Federalists Democratic-Republicans

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Federalists vs.

Directions: Use the websites below to help you complete the organizer. Type your answers in complete
sentences if needed.

Federalists Democratic-
Go to: http://www.government-and-
constitution.org/history-us-political- Republicans
(former Anti-Federalists)
Go to: http://www.government-and-

Leaders Who was the leader of the Who was the leader of the
Federalists Party? Democratic-Republicans?

Power of Did the Federalists believe What did the Democratic-

the states or the national Republicans support in order
the Federal government should have the to limit the powers of the
Government greatest amount of power? national government?

How did the Democratic-

Republicans think the country
should be run?

Constitutio Did the Federalists Party Did the Democratic-Republican

support a strict or loose Party support a strict or loose
n interpretation of the interpretation of the
Constitution? Constitution?

What was the Democratic-

What was the Federalists Republicans’ reason behind
Party’s reason behind their their view on how the
view on how the Constitution Constitution should be
should be interpreted? interpreted?
Economy What type of society did the What type of society did the
Federalists want the new Democratic-Republicans want
nation to have? the nation to have?

The Who supported Hamilton’s What did the Democratic-

monetary decisions? Republicans think about
National Hamilton’s plan for a National
Bank Bank?

Foreign What country did the What country did the

Federalists support? Democratic-Republicans
Policy admire the citizens because of
their strong anti-monarchist

Manner What type of people did the What type of people did the
Federalists believe should run Democratic-Republicans
the government? believe should run the

Who did the Federalists What type of occupations did

believe should not run the people have who supported the
government? Democratic-Republicans?

Location Where did the Federalists Where did the Democratic-

party have a strong base? Republicans have a strong
political base?


In 3-4 sentences, describe three conflicts between the Federalists and the
Democratic-Republicans. (Hint: Think about strict vs. loose interpretation of the
Constitution, foreign policy, and the National Bank.)

Now you can complete the World Smallest Political Quiz and determine what
Political Party closely follows your political opinions.

 http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz

1. According to the Quiz where do you lie on the political spectrum?

2. Do you think your politics will change over time? Why or Why Not?
Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans Answer Key
Directions: Use the websites below to help you complete the organizer. Type your answers in complete
sentences if needed.

Federalists Democratic-
Go to: http://www.government-and-
(former Anti-Federalists)
Go to: http://www.government-and-

Leaders Who was the leader of the Who was the leader of the
Federalists Party? Alexander Democratic-Republicans?
Hamilton Thomas Jefferson

Power of Did the Federalists believe What did the Democratic-

the states or the national Republicans support in order
the Federal government should have the to limit the powers of the
Government greatest amount of power? national government? A strict
The National Government interpretation of the

How did the Democratic-

Republicans think the country
should be run? The state and
national government should
have equal powers.
Constitutio Did the Federalists Party Did the Democratic-Republican
support a strict or loose Party support a strict or loose
n interpretation of the interpretation of the
Constitution? Loose Constitution? Strict
interpretation. interpretation.

What was the Federalists What was the Democratic-

Party’s reason behind their Republicans’ reason behind
view on how the Constitution their view on how the
should be interpreted? They Constitution should be
wanted a strong National interpreted? They wanted to
Government. limit the powers of the federal
Economy What type of society did the What type of society did the
Federalists want the new Democratic-Republicans want
nation to have? Industrial the nation to have? An
society. agrarian (agriculture)

The Who supported Hamilton’s What did the Democratic-

monetary decisions? The Republicans think about
National bankers. Hamilton’s plan for a National
Bank Bank? They opposed the
National Bank.

Foreign What country did the What country did the

Federalists support? Britain Democratic-Republicans
Policy admire the citizens because of
their strong anti-monarchist
sentiments? France
Manner What type of people did the What type of people did the
Federalists believe should run Democratic-Republicans
the government? The wealthy believe should run the
and educated. country?
Ordinary and less educated
Who did the Federalists
believe should not run the What type of occupations did
government? Ordinary people. people have who supported the
Farmers, laborers, skilled
workers, and planters.
Location Where did the Federalists Where did the Democratic-
party have a strong base? Republicans have a strong
Cities and New England political base? The South and


In 3-4 sentences, describe three conflicts between the Federalists and the
Democratic-Republicans. (Hint: Think about strict vs. loose interpretation of the
Constitution, foreign policy, and the National Bank.)

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