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Lay Apostolate

“Cause and Effect”

The event that brought me to a situation wherein I was needed to make a significant reallife decision is

when I entered college. Deciding on a college course is not an easy decision. It is one of the biggest

decisions a student will make in their lifetime. Choosing a college course for some might be easy

because they already know exactly what they want to be when they grow up, while for others, deciding

for a college course is probably one of the hardest choices they will make in their life. It can sometimes

cause confusion and distress. The trick in making a college choice is to know what will be its cause and

effect in order to have effective decision-making. You must know what are the causes why you will

choose this specific major or program — does is it interests you or does it match your skills and talents.

When you finally have structured reasoning onto which course you will choose, you must also know

what will be the its effects — the cost of the money you will need to finance the program, the amount of

time that you’ll need to sacrifice in order to study, and of course the employability that will give you in

the future.Knowing the causes and effects of the decision you will make upon entering college is vital

because there is no way of getting back when you already started schooling. It is crucial to learn

everything to prevent these regrets later on. You can shift to another course, but many things will be put

into waste, such as your money, time, and effort, so from the start, we should already pick the right one.

Developing cause and effect thinking ability is an essential life skill because making choices or decisions

is a part of our life, it is up to us what kind of life we’ll live in and what type of person we want to be in

the future. It is not really the act of making decisions that are so frightening, it is the uncertainty of the

results and the consequences of those decisions. As we growolder, our decisions tend to become more

complex, but we humans are not perfect and are bound to make mistakes, however, making a bad

decision from time to time is inevitable. When faced with an important decision the thing that we need

to remember is what its impact will be on us. The bottom line is — critical thinking is a vital tool for
decision-making and it is something that we all need to grasp because this is an essential life skill that

will help us as we journey towards different paths.

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