How To Highlight A Row in Excel Using Conditional Formatting

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1/12/2016 How 

to Highlight a Row in Excel Using Conditional Formatting

How to Highlight a Row in Excel Using Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is an Excel feature you can use when you want to format cells based on their content. For example,
you can have a cell turn red when it contains a number lower than 100. But how do you highlight an entire row?

If you’ve never used Conditional Formatting before, you might want to look at Using Conditional Cell Formatting in Excel
2007. It’s one version back, but the interface really hasn’t changed much.

But what if you wanted to highlight other cells based on a cell’s value? The screenshot above shows some codenames used
for Ubuntu distributions. One of these is made up; when I entered “No” in the “Really” column, the entire row got different
background and font colors. To see how this was done, read on.

Creating Your Table

The first thing you will need is a simple table containing the data you’d like to format. The data doesn’t have to be text-only;
you can use formulas freely. At this point, your table has no formatting at all:

Setting The Look-and-Feel

Now it’s time to format your table using Excel’s “simple” formatting tools. Format only those parts that won’t be affected by
conditional formatting. In our case, we can safely set a border for the table, as well as format the header line. I’m going to
assume you know how to do this part. You should end up with a table looking like this (or maybe a bit prettier):­to­highlight­a­row­in­excel­using­conditional­formatting/ 1/5
1/12/2016 How to Highlight a Row in Excel Using Conditional Formatting

Creating The Conditional Formatting Rules

And now we come to the meat and potatoes. As we said at the outset, if you’ve never used conditional formatting before,
this might be a tad too much to begin with. Read and try our earlier primer on the subject and once you’ve got that down,
come back here. If you’re familiar with conditional formatting, let’s forge on.

Select the first cell in the first row you’d like to format, click Conditional Formatting (in the Home tab) and select Manage

In the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager click New Rule.

In the New Formatting Rule dialog, click the last option – Use a formula to determine which cells to format. This is the
trickiest part: Your formula must evaluate to “True” for the rule to apply, and must be flexible enough so you could use it
across your entire table later on. Let’s analyze my sample formula:

=$G15 – this part is a cell’s address. G is the column which I want to format by (“Really?”). 15 is my current row. Note the
dollar sign before the G – if I don’t have this symbol, when I apply my conditional formatting to the next cell, it would
expect  H15 to say “Yes”. So in this case, I need to have a “fixed” column ($G) but a “flexible” row (15), because I will be
applying this formula across multiple rows.

=”Yes” – this part is the condition that has to be met. In this case we’re going for the simplest condition possible – it just has
to say “Yes”. You can get very fancy with this part.

So in English, our formula is true whenever cell G in the current row has the word Yes in it.­to­highlight­a­row­in­excel­using­conditional­formatting/ 2/5
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Next, let’s define the formatting. Click the Format button. In the Format Cells dialog, go through the tabs and tweak the
settings until you get the look you want.  Here we’ll just be changing the fill to a different color.

Once you’re got the desired look, click OK. You can now see a preview of your cell in the New Formatting Rule dialog.

Click OK again to get back to the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager and click Apply. If the cell you selected changes
formatting, that means your formula was correct. If the formatting doesn’t change, you need to go a few steps back and
tweak your formula until it does work.­to­highlight­a­row­in­excel­using­conditional­formatting/ 3/5
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Now that we have a working formula, let’s apply it across our entire table. As you can see above, the formatting applies
only to the cell we started off with. Click the button next to the Applies to field and drag the selection across your entire

Once done, click the button next to the address field to get back to the full dialog. You should still see a marquee around
your entire table, and now the Applies to field contains a range of cells and not just a single address. Click Apply.

Every row in your table should now be formatted according to the new rule:­to­highlight­a­row­in­excel­using­conditional­formatting/ 4/5
1/12/2016 How to Highlight a Row in Excel Using Conditional Formatting

That’s it! Now all you have to do is create another rule to format rows that say “No” (there was never an Ubuntu version
called Chipper Chameleon, and we think that’s a shame). If your data is more complex, you may need to set up even more
rules. Follow this method and in no time you’ll be creating intricate spreadsheets with data that pops right off the screen.
Feel free to post screenshots of your creations in the comments!


A technical writer for Tibbo Technology by day, Erez is obsessed with Published 03/15/11
customizing anything and everything. After years of using Litestep and Blackbox,
switching to a custom keyboard layout (Colemak), extending Word and Excel
with elaborate VBA, losing weight with an AutoHotkey script he developed and
spending countless hours tweaking Foobar2000 to get it to look "just right", Erez
decided the time has come to share some of this obsession with the world at

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