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English Assignment


Name of the places in the module page 1

1. The Leaning Tower of Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
2. Liberty Island (New York Harbor, USA)
3. Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
4. The Great Pyramids of Giza (Giza, Egypt)
5. Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
6. Taj Mahal (Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India)
7. Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

7 Wonders of the World:

1. Taj Mahal (Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India)

Taj Mahal is known by the world for its beautiful architecture, history and the tale of love that
led to its creation. Located in the Indian city of Agra, Taj Mahal was commissioned in 1632
by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan as a testament of his love for his departed wife Mumtaz
Mahal. Taj Mahal was designed by Ustad Ahmad Lahauri and constructed from 1632 – 1653.
Taj Mahal height is 73 m and land area reaches 22,4 hectares.
2. Colosseum (Rome, Italy)

Also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, the Colosseum is an oval-shaped amphitheater

Located in the centre of Rome in Italy. Built with concrete and sand, its construction began
Under Emperor Vespasian in AD 72 and it was completed by his successor, Titus, in AD 80.
Colosseum height is 48 m and the land area reaches 2 ha.
3. Machu Picchu (Urubamba, Andes, Peru)

Located in the Eastern Cordillera of Southern Peru on a 7,970 ft mountain ridge, Machu
Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel. It is the most familiar icon of Inca civilization, and
Is often mistaken for the “Lost City of the Incas”.
4. Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

A very well known work of art in Brazil, Christ the Redeemer is an Art Deco statue of Jesus
Christ. It was created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by Brazilian engineer
Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with French engineer Albert Caquot. Construction
Began in 1922 and it was completed in 1931.
5. Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico)

Chichen Itza is an archaeological site located in Tinun Municipality of Yucatan State in

Mexico. It was a large pre-Columbian city built by the Maya people, and was likely to
Have been one of the mythical great cities
6. Petra (Ma’an, Yordania)

Petra is a historical and archaeological city in southern Jordan. It is believed that the area
Around Petra was inhabitated as early as 7,000 BC, and the access to the city is through
A 1.2-kilometre-long gorge called the Siq, which leads directly to the Khazneh.
7. Great Wall of China (Tiongkok, China)

As the name suggests, it is located in China and The Great Wall is the collective name
Given to a series of fortification systems built across the borders of the country. The
Purpose of the Great Wall was to protect as well as mark the territories of the Chinese
States and empires

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