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- ing Clauses


Ko Ko is ill. So he can't go to school.

.. - Being

Being ill, Ko Ko can't go to school.

He was late. So he couldn't watch the show.

Because he was late, he couldn't watch the show.

Being late, d ’ w w

d d

Cause and Effect d d

- Robert is a vegetarian. So he doesn't eat any kind of meat.

Being a vegetarian, Robert doesn't eat any kind of meat.

- He is unemployed.So he doesn't have much money.

- He doesn't have much money because he is unemployed.

Being unemployed, he doesn't have much money.

1. She was clever so he could answer all the questions.

Being clever, she could answer all the questions.

2. U Aye is rich, so he can eat meat and fish daily.

Being rich, U Aye can eat meat and fish daily.

3. They were late for work, so they had to take a taxi.

Being late for work, they had to take a taxi.


4. He is a leader, so he ought to set a good example.

Being a leader, he ought to set a good example.

Set a good exampl .


U Aye is sick. His wife is worried.

w w d ..
. ..

w w d

. The weather was fine. We went out for a walk.

Being the weather fine, we went out for a walk.


Being French, he is passionate about wine and cheese.

Because he is French, he is passionate about wine and cheese.

Being a friend of Tony Blair, I'm often invited to No 10.

As I am a friend of Tony Blair, I'm often invited to No 10.

Being quite slim, I was able to squeeze through the hole in the railings.
Since I am quite slim I was able to squeeze through the hole in the railings.

Being rather over weight, Geoffrey was unable to squeeze through.

Because he's rather over weight, Geoffrey was unable to squeeze through.

Verb to do

d ..

You were feeling tired. So you went to bed early.

Feeling tired, I went to bed early.

- Because she needed some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.

Needing some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.

Not knowing what to do next, I sat down to think.

As I didn't know what to do next , I sat down to think.

Not wanting to frighten her, I phoned before I went round.

( As I didn't want to frighten her ..

Knowing his tastes, I took him a large box of expensive chocolates.

As I knew his tastes.......


for something that happened before something else :


As I had already seen the film twice, I didn't want to see it again.

Having already seen the film twice, I didn't want to see it again.

Having worked hard, she felt tired.

Heaving lost her keys, she could not open her box.

- Sarah has travelled a lot. So she knows a lot about other countries.

Having travelled a lot, she knows a lot about other countries.

- We had spent nearly

- As he had left school at twelve, he had no qualifications.

Having left school at twelve, he had no qualifications.



She doesn't have a car, she finds it difficult to get around.

Having a car

Not having a car,

Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around.

. BBC. English .

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