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Running head: The Importance of Cultural Elements in the Formation of City Identity


ONUR KAAN ONAY- 140501052

Submission Date: 17.10.2018

The Importance of Cultural Elements in the Formation of City Identity

Submitted to the Fine Arts and Architecture Faculty, Department of Architecture

Antalya Bilim University
Antalya, 2018

City; it is the living space where social, political, administrative and economic

areas exist for all citizens. The concept of city; it includes all the dimensions

surrounding and affected urban people. The concept of the city has a meaning beyond

just being a physical space and population definition. At the same time, the studies and

researches about the city are carried out by many different disciplines as it expresses

the process of radical structuring. For this reason, the city is a multidimensional and

unclear study area and the city is a multi-dimensional element as it is stated that the

concept of city is a single definition. It is very difficult in different time periods

because of changing from society to society.

City culture; it is the process of formation of the material or spiritual values

produced by the people living in the city. The essential element is the formation of a

memory of the city and the fact that the cultural outputs produced are meaningful by

the urban people.. It should be understood from its city identity, its historical structures

or textures, the natural beauties it hosts or the elements that affect the development of

the city. The efforts of individuals who have attained urban consciousness who feel

themselves belonging to that city play an important role in protecting city identity.

In this research, focusing on the concepts of city, city identity and city culture,

the elements of city culture to be examined, accordingly I will examine the

development of the factors affecting urban cultures on the city of Kilis.

Keywords: Definition of City, City Identity & City Culture

Thesis Problems:
Cities are not only physical, but also social, cultural and behavioral areas that

enable people to define their own living conditions within the framework of the

relationship between society and space, which shapes the way in which people interact

with each other and with their surroundings, and shape the way of thinking.

The identity of a city, in a sense, means the spirit of that city. This spirit makes

it meaningful to live in that city and that city. In fact, what is called arı urban

consciousness “arises from the fact that the inhabitants of the city have an identity that

identifies with the city they live in as well as their own identities

Every city has a number of distinctive elements for that city. The source of

these elements can be attributed to many factors. The historical texture, geographical

structure of the city, the spiritual connection with the city, the life style in the city, the

common cultural and traditional features of the city are just a few of these. As can be

seen, the identity that separates the city from the others is inextricably integrated with

the urban culture. For this reason, the elements of urban identity are the codes of urban



In this research, focusing on the concepts of city, city identity and city culture,

the elements of city culture to be examined. In city identity and how identity national

academic study of the concepts and terms associated considering what has been dealt

with aspects of the literature written on the identity framework reached the following

The city is not only made up of buildings, parks and squares, it is also a place

where social and cultural events lead to relations between people and their

environment. This is due to the fact that the city has an identity. For this reason, it is

necessary to protect the identity of the cities and the continuity of the existing identity.

Research Objectives

When the articles and scientific studies related to the subject of this research

and partially overlapping are examined, the intensity of usage of the most frequently

and commonly used terms are as follows; City, Culture and Identity words or concepts

have been identified and used as a keyword by searching the literature began.

The method followed is: Identity and Urban Identity concepts and identity

relations; Do the cities have separate identities? What do you need to understand when

you think of urban identity? How is the formation of urban identity? Which are the

identity components of the city? To what extent does the development of urban and

built environment depend on cultural identity? In order to find answers to the

questions, the literature which deals with the scientific texts that have the terms leri

Environment bilimsel,” City“, ”City“ Culture ”and” Identity literatür are searched.

The information and findings that can answer the above questions are analyzed

and analyzed from the sources. These terms and concepts are generally grouped under

the headings of the same name to form a dispersion. The findings of the research were

discussed by analyzing and analyzing the findings by comparing with each other. The

results were summarized and the research was conducted.


 Evaluation of Urban Identity and its Components in Landscape Architecture

Elif SAĞLIK1* Abdullah KELKİT2

1Department of Landscape and Ornamental Plants , Lâpseki Vocational College, Çanakkale Onsekiz

Mart University,

2Department of Landscape Architecture , Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, TURKEY

 XXI. Yüzyılın Buhranında Kent Kültürü

Dört Aylık Mimarlık Kültürü Dergisi • Yıl: 17 • Sayı: 59 • Yaz 2017




İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Yıl: 13 Sayı: 26 Güz 2014 s. 275-293


Mehmet Tunçer

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