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Discursive essay

'Royal families serve no useful purpose in today's society'

In the past millennium, royal families were the figureheads of a state. They represented
their country abroad. They came up with laws, they enforced laws and they judged the
citizens that would not obey. They had the right to do anything they wanted because the
laws didn't apply to royal peers. In many countries, this caused terror, chaos and massive
famines, such as in Russia, North Korea and even early China. But some royal families have
managed to conquer territories and create international relationships that would last even
up to today. However, is letting a family control the lives of millions of people still
considered moral or even useful in our days?
First of all, there aren't many royal families left. Most of them only have a
ceremonial role, such as the Romanian Royal Family, but others still have power. The British
Royal Family Crown Holder, as of today, Queen Elisabeth the Second, is the leader of the
United Kingdom. She owns every piece of land and she can theoretically do whatever she
wants. She can come up with any law she wants and she can veto any law the Parliament
proposes. The next person in line for the throne is her oldest child, Charles, and, once she
passes away or resigns, he will become the new king. Nevertheless, nobody considers her
the ruler. The true leader is the Prime-Minister, the head of the House of Commons, which
elects its members every 4 years based on a nationwide voting system. Royal Families across
the globe (expect those that are the heads of the remaining 5 absolute monarchies) just
don't hold that much power in practice.
In addition to this, in recent times, royalties have begun cancelling certain traditions
and ceremonies that involved them, especially now, in the Covid Pandemic, thus making
their roles even less useful and important. Certain trips or public exposures are just not
justified. Most families understood this and are now trying to step down from certain
irrelevant risks they were taking.
Furthermore, the money that keep the royal families running come out of taxes.
Many have started questioning the need of giving away a part of their income for an
'institution' that doesn't even govern them or help them. And this is true, why should the
taxpayer fuel the royal family even if it doesn't participate in their day to day lives?
However, for british people, this tax is less than a pound every year, so it is not a huge loss.
In my opinion, royal families don't and shouldn't have a big purpose in today's
society. Most of them participate in ceremonies that have become traditions. Obviously,
they shouldn't be heads of states, but maybe keeping them on the front pages of
newspapers may still be useful. They represent hereditary lines that has gone through a lot
of rough times and has still managed to survive. They can bring motivation for a country and
be the ones to repair international relationships that have been broken on a political matter.
Anyway, they can't be dissolved like a normal institution and they will most likely continue
to live among us.

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