Essay 6 On Soil Pollution (400 Words)

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Essay 6 on soil pollution (400 words)

Soil pollution is the pollution of fresh and fertile soil,

which adversely affects the health of crops, plants,
animals, humans and other organisms. Various types of
toxic chemicals from unwanted substances and many
sources combined with different proportions cause
pollution of entire soil. Once the pollutant is mixed in the
soil, it remains in direct contact with the soil for a long
time. With the increasing consumption of industrialized
and fertile fertilizers in fertile land, the earth's soil
structure and its color are constantly changing, which is a
very dangerous sign for the future of life on Earth.
Through the mix of the toxic substances released by the
industries and domestic circles, all fertile ground on the
earth is gradually being polluted. Major sources of soil
pollution are industrial waste, urban waste, chemical
pollutants, metal pollution, biological agent, radioactive
pollution, incorrect agricultural practices etc. Industrial
waste released by industrial processes contains organic,
inorganic and non-biodegradable materials, which have
the power to change the physical and biological
capabilities of the soil. It completely replaces the soil
texture and the level of minerals, bacteria and fungal
Urban waste products are solid wastes which include
commercial and domestic waste which make heavy piles
on the soil and contribute to soil pollution. There are
industrial waste from chemical pollutants and metals
pollutants, cloths, soaps, dyes, synthetic, detergents,
metals and drugs industries, which are constantly
dumping their hazardous wastes in soil and water. This is
directly to the soil organisms
Affects and reduces soil reproduction levels. Biological
agents (such as bacteria, algae, fungus, protozoa, and
nematodes, micropad, microbes like ketchuens, snails
etc.) affect the physical-chemical and biological
environment of the soil and cause soil pollution.
Some radioactive pollutants enter into the soil from
sources such as nuclear reactors, explosions, hospitals,
scientific laboratories etc. and staying there for a long
time causes soil pollution. The wrong agricultural method
(the use of heavy quantities of toxic fertilizers including
pesticides), which gradually reduces the physical and
biological properties of the soil, using advance
agricultural technology. Other sources of soil pollution
are municipal waste pile, food processing waste, mining
practices etc. Soil pollution is very dangerous for health
because the toxic chemicals enter the body through the
food chain and disturb the whole internal body system. To
reduce and prevent soil pollution, all effective control
measures, including environmental protection laws,
should be followed by people especially by the
industrialists. Recycling and reuse of solid waste and
promoting tree plantation as far as possible should be
encouraged among the people.

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