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Muhammad Rofi Zakki

Institut agama islam darussalam

This research to improve fluency speaking skill with the correct sentence structure research to
improve speaking skills habituating with truth or dare game. Use 20 participant to following this
program in junior high school mukhtar syafaat karangdoro banyuwangi east java. This research using
action research, to support the research. Data was taken by observational collecting data grow up. We
share card truth or dare and make group to play some games, we divided 20 participants into 4 groups.
Research focusing to improve speaking skils student which from the beginning did not know at all to
understand how to speak english. So through this method the students are able to dare to speak english
fluently without having tobe bricked up.

Firstly we tell about the purpose research before exploring further, speaking is some skills to
interaction with others. From here speaking plays an important role in running a communication
between people, which when able to provide understanding of one another so that a goal can be
achieved. Speaking can be said to convey both implied and explicit words ( Hornby, 2007:4). The
ability to speak is needed from the moment we are born until we die, so it deserves to be further
studied. There is five manner to increase ability for speaking skill comprehension, grammar,
pronunciation, vocabularry, fluently. Increasing student speaking skill was difficult and it needs
student motivation. As a result, they needed a learning media that was quite interesting, because they
were not really provided with maximum facilities and media to learning speaking. On the reason was
because speaking skill is not include in national examination. use media to support speaking skill like
projector or white board, we must give stimulus first to get their attention. Their low speaking factor
ability of student, it could be from the student, the teacher, material, and environment. Mother tongue
also sometimes becomes an obstacles for beginners to speak english, because of different languages,
accent, and word order so that makes students feel confused to learning english. Another factor was
from the teacher. The fact that speaking was not included in the national examinaton made the english
teacher tended to priotize other english skills. Actually the teacher had already given sufficient
opportunities for the students to speak, but the material and media used was not quite interesting, she
rarely used videos. The next factor was media and materials. The media and materials give a big
contribution to achieve the goals of the teaching and learning process. Media are important things to
transfer the knowledge to the student. By using video, student could get appropriate models to speak
fluently, accurately and intelligibly. Besides, video could be something very interesting to add variety
in the classroom, to give appropriate models of exposures and pronounciation through the speaker talk
and to attract student attention because of the sound and moving images. The lack of media use in the
teaching and learning process could influence the student tended to get bored easy because of lack of
interest in the media used.
Formulation of the problem
Based on abstracts and preliminary problems above can be formulated as follows.

1. How is the application of the truth or dare game method to improve speaking skills in students of 8

2. How are student learning out comes after using truth or dare?

Question are held here to find out how far students understand and explore what has been conveyed so
that they can get concrete data without being manipulated. The purpose of the research is the
formulation of sentences that indicate the existence of results, something obtained after the research is
completed, something that will be achieved or adressed in a study. The formulation of the objectives
expressess the desire of the researcher to obtain answer to the proposed research problem. Therefore,
the goal formulation must be relevan to the identity of the problem found, the problem formulation
and reflects the research process.
The process of this research aims to improve speaking skills in 8th grade junior high school students
at the intercession, so that participants are able to speak english fluently without having to be bricked
up like someone who does not know english at all. Douglas brown said that, speaking is the actual
practice with the others use the oral language. In this case the writer wants to convey that he want to
use playing method as learning english in the field of speaking, this research was carried out by
Muhammad Rofi Zakki from institute of islamic relligion, which is located in Banyuwangi, East Java.
This method is carried out into 6 siclus of 20 participants in 4 group created, this activity live until 1
month. In this case the average age of the participants was around 14 years old, at that age the
participants entered adolescence, where they were still ashamed to interact and be open to fellow men
and women, we only know the outside only, not in depth each character individual participants. To
overcome this, a questionnaire has been prepared in which student are allowed to express what they
feel is not delivered so that it is hidden, from this point we can make the relationship between teacher
and student more open. When student begin to open the lesson is inserted, where the student who
initially does not speak up in a discussion forum becomes more active. After going through that
process we become aware of student who capture knowledge better than those who don’t.

A.S Hornby,, The advanced learner’s Dictionary of Current English,(london: Oxford University
press, 2007).

Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.

New Jersey: A Paramount Communication Company.

Anthony, Edward M. 1963. “Approach, Method, and Technique”. English Learning 17:63-67 An
Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The practice of English Language Teaching. Third edition. Longman Pearson
Educational Limited

For instructors theory is a view of phenomena by determining the relationship between variables, with
the intention of explaining natural phenomena. The term theory was first introduced by Edward
Anthony (1963). Edward Anthony propose three different forms of concepts ranging from “approach,
method, technique”. There are some theories to support this study, the first from (Harmer, 2001)
stated that there are some elements which refer to the language that learners should have knowledge
about, which are language features and mental/social processing. The second theory is from John W.
Oller, Jr (1979) argued that there are several supporting components in measuring the student
speaking profiency as the specific points of language; Accent, Grammar, Vocabularry, Fluency, and
Comprehension. By Jhon W. Oller, Jr. For this study because it compatible to answer the question
related this study, the research design of this study was qualitative descriptive.

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