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A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features
Objectives -Cause and effect
Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy of 95-100%

Write the LC code for each EN6RC-IVb-3.2.6

II. CONTENT Cause and Effect
(Subject Matter)


A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide/Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages Essentials English 6 pp.312-313
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource(LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources Chart, worksheet, cellphone
A. A. Reviewing previous a. Spelling: ( recorded on the cellphone) (different spelling words for Sar
lesson/presenting new learner)
lesson/Developing Using the French words that was discussed yesterday and words that were us
Vocabulary concepts. 1. Adieu
2. Ala carte
3. Blond
4. Critique
5. Cuisine
6. Debutante
7. Eau de toilette
8. Encore
9. Matinee
10. Protégé
11. Exploited
12. Detrimental
13. Dumped
14. Terrestrial
15. Sanitation
b. The highlighted words are in the selection you are about to read. Infer t
how it was used in a sentence.
1. People have exploited water resources and controlling pollution is now
2. The effect of pollution is detrimental not only to individual species and
the natural biological communities.
3. Fourteen billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the ocean every yea
4. Aquatic animals face an extinction rate of five times more than terrestr
5. Lack of proper sanitation in water, or the process of keeping it free fro
diseases like cholera and diarrhea.

B. Activating prior
knowledge /Establishing a a. Develop a semantic web for water. Guide the learners in categorizing th
purpose for the lesson generated.


b. Based on the semantic web draw a concept and use this as a basis in m

Have you ever wondered what the greatest gift of nature is?
What is the most important thing in this world to be able to survive?
What do you think happen if this greatest gift becomes polluted?
C. Presenting examples/ Read aloud. (teacher starts then the learners will continue)
instances of the new (Comprehension check.)
lesson 1. Why water is considered to be the greatest gift of nature?
2. What causes contamination of water bodies?
3. What was the effect of the massive oil spills?
4. How many pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year?
5. According to the article what is one of the biggest killers in the world
6. Which among the facts about water pollution surprised you? Why
7. Which among the facts about water worries you? Why?
8. What can be done to protect the remaining water source like the C

D. Discussing new - We learned from our past lesson that cause is the reason why somethin
concepts and practicing new the result or outcome of a certain cause or reasons. Clue words such a
skills #1 consequently, therefore, thus and since signal cause and – effect relatio
- To find an effect, one may ask what happened, to find the cause, one m
- Give example sentences.
1. Mitchen was absent yesterday because her foot was swelling and sh
the hospital.
2. The boys insisted to wear their caps inside the class so the teacher
out the room.

E. Discussing new Small group work:

concepts and practicing new Group A. Make a graphic organizer showing the causes and effects of w
skills #2 the selection.

Group B. Present in a drawing showing cause and effect of water pollu

F. Developing Mastery Small group work:
(Lead to Formative Using graphic organizer and the drawing make sentences showing cause and e
G. Finding practical Dyads:
application of concepts and Using graphic organizer and the drawing make a jingle or a song or a poem or
skills in daily living.
H. Making Generalizations What is the difference between cause and effect?
and Abstraction about the
I. Evaluating Learning Individual work: (activity sheets)
Match each cause in Box A with its effect in Box B.

J. Additional Activities for Home work:

Application or List the causes why our Chico River is dirty.
Remediation List the effect to the people in the community.
No. of learners earned 80%
in the evaluation
No. of learners who are
required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
Number of learners who
continue to require

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