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Cortez, Love Jean R.

BS Psychology 1
Activity # 6

Explain: " The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge;
second, our ability to deliver that knowledge". - John Locke

Connect the quote to the different types of speeches.

Mr. Locke is explaining the role of communication in the process of people coming to know the
world. In other words, first, we learn important or interesting things about the world. Then, we seek to
find the extent to which others may agree or disagree with what we have learned. Knowledge adds
robustness to your abilities, allowing you to both create and innovate. It gives you the ability to make
good use of the information on hand, enabling you to disseminate it accurately and use it. Suchlike,
informative speech it involves a knowledgeable speaker transferring some of their knowledge to their

Next, did you know that sharing your experiences is important? In fact, sharing experiences with
people, even strangers make the experience more intense and memorable. In addition, your
experiences can help other people since they can learn from you. Our world is filled with hidden
knowledge that is hard to learn unless you hear about it from someone else or experience it for yourself.
The knowledge can be something small, like knowing the best place to study on campus, or it can be
something far more important is associated with a persuasive speech, a speaker attempts to persuade
the audience to adopt his/her position in relation to a topic.

Lastly, it is also interrelated to argumentative since this type of speech is extremely challenging;
therefore, the speaker should be careful to choose a topic which he feels prepared to reinforce with a
strong argument. We can have the knowledge of how to do something, but it doesn’t necessarily mean
that we have the ability or skill to do it. This is why knowledge is the ‘simplest’ to develop. We need to
have the ability and knowledge to develop for us to be able to deepen our understanding. But, if we
don’t improve on this ability, it will remain stagnant and will unlikely turn into a misunderstanding.

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