EPON Communication Network Topology Optimization Based On Electrical Nodes' Importance in Active Distribution Networks

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APPEEC2019 1570580655

 EPON Communication Network Topology Optimization Based on Electrical Nodes’ Importance in
 Active Distribution Networks

 Yingqiao He1,2, Li Ma2, Lingfeng Wang2, Junjie Tang1, and Rao Rao1,2
 1The State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, College of Electrical Engineering᧨

Chongqing University, 400044, China

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA
 Email: l.f.wang@ieee.org

 Abstract— A large amount of DGs’ (distributed generations) hand, ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
 accessing to the distribution network is a characteristic of the system’s random failures may lead to adverse consequences
 present and future power distribution systems. According to the such as operational condition deterioration and widespread
 actual operation state of power system, distribution network blackouts. The active distribution network can be regarded as
 actively manages the massive distributed generations and a typical Cyber Physical System (CPS).
 adaptively adjusts the network to satisfy the requirements of After the access of a large number of distributed energy
economical and safe power supply both in the physical network
  and cyber network. This paper aims to propose a feasible
and intelligent user terminals, the distribution network takes

 the responsibility of not only reliable electricity supply to
planning optimization model for the communication network
  loads but also effective consumption of new energy. Thus,
based on the evaluation of all electrical nodes’ importance in the
 physical distribution network. This solution not only meets the
this paper proposes a new importance index for electrical
 current technical requirements, but also considers the possible nodes on the physical side. Focusing on the topology of cyber
side based on the node importance of physical side, this paper
 expansion of communication network in the future. Based on
provides a communication network optimization model
 the existing single-link network scheme for all the
considering reliability and economy simultaneously.
communication nodes, a certain portion of the important nodes

in the distribution network is chosen to be upgraded to dual-
 link connection. The optimization result can provide a more DISTRIBUTION NETWORK IN POWER SYSTEM
 economical solution for distribution network operators to build A. Distribution automation system structure
  the corresponding communication network.

 Distribution network locates at the end of power system.
Due to its direct connection to users, the quality and ability
  Index Terms—cyber-physical system; active distribution
of power supply are greatly influenced by it. This paper pays
 network; EPON; node importance; topology optimization;
complex network. more attention on 10kV distribution network. For the
 convenience of management and maintenance, distribution
 automation system usually adopts hierarchical structure.
The emergence of new elements in power grids such as
 distributed generators, energy storage devices, and flexible The communication channel is a communication
 loads that have the ability to control itself according to the network that connects the main distribution station and the
 users’ demands poses new challenges to the operation and distribution substation, and transmits automation
 planning of distribution networks. The distribution system information between them. In particular, the communication
  will transfer from the traditional power distribution network channel acts as the nervous system of the distribution

 to current power exchange system, which takes the automation system, and is responsible for the uploading and
  responsibility of power production, storage, transmission and dispatching of various monitoring information and control
 distribution. These new characteristics bring profound commands. It is an important basic part for realizing
 influences on the pattern of power supply in the distribution distribution automation, which leads to the discussion of the
 network. Under the circumstances, the communication key issues in this paper—the communication network
network planning is more complex and important, and topology in the distribution automation system will be

requires planners’ systematic considerations. Planners should elaborated in the next chapter.
 Obviously, in this heterogeneous network, if the
 ensure the reliability of the distribution network and
corresponding distribution communication network on the importance of the node with a high degree of importance is
 attacked firstly, and this will cause the connectivity
premise of guaranteeing a secure and stable power system
  considering the load growth and power planning scheme performance and reliability of network to drop sharply, and

 during the planning period [1-4]. even cause the corresponding cyber network cause serious
  Structurally, CPS (Cyber Physical System) can be divided problem. Therefore, it is extremely important and necessary
 into two major parts: cyber subsystem and physical to optimize the network for the CPS of the distribution
 subsystem, which interact with and interdepend on each other network at the planning process to identify the nodes or
 [5]. In CPS, the cyber subsystem represents the information regions with high importance [10].
 world including discrete computing processes, logical B. The indicator of node importance in distribution
 communication processes and feedback control processes; the
The distribution network is a complex structure
 physical subsystem represents processes, objects or
components in the physical world [6]. On the one hand, timely consisting of lines, equipment and multiple loads. In order to
 extract key information of distribution network, it needs to
  and accurate transmission and decision-making are the basis
for enabling a variety of active control functions; on the other be simplified, which means that a simple topology composed

of nodes and lines is used to describe a complex distribution COMMUNICATION NETWORK OPTIMIZATION
network. The distribution network could be modelled as a C. Introduction of distribution communication network
graph ‫ ܩ‬ൌ ሺܸǡ ‫ܧ‬ሻ, where ܸ is a set of nodes and ‫ ܧ‬is a set of and EPON technology
m edges. Due to the wide variety of distribution network points,
Each node of the distribution network may be connected complex topological structure and poor operating conditions,
to distributed generations, energy storage devices, and loads planning of topology has become the key and difficult
with different types and importance [7]. This paper not only problem in the construction of distribution network
considers these factors in the new indicators, but also communication system [8]. Passive optical network (PON) is
an optical communication network composed of many
considers the contribution of this node to the entire
passive optical components using pure optical transmission
distribution network. The node importance indicator is medium, and has excellent transmission characteristics of
expressed as follows: optical fiber communication. From the perspectives of
I node (i ) = α ∗ Finput (i ) + β ∗ Fourtput (i ) + δ ∗ Δ E (1) transmission speed and transmission distance, PON has
incomparable virtues, and it has gradually become the
where, ߙ, ,  is the correction factor, and α + β + δ = 1 . mainstream technology in several countries. Now many
operators have started to increase the investment in the
Finput (i ) = Gi / G max ; ‫ܩ‬୧ is the amount of distributed
construction of passive optical network. EPON/GPON have
generation connected to node i; ‫ܩ‬୫ୟ୶ is the largest become mature [11]. EPON (Ethernet passive optical
distributed generation among all the nodes; network) adopts PON technology in physical layer, using
Foutput (i ) = Li / Lmax ; ‫ܨ‬௢௨௧௣௨௧ ሺ݅ሻ represents the total amount Ethernet protocols in link layer and PON topology structure
to realize Ethernet access. This paper uses EPON, which
of load, which connected to node i; ‫ܨ‬௢௨௧௣௨௧ ሺ݅ሻ reflects the
reduces the cost of network construction and operation,
load of node i; ‫ܮ‬୧ is the load of node i; ‫ܮ‬୫ୟ୶ is the largest load facilitates network construction and expansion, and provides
E (Y ) − E (Y − 1) more users with flexible access options. EPON is a single-
among all the node; ΔE (i ) = , E (Y ) is
E (Y ) fiber and bidirectional Optical access network from point to
multiple points. It consists of Optical Line Terminal (OLT)
original global efficiency, E (Y − 1) is the global efficiency
installed in Distribution station, Optical Network Unit
when one node is removed, ΔE (i ) is the efficiency change (ONU) installed in Distribution Terminal and Optical
after removing node i. Distribution Network (ODN) in Distribution Network. ODN
can connect one OLT and multiple ONUs, which consist of
2 ˄dij - d˅ vij -1 main optical cables, splitters and branch optical cables, thus
E (Y ) = ∗ ¦ i∈{G}, j∈{ D} exp˄ ∗ ˅ (2)
n ∗ (n − 1) d vij ,max providing bidirectional transmission of optical signals. The
structure of EPON is shown in figure 2. In this paper, the
where, node i belongs to generator set {G} and node j location of OLT is fixed. The planning is focusing on the
belongs to load set {D}, and other nodes belong to set {C}. topology of ODN.
n is the number of nodes in power grid, ݀ҧ is the average ODN

shortest distance, ݀௜௝ is the electrical distance between node

i and node j, this paper calculates the electrical distance using OLT ONU2
the resistance between two nodes and the resistance per unit
length. ܸ௜௝ is the amount of electricity exchange between the
power generation node i and the node j. This process of
calculating ܸ௜௝ is described in the below flow chart. Fig.2. The structure of EPON
D. Network topology of access layer in distribution
communication network
The Hand-in-hand network of whole-chain network
topology is shown in figure 3. OLT is placed at electronic
Find the farthest node station in this network structure, and two optical directions
from the node 1 are extended by 1:2 splitters in two optical directions. The
link of each ONU implements "1+1" redundancy protection
of the link through the dual PON port. Topology is the most
is generation node intuitive and essential attribute of communication network.
In conclusion, in order to ensure the reliability of power grid
yes and communication network, the dual-link network structure
Sort the nearest load node to node i is more reliable than the single-link network structure. In the
´=i case that one of the OLTs devices or one of the OLTs device
Sort the nearest
is attacked or damaged, the dual-link network structure could
yes no generation node ´ to still enable ONUs to connect to OLT and realize information
node j
Traversed all nodes ODN
no ONU1


Fig. 1 The process of calculating electricity exchange

When the power transmission distance is short and more
power is delivered between node ‹ and node Œ, these two
Fig.3. Hand-in-hand network of whole chain protection
nodes take more responsibility of keeping global efficiency.

E. Model of communication network σ௜ୀଵ ‫ܤ‬௜ ‫ͻ ا‬͹Ͳ‫„ܯ‬Ȁ• (9)
1᧥ Objective function The calculation formulation of total flow for all users
Min C=F᧤ܰ௉ைௌ ,†, ‫᧥ܦ‬ (3) connected to the PON is as below:

The total cost C of an EPON communication network σே ೀಿೆ ேೀಿೆ
௜ୀଵ ‫ܤ‬௜ ൌ σ௜ୀଵ σ୫ୀଵ ߮௜௠

can be expressed as:
C =ܰை௅் *‫ܥ‬ை௅் +ܰைே௎ *‫ܥ‬ைே௎ +ܰ௉ைௌ *‫ܥ‬௉ைௌ +᧤‫ܥ כ ܦ‬ଵ ൅ † ‫ܥ כ‬ଶ ᧥
(4) F. Case study of distribution network
where, ܰை௅் ǡ ܰைே௎ ,ܰ௉ைௌ is the number of OLT, ONU and 1᧥The test system
POS, respectively. ‫ܥ‬ை௅் is the cost of one OLT; ‫ܥ‬ைே௎ is the According to ‫ܫ‬௡௢ௗ௘ ሺ݅ሻ , the important nodes in
cost of one ONU,‫ܥ‬௉ைௌ is the cost of one POS;ܰை௅் is the distribution network with various distributed generations
amount of OLT. ‫ ܦ‬is the total length of optical fiber setting will be found. This section selects the IEEE 33-bus system
through the existing cable channel; † is the total length of as the experimental object. The structure of this system is
optical fiber setting through the newly building cable trench; shown in figure 4. In addition, a time-span data is used in the
‫ܥ‬ଵ is the cost of the unit length optical fiber, ‫ܥ‬ଶ is the unit evaluation process, which is the average of typical scenes.
cost of optical fiber and the installation cost of unit length These nodes with blue lines represent the node is connect to
optical fiber on the new cable trench. the distributed generations in the distribution network.
Constraint 1: reliability
The reliability of the communication network is that the
communication path could connect from ONU to OLT
without interruption. The path of the communication network
is a collection of nodes and links, and the availability of one
path represents that all nodes and links on this path are
available. If the two nodes have higher redundancy, it Fig.4. The topology of distribution network
indicates that the connectivity of these two nodes is stronger
and the reliability of their communication is higher. If an 2᧥Simulation results and analysis
ONU has more than one path to OLT, the ONU is more
reliable from the perspective of topology. We should make
some important ONUs have higher reliability. The reliability
of path from ݅௧௛ ONU to OLT:
Ri = rONU ∗ (1 − ∏ t =1 (1 − ∏ s =1 rt , s ))

where, ‫ݎ‬ைே௎ is the reliability of ݅௧௛ path, which is from ONU

to OLT;‫ݎ‬௧ǡୱ is the reliability of the ‫ݏ‬௧௛ series link of the ‫ݐ‬௧௛
parallel branch; ܵ represents the number of series
components on one parallel branches, here we didn’t
distinguish links from device nodes, just considering all links
and devices as components. ܶ represents the number of
different parallel branches of an ONU arriving at the OLT.
ƒ ‫ܴ ا‬௜ (6)
where a is a constant, the value of a will be obtained after Fig.5. The significance of nodes in power grid
evaluating the original communication network that adopts In figure 5, the red area and grey area show the value of
the single-link fiber network structure. According to the ‫ܫ‬௡௢ௗ௘ ሺ݅ሻ of 33 nodes, which are different from the weight of
evaluation result of original communication network, a is set each part when calculating ‫ܫ‬௡௢ௗ௘ ሺ݅ሻ. This figure indicates the
as 0.9623. importance of all nodes. In figure 5, these blue lines, yellow
Constraint 2: optical power loss limitation of one path
The transmission index of one path calculate according lines and green lines are the values of every part of ‫ܫ‬௡௢ௗ௘ ሺ݅ሻ.
to the worst value method. The transmission loss between the The most important node is node 1, because node 1 connect
OLT and the ONU should meet the following formulas. to the large grid, most of the electricity power of the
distribution network is provided from node 1. The second
Ltotal = ¦ i =1 Li + ¦ i =1 K i + ¦ i =1 M i + ¦ i =1 Fi + Lredun (7)
n m p h
and third important nodes are 24, 25, respectively, whose
loads are very large. Nodes 12, 30 are ranked as the top rank
(8) of importance since more distributed generation devices are
Ltotal ≤ Ptotal
connected to these nodes.
where, σ௡୧ୀଵ ‫ܮ‬୧ is the sum of optical fiber attenuation of all G. Case study of distribution communication network
optical channel, σ௡୧ୀଵ ‫ܮ‬୧ ൌ σ௡୧ୀଵ ܿ ‫ܦ כ‬௜ , c is a constant,‫ܦ‬௜ is 1᧥Original communication network
the length of optical fiber; σ௠୧ୀଵ ‫ܭ‬୧ is the sum of the insertion

attenuation of m optical active connectors; σ୧ୀଵ ‫ܯ‬୧ is the
sum of attenuation of p fiber fusion splices; σ୦୧ୀଵ ‫ܨ‬୧ is the
sum of the insertion attenuations of the h optical splitters;
‫ܮ‬୰ୣୢ୳୬ is the redundancy of optical power, generally ‫ܮ‬୰ୣୢ୳୬ =
3dB; and ܲ୲୭୲ୟ୪ is the total optical power budget of EPON. In
most literature, ܲ୲୭୲ୟ୪ ൌ 26dB;
Constraint 3: bandwidth capacity of network
Fig.6. Original communication network

As shown in figure 6, the original communication 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

network includes three ODNs. The blue lines in figure 6 are

original communication lines, which means cable trench in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34

those locations has been existed. The orange lines present the 19 20 21 22

possible cable trench, which is designed to form the dual-link

protection. Though the construction unit price of these two
new cable trenches is higher than other cable trenches, 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

adopting new cable trench will reduce the distance in some

schemes. This paper selects the important nodes of the 33- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

node system according to different proportions. Then, the 19 20 21 22

communication network topology optimization could

upgrade according to the corresponding communication
Fig.9.The communication planning scheme in ratio=0.4
As shown from Figures 7 to 12, the topologies of 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

distribution network have changed with the increase of the

ratio of selecting important nodes. The blue line is original 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34

communication network as shown in figure 6, which 19 20 21 22

connects to OLT1 located on node 1. Other nodes connect to

another OLT2 located on node 34. The upper blue area
presents the distribution network, which is cyber network of 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

the active distribution network; the grey area presents the

distribution communication network, which is physical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

network of the active distribution network. When the ratio is 22

over 0.4, to satisfy the technical requirements, topologies

19 20 21

have gradually evolved into two subsystem that called ODN

Fig.10.The communication planning scheme in ratio=0.5
in communication system. In figure 9 to 12, the topology of
communication network includes one yellow line (from node 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

33 to node 13), which means the optical fiber cross this new
cable trench. This result is based on the proposed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34

optimization model that considers the different cost between 19 20 21 22

building new cable channels and utilizing existing cable

channels. According to relevant technical requirements, the
number of nodes, the practical results, when ratio is over 0.5, 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

the optimal scheme should include more than one OLT. In

figures 10, 11, 12, the optimal schemes include more than 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

one OLTs. 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Fig.11.The communication planning scheme in ratio=0.6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

19 20 21 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34

19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22

Fig.7.The communication planning scheme in ratio=0.2

Fig.12.The communication planning scheme in ratio=0.7
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Table 1 reflects the impact of ratios of important nodes
in distribution power network on the constructing cost of a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 34
corresponding distribution communication network.
Table 1 Cost of different ratio
19 20 21 22

The Ratio of
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
important node

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Investment᧤$᧥ 16,715 17,670 19,222 20,472 22,855 25,458

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22
In the communication network, the most important
factor is the connectivity between the ONU and OLT. In this
Fig.8.The communication planning scheme in ratio=0.3
figure, the value of the reliability is based on all edges in
communication network. In figure 13, it is clear that the
reliability of whole communication system has been
significantly improved after optimizing the topology of
communication network using the proposed model in this
paper. At the very beginning, the reliability of original

network is 0.9623, when setting ratio as 0.7, the average improve the reliability of communication network by
reliability of whole network is over 0.98, which is a great providing some important nodes a standby link to another
improvement. OLT, which will increase the investment to some extent. In
a word, planning optimization should take a balance between
the reliability of communication network depends on the
topology connection and the cost of constructing new fibers
and channels. The sensitivity analysis of reliability and cost
show that choosing a propriate ratio of important nodes to be
upgraded is reasonable and economical.

This work was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center
on Grid-connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems
Fig.13. The change of reliability after optimization (GRAPES) under Award GR-18-06.

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