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Part IV: EthicsA.

Act Consequentialism and its Critics

Films: Abandon Ship!; Fail Safe; Dirty Harry; Sophie’s Choice; Saving Private Ryan; Judgment at
Nuremberg; Minority Report: 24 (Season 3: 6.00–7.00 a.m.); Titanic; Vertical Limit


22. Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill

23. Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: Immanuel Kant

24. What Makes Right Acts Right?: W. D. Ross

25. A Critique of Utilitarianism: Bernard Williams

26. An Outline of a System of Utilitarian Ethics: J. J. C. Smart

27. Intending Harm: Shelly Kagan

28. United States v. Holmes (1842)

29. The Queen v Dudley and Stephens

30. War and Massacre: Thomas Nagel

B. Obligations to Intimates

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