS OF POWER LOSSES IN THE 6,10,0,4 KV In recent years, to increase the efficiency of the energy
ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS OF THE KHATLON REGION system of the Republic of Tajikistan, distributed generation in
OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN the form of solar energy has been actively introduced [21,22].
According to [7,14-16] in the overseas developed countries, Detailed scientific research indicates that the direct
the level of relative losses in distribution networks of 6,10,0,4 connection of solar generation to the distribution network of
kV is 3-5%. 6.10, 0.4 kV, in addition to obvious and undeniable advantages,
leads to a significant unloading of electrical networks and, as a
Figure 2 [8.17-20] shows the actual absolute and relative consequence, a significant increase in relative conditional
losses of electricity in the distribution networks of 6.10,0.4 kV permanent losses in distribution networks of 10 kV ( first of all
in Khatlon region. As follows from Figure 2 in the 6-10 / 0.4 no-load losses of transformers) [23-28]. On the one hand, this
kV distribution electric networks for the whole Khatlon region fact may be one of the main reasons for the high level of
of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2016, the relative loss level was electricity losses in distribution networks of 6.10, 0.4 kV.
12.24% (the absolute loss is -345.42 million kWh).
On the other hand, a high level of electricity losses in
Among urban and regional distribution electric networks of distribution electric networks of 6.10, 0.4 kV is caused by:
6-10 / 0.4 kV, a high level of electricity losses is observed in deterioration of electric networks; non-optimal modes of their
JSC “Kulyabsky ES” with a relative loss of 13.24% (absolute - work, high irregularity of schedules of electrical loads;
70.17 million kWh). inefficiency of electricity metering systems; the lack of legal
The Republic of Tajikistan has favorable conditions for the acts and programs aimed at reducing electricity losses; electric
use of solar energy due to its geographical location and climatic power losses are not calculated on the basis of the accounting
conditions. In the Republic, the duration of sunshine is 2100- system, only the values of actual (reported) electric power
3166 hours per year, the number of sunny days reaches 280– losses are collected; foci of loss are not detected.
330 days per year [12, 21, and 22].

Fig. 2. Actual power losses (absolute and relative) in 6-10 / 0.4 kV electric distribution networks in the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2016.

IV. ANALYSIS OF POWER LOSSES IN 35-220 KV HIGH- • these RESs cover very extensive territories with low
THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN • in absolute terms, the loss of electricity in these
Table 3 shows the technical (load and conditionally networks as a result is not very large, but when
permanent) electric power losses in high-voltage electrical determining the relative values, dividing by the value of
networks of 35-220 kV for individual enterprises of electrical a very small supply of electricity, bulky values are
networks in the Khatlon region. obtained.
As follows from table 3, the ratio of load and conditionally In some enterprises, on the contrary, among technical losses
permanent losses in JSC “South ES” - 62.77%: 37.23%, JSC the greatest losses in transformers. In JSC “Dangara ES” -
“Kulyab ES” - 71.93%: 28.07%, JSC “Dangara ES "- 64.52%: 57.6%, JSC “Nurek ES” - 55.3%. This is due to the fact that
35.48%, JSC Kulyab Mountains. ES - 85.52%: 14.48%, JSC most of the transformers in these enterprises are not loaded.
Yavansky ES - 70.32%: 29.68%, and in JSC Nurek ES -
59.65%: 440.35%. V. CONCLUSION
From table 3. it can be seen that among technical losses the During the analysis of electric power losses in 0.4-220 kV
greatest losses are observed in power transmission lines. In JSC electrical networks in the Khatlon region of the Republic of
“Yavansky ES” -58.24%, JSC “Kulyab ES” -57.65%, JSC Tajikistan, the following points have been highlighted:
“Kulyab Mountains. ES "- 57.27%. The reasons for the high 1) The value of actual relative power losses (as of 2016 -
level of electricity losses in power transmission lines of the 15.5%) significantly exceeds the standard limit of 10%, which
above enterprises are: is considered the maximum allowable from the point of view of

the physics of electricity transmission through electrical transmission lines. In JSC “Yavansky ES” -58.24%, JSC
networks. “Kulyab ES” -57.65%, JSC “Kulyab Mountains. ES "- 57.27%.
and the reasons are:
2) One of the main reasons of the high power losses level in
6, 10, and 0.4 kV distribution networks is the direct integration • These distribution networks cover very extensive
of photovoltaic generating units into the distribution network, territories with low density of electrical loads.
resulting in significant unloading of electrical networks and,
consequently, significant increase in relative conditionally • In absolute terms, the power loss in these networks is
permanent losses in 10 kV distribution networks (first of all, not very large, but when determining the relative values,
no-load losses of transformers); dividing by the value of a very small supply of
electricity, bulky values are obtained.
3) There are enterprises in which the ratio of load and
conditionally permanent losses on the 35-220 kV voltage level 5) In some enterprises, on the contrary, among technical
on average of 75%: 25%, almost comparable to the average for losses the greatest losses are in transformers. In JSC “Dangara
Russia (70%: 30%). ES” - 57.6%, JSC “Nurek ES” - 55.3%. This is due to the fact
that most of the transformers in these enterprises are lightly
4) It was determined that among technical losses at the 35- loaded.
220 kV voltage level, the greatest losses are observed in


Technical power losses, *10^6 kWh

The name of electrical

Load Conditionally constant

transmitted, *10^6
Electric power



Feeders of



JSC "Southern
1164 29.13 48.47 8.6 14.3 3.66 6.09 12 19.96 6.71 11.2 60.1 5.16
Energy Systems"

JSC "Kulyab ES" 487 17.08 56.33 4.73 15.6 1.32 4.35 4.85 16 2.34 7.72 30.32 6.23

JSC "Dangara
106 0.62 27.32 0.84 37.2 0.09 3.98 0.46 20.4 0.25 11.1 2.26 2.13
JSC “Kulyab
314 2.1 57.22 1.04 28.3 0.05 1.36 0.4 10.9 0.08 2.22 3.67 1.17
Mountains. ES“
JSC "Yavansky
313 3.8 58.1 0.8 12.2 0.14 2.14 1.53 23.41 0.27 4.15 6.54 2.09
ES »
JSC "Nurek ES" 115 .95 37.25 0.57 22.4 0.05 1.96 0.84 32.9 0.14 5.49 2.55 2.22
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