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Exercise 2. Translate these NOUN PHRASES into Bahasa Indonesia

Example: Family camp ground : Arena berkemah untuk keluarga

1. Five plastic ice cream cups : _______________________________________

2. Mary’s new silver coin : _______________________________________
3. The big long stone house : _______________________________________
4. The long narrow shop window : _______________________________________
5. Old brown leather shoes : _______________________________________
6. A dark-green lamp shade : _______________________________________
7. The new love songs : _______________________________________
8. The dirty bus tickets : _______________________________________
9. All the large square football fields : _______________________________________
10. The sad evening paper headlines : _______________________________________

Exercise 3. Translate these Indonesian phrases into English

Example: Kuliah tamu Teknik Informatika : Informatic Engineering guest lecture.

1. Perkembangan teknologi informasi : _______________________________________

2. Daerah perdagangan bebas asia : _______________________________________
3. Kabel fiber bawah tanah : _______________________________________
4. Jaringan listrik canggih : _______________________________________
5. Kartu indentitas pribadi : _______________________________________
6. Kualitas pelayanan kantor pajak : _______________________________________
7. Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya : _______________________________________
8. Sebuah bengkel spesialis aki : _______________________________________
9. Analisa dampak lingkungan : _______________________________________
10. Peserta program kreativitas mahasiswa : ____________________________________

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