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Conditional clause Main clause

If + Past Simple would + infinitive without to

We use the second conditional:

 To express imaginary or improbable situations in the present or future and

their results.
E.g.: If she played better, she would win the match.

 To give an advice.
E.g.: If I were you, I would study harder.

A) What would happen in these situations? Write your answers and then ask your partner.

 What would you do if your parents gave you a lot of money?

 __________________________________________________________________________
 If you travelled abroad next summer, where would you go?
 __________________________________________________________________________
 If you didn´t study, what would happen?
 __________________________________________________________________________
 If you arrived home drunk, what would your parents do?
 __________________________________________________________________________
 What would you do if you were bored on a Saturday afternoon?
 __________________________________________________________________________
 What would you do if your boyfriends/girlfriend left you?
 __________________________________________________________________________

B) Supply the correct tense of the verb in brackets:

 If he listened more carefully, he ____________ (not make) so many mistakes.

 Do you think we would speak better if we ____________ (go) to England?
 If you explained your problem to the manager, he ____________ (be able) to help you.
 Perhaps he ____________(take) a different view, if you spoke to him yourself.
 I´m sure he would take the job on if they ____________(agree) to pay him a bit more.
 if the house ____________(equip) with a solar panel, we would have cheap energy.
 If he ____________(be) in your shoes, he would have the courage to tell everything.
 If I ____________(be) you, I wouldn’t smoke so much.
A parent is speaking to a teenager. Put the verb in the correct form:

 If you ____________(study) harder, you would pass your exams.

 If you ____________(work), you would earn some money.

 If you ____________(not/go) to bed late, you wouldn´t be so tired in the morning.

 If you were more polite, you ____________(have) more friends.

 If you stopped smoking, you ____________(fell) better.

 If you watched less television, you ____________(not/be) so aggressive.

Imagine you are a parent giving advice to a teenager. Use the expression If I were you…..

 You have failed your exams



 You can´t get up in the morning for school.



 You haven´t got any money for



 Your motorbike has broken down and you can´t repair it



 You can´t study because you are listening to music at the same time.



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