On Linear Analysis of The Power Flow Equations For DC and Ac Grids With Cpls

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12, DECEMBER 2019

On Linear Analysis of the Power Flow Equations

for DC and AC Grids With CPLs
Oscar Danilo Montoya , Member, IEEE

Abstract—This express brief presents an approximation of

the power flow problem for alternating-current (ac) and direct-
current (dc) distribution networks by using a linear representa-
tion of the hyperbolic constraints i = p/v ↔ I = S/V related to
the power balance at each constant power load node. Taylor’s or
Laurent’s series expansion methods are not required to obtain
an equivalent linear power flow model. The proposed linear
method allows us to achieve a high quality approximation of
the power flow modeling without iterative procedures. Our sim-
ulation results show the accurate estimation of the voltage profile Fig. 1. Schematic connection of CPLs in resistive dc networks.
in distribution networks by the proposed linear approach in
comparison to existing methods in specialized literature for
ac and dc networks, including linear estimators or classical
numerical methods, such as Gauss–Seidel and Newton–Raphson losses [13] or stability indexes [14], among others. Notice that
approaches. Numerical implementation of those approaches is power flow models have converted from a circuital problem
carried out in the MATLAB 2017a programming environment.
to a nonlinear numerical problem, as is evidenced by current
Index Terms—Alternating-current power grids, constant- investigations that forget their original formulation, mainly for
power loads, direct-current power grids, linear power flow power system readers. Nevertheless, the power flow problem is
essentially the application of the well-known voltage method
in conjunction with Tellegen’s theorems [4], [12], which
I. I NTRODUCTION implies that this problem can be analyzed from a circuital point
of view, which is mainly interesting for control and microgrids
OWER flow analysis in alternating-current (ac) and
P direct-current (dc) grids corresponds to the most essen-
tial numerical toolbox for determining voltage profiles in
purposes, as well as research communities related to circuits
and systems [12], [15]. Fig. 1 shows a circuit interconnection
of ideal voltage source (slack nodes), resistive lines and loads,
these networks when constant power loads (CPLs) are
as well as CPLs into a dc network, which confirms that this
interconnected to them [1], [2]. Power flow methods are
analysis can developed via circuit theory.
iterative processes that allow us to solve the nonlinear non-
Based on these comments, this brief proposes a linear power
convex set that represents the power flow problem for ac and
flow analysis for ac and dc power grids via circuit analysis [1].
dc grids [3], [4] via numerical analysis. Most of the commonly
As a linearization method, a graphical interpretation of the
used methods correspond to conventional Gauss-Seidel [5],
hyperbolic power balance constraints for dc networks is intro-
Newton-Raphson [6], [7], sweep backward/forward [8], con-
duced and is then extended to ac networks via a mathematical
vex reformulations [9]–[11] and linear approximation via
extrapolation by comparison between ac and dc models. Notice
Taylor’s and Laurent’s series [2], [3].
that linear methods have previously been proposed for dc and
Determination of voltage profiles in electric power systems
ac grids in [2] and [3], respectively. These approaches use
is an important and widely studied problem in optimization,
Taylor’s and Laurent’s Series expansion methods to achieved
operation and control problems [4], [12] for grid connected
their linear realizations, which requires imposing differentia-
or islanded operation modes [7], [10] because voltage pro-
bility constraints to the power flow model and use well-defined
files represent indispensable values for calculating power
linearization points [2]. Furthermore, in the linear approach
Manuscript received November 30, 2018; accepted January 16, 2019. Date studied in this brief, a general formulation for solving power
of publication January 21, 2019; date of current version December 6, 2019. flow equations via maximum and minimum voltage weight-
This work was supported in part by the Administrative Department of
Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia (COLCIENCIAS) through ing factors is proposed to reduce the voltage estimation errors
the National Scholarship Program under Grant 727-2015, and in part by the exhibited in existing linear approaches and conserving their
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar under Project C2018P020. This brief was computational efficiency.
recommended by Associate Editor Z. Galias.
The author is with the Program of Electric and Electronic Engineering, To introduce readers to the power flow modeling from
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Cartagena 131001, Colombia (e-mail: the circuit theory point of view, hyperbolic power constraints
o.d.montoyagiraldo@ieee.org). and linear relation between net voltage and currents for dc
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. networks are studied in Section II by defining required condi-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSII.2019.2894149 tions for existence of power flow solution. Section III shows
1549-7747 c 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira. Downloaded on May 21,2020 at 16:50:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the graphical interpretation of the linear proposed method

for dc networks, while Section IV shows its extension to
the ac case by comparison. The test system and numerical
performance of the proposed linear method in comparison
with nonlinear Newton-Raphson, Gauss-Seidel, sweep back-
ward/forward and existing linear approximations are presented
and discussed in Section V. Finally, the main conclusions
derived from this brief are presented in Section VI.
Fig. 2. Nonlinear power flow relation and linear proposed estimation.
Mathematical formulation of any dc network for power
flow analysis—i.e., complete determination of circuit variables It is important to highlight that the proposed power flow
(voltages and currents)—is defined by applying Kirchhoff’s model is suitable for inclusion of ZIP (polynomial) load
laws based on nodal voltage method [16]. For this purpose, models because the hyperbolic relation between voltage and
some assumptions are required [5]. currents remains in the constant power component of the
Assumption 1: The dc grid is composed by n nodes and load, while their impedance and current constant components
l resistive lines, such that their interconnection generates a continue exhibiting a linear relationship between voltage and
connected three with radial or mesh topology. currents.1
Assumption 2: In the dc network there are s constant volt- To solve the set of equations (3) and (4), numerical meth-
age sources that provides all of the power consumed by CPLs, ods are required, such Gauss-Seidel (successive approxima-
as well as grid power losses. Notice that s < n. tions) [5], Newton-Raphson [7], linear approximations [2] or
Assumption 3: For steady state operation, all of the volt- convex reformulations [4], [10]. The next section proposes a
age profiles vk at all nodes of the network are constrained linear equivalent model to transform a hyperbolic set of con-
between two positive well defined bounds; i.e., vmin ≤ vi ≤ straints associated to CPLs into a set of linear constraints
vmax , k = 1, 2, . . . , n. without recurring to conventional Taylor’s series expansion
Assumption 4: Nonlinear modeling of dc networks has presented in [2].
sense if and only of there is at least one constant power device
interconnected to the grid, otherwise the resulting dc model is
linear and analytically solvable.
Considering those assumptions, mathematical modeling of A linear formulation for the power flow problem is derived
dc networks for power flow studies has the following structure in this section by obtaining a linear tendency of the hyper-
bolic constraint associated to CPLs [1]. Suppose that at node

k there is connected a CPL (e.g., node 3 in Fig. 1), which is
ik = Gkj vj , ∀k ∈ N ; (1)
depicted in Fig. 2. Notice that this hyperbolic constraint can
be approximated as a linear function around operating limits
pk = vk ik , ∀k ∈ N ; (2)
vmin and vmax , as also presented in Fig. 2. If the lower bound
where ik and vk correspond to the nodal variables defined vmin is select closer to upper bound vmax , then an accurate
as total net current flowing from electrical ground to node approximation of the hyperbolic constraint can be archived
k and also the nodal voltage, respectively; Gkj corresponds via a linear function. For regulatory policies, normally in dc
to the conductance component that relates nodes k and j; networks a voltage regulation of ±5% is allowed to guarantee
vj represents the nodal voltage at node j; pk is the power a secure and reliable operation [17].
injection/consumption and node k; while ∈ N is the set that If the straight equation is applied for the linear tendency
contains all nodes of the dc network. depicted in Fig. 2, then the following expression can be
From formulation (1)-(2) it is possible to conclude that the achieved.
constant voltage sources exhibit a linear relationship because pk
their voltage profiles are totally known and well-defined, ik  ((vmin + vmax ) − vk ), ∀k ∈ D ; (5)
vmin vmax
which entails that power and currents in these devices are
free variables that permit support for the total power con- Notice that (5) shows a linear relation between total cur-
sumption in the remaining elements of the dc grid. If S is rent injected at node k and its voltage profile as function
defined as the set that contains all constant voltage sources, of the upper and lower bounds, as well as total power con-
then the remaining nodes n − s contained in the demand sub- sumed/injected. If expression (3) is combined to (5), then the
set D = N − S continue as a set of nonlinear non-convex next linear function is obtained
equations [4] because (2) is a set of hyperbolic constraints [1]. 

n Gkj vj = αk + βk vk , ∀k ∈ D ; (6)
ik = Gkj vj , ∀k ∈ D ; (3) j=1
pk 1 For more details of the inclusion of ZIP models on the power flow analysis,
ik = , ∀k ∈ D ; (4) see [3].

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where and vmin and vmax represent the root-mean-square voltage

pk bounds. Now, if (11) is equaled to (9), then the following
αk = (vmin + vmax ) & βk = − vminpvkmax set of linear complex equations are obtained
vmin vmax
Now, if expression (6) is organized in compact format, then a1 + B1 vd + C1 vd = 0; (12)
the next matrix representation is reached
Gdd vd + Gdg vg = α + Bdd vd ; (7)
a1 = Ydg vg − β, B1 = Ddd & C1 = Ydd
where Gdd ∈ R(n−s)×(n−s) contains all conductive effects
Finally, to solve the approximated power flow model in ac
associated to demand nodes, Gdg ∈ Rn×s contains all con-
networks, the set of complex equations (12) can be decom-
ductive couplings between demand and voltage source nodes,
posed in real and imaginary parts, as presented below
α ∈ R(n−s)×1 is a column vector that contains all information
 r  r −1  r 
related to constant power loads and Bdd ∈ R(n−s)×(n−s) is a vd B1 + Cr1 Bi1 − Ci1 a1
=− i ; (13)
square diagonal matrix that contains information associated to vdi B1 + Ci1 −Br1 + Cr1 ai1
CPLs, and vg ∈ Rs×1 and vd ∈ R(n−s)×1 are voltage profiles
in the voltage source and demand nodes, respectively. where superscripts r and i make reference to the real and
Observe that (7) can be directly solved for the voltage imaginary parts, respectively.
demand nodes, as follows It is important to highlight that this linear power flow
  formulation was previously proposed by [3] by applying
vd = (Bdd − Gdd )−1 Gdg vg − α ; (8) Laurent’s series expansion in complex domain by assuming
that vmin and vmax are identically to 1.0 in pert-unit represen-
It is noteworthy that equation (8) corresponds to the main tation. Nevertheless, in this brief, an extended version of that
result derived in this brief and it is a general extension of the approach is proposed with lower estimation error and identical
linear based method proposed in [2]. computational performance.


An equivalent linear representation for voltage profile deter- The proposed linear approximation for analyzing ac and dc
mination in alternating-current power grids can be obtained networks is validated in the MATLAB programming environ-
by comparison to above presented dc case, if ac grids are ment 2017a through two specialized literature electric grids.
working under steady state conditions with perfect sinusoidal In the case of dc networks, a 21-node test feeders presented
regime [18]. The power balance equations of the set of demand in [2] is employed; while for ac grids, the conventional and
nodes can be formulated in ac grids as follows widely used 33-node test system is employed [13].
id = Ydg vg + Ydd vd ; (9) For comparison purposes, numerical methods such as
Newton-Raphson [7], Gauss-Seidel [5] and linear approxi-
id = diag(vd )−1 Sd ; (10)
mation [2] are implemented for dc cases, while ac cases
where id ∈ C(n−s)×1 represents the net current injection at are compared to conventional sweep forward/backward power
load nodes, vg ∈ Cs×1 and vd ∈ C(n−s)×1 correspond to the flow method and a linear approximation when radial operation
slack voltages (known voltage profiles in ideal generators) and for the network is guaranteed [3].
demand voltages (unknown voltage profiles at load nodes),
respectively. Sd ∈ C(n−s)×1 corresponds to the complex power A. DC Grid: 21-Node Test Feeder
demands, besides Ydg ∈ C(n−s)×s and Ydd ∈ C(n−s)×(n−s) This test system is an adaptation of the 21-node test system
correspond to the admittance nodal matrix comportments asso- presented in [2] and [7]. Two ideal power sources are located
ciated to relationship between demands and ideal generators, at nodes 1 and 21, which operates with 1.0 p.u and 1.05 p.u,
as well as relationships between consumption nodes [3]. respectively. The test system configuration and parameters are
Notice that (9) corresponds to a set of linear equations in presented in Fig. 3, while its electrical parameters can be
complex domain and (10) corresponds to a set of nonlinear consulted in [16].
equations in the same domain [3]. Notice that the graphi- In this system for evaluating the proposed linear method,
cal analysis is not possible in complex plane as presented the maximum and minimum voltage values are assigned to
for the dc case (see Fig. 2) because complex numbers do 0.985 p.u and 1.015 p.u, respectively.
not correspond to an ordered set. Nevertheless, an equivalent Fig. 4 presents the voltage profiles for the comparison meth-
linear representation can be easily achieved if (10) is com- ods, as well as the proposed linear approach. Observe that
pared to (4), which generates the following equivalent linear graphically no differences can be appreciated between linear
representation and nonlinear conventional iterative methods, which confirms
id ≈ β − Ddd vd ; (11) the excellent performance of the linear methods for power dc
power flows, as discussed in [2]. The close behavior between
where comparison methods and proposed linear approach is con-
vmin + vmax   firmed by the estimation error presented in column four of
β= S & Ddd = vmin vmax diag(Sd )
vmin vmax d Table I.

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Fig. 5. Electrical configuration for the 33-node test system.


Fig. 3. Electrical configuration for the 21-nodes test system.

Fig. 4. Voltage performance for 21-node test feeder for different power flow


In Table I, if Newton-Raphson is selected as the exact solu- B. AC Grid: 33-Node Test Feeder
tion, then the estimation errors are listed in column four. This test system is conformed by 33 buses and 32 lines,
Observe that the proposed linear method proposed in this as depicted in Fig. 5. This system has only one (main)
brief has a lower estimation error in comparison to the lin- generator with a total active and reactive power demand of
ear approximation presented in [2]. This difference is given 3715 kW and 2300 kVAr, respectively. Notice that this system
by the weight factors vmin and vmax (see αk and βk param- has a radial configuration, typically for electric distribution
eters defined in (6)), which allows better voltage estimation networks, which allows using sweep backward/forward to
in comparison to the approaches based on Taylor’s expansion determine its voltage profiles [8]. All of the parameters of this
where an specific desired operating point must be required, test system related to the power demand and resistive-inductive
which is typically selected as 1.0 p.u. as recommended effects in all branches are listed in Table II [13].
by [2], [3], and [5]. To evaluate the performance of the proposed linear method
It is important to mention that Gauss-Seidel method must on this system, it is assumed that voltage and power bases
considered in conjunction to Newton-Raphson method as the are 12.66 kV and 100 kVA with vmin = 0.9 p.u and vmax =
most accurate power flow methods, as shown in the estimation 1.0 p.u.
error between them [5], [7]. Nevertheless, in terms of process- Table III reports the processing times that have been used
ing times, Gauss-Seidel is 5.87 times slower than Newton- to solve the power flow problem for the 33-node test feeder
Raphson method, while linear methods are 9.64 times faster with different numerical methods and linear approximations,
than Newton-Raphson approach. This is a clear advantage for as well as the maximum estimation error in the voltage profiles
applications that require multiple power flow solutions, such supposing that the Newton-Raphson method corresponds to the
planning and operation of dc microgrids [19]. most accurate solution.

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N UMERICAL P ERFORMANCE OF THE 33-N ODE T EST F EEDER in an optimization process that requires multiple power flow
solutions, such as optimal location of distributed generation or
optimal power flows via metaheuristic techniques and so on.

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