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DF-NT1 | What is Nano technology?
→ Nanotechnology is any technology done at a nanoscale that can be applied in the real world. It is
applied on extremely small things and is used on various fields. It involves the ability to see and
to control individual atoms and molecules, which is impossible to be seen by the naked eye.

DF-NT2 | How does Nano technology revolutionize products?

→ Nanotechnology revolutionizes various products in different sectors by having the potential to
transform the economies of countries and changing its production processes. The properties of
each item’s nanoscale behaves differently when done in larger scales, so the aim is to understand
how it reacts to various scenarios in order for that knowledge to be applied to new products and

DF-NT3 | Why is Nano technology considered as the way to the future?

→ As the world evolves, more and more problems and issues arise. Rearranging atoms and
molecules layer by layer might just be the solution since it leads to new properties and qualities,
and this may be done through the science of nanotechnology. Nanotech gives people the
opportunity to improve all sorts of areas in modern living.

DF-NT4 | What makes Nanotechnology so special?

→ Nanotech is special in the ways that it manipulates and creates new technology by manipulating
individual atoms. With this, it is possible that it may make the world a more comfortable and
safer place for the current and future generations.

DF-NT5 | How does our society harness the power of the Nanotechnology change the human quality of
→ Our society harnesses the power of Nanotechnology by taking advantage of the infinite
opportunities it offers for the society to grow. For example, they act as doctors inside our body
through the use of gadgets that can monitor our health, tattoos that can sense our vital signs by
injecting tiny sensors inside our bodies, giving less hassle to the patient and enabling doctors to
personalize their treatment. Another example is that newly-invented nanomaterials and
manufacturing techniques makes sensors smaller, more complex, and more energy efficient that
lessens the effects of damaging the Earth.
DF-HIT1 | Information in early history were recorded and passed on from generation to generation, Name
some of this technology which permeate in our modern society and explain why this crude type of
technology is still being used today?
→ Technology began even before the term was coined, and some of these creations are still being
used in our modern society. One of these is The Archimedes Screw, which is allegedly invented
by an Ancient Greek Scientist, Archimedes. It is reportedly used to remove water from the hold
of a large ship. Today, it is still used for electrically-powered household appliances and to lift
water or wastewater. Another example is the Calendar. A research that was conducted last year
on an ancient site that was excavated by the National Trust for Scotland in 2004 revealed that it
contained a sophisticated calendar system that is approximately 10,000 years old. It contains a
50-meter-long row of twelve pits created by Stone Age Britons and these pits represent the
months of the year and the lunar phases of the moon. It also allowed the observation of the mid-
winter sunrise so that the lunar calendar could be recalibrated each year to bring it back in line
with the solar year. Last example is the Steam Engine that was first invented by a 1 st Century
Greek Mathematician and Engineer, Heron Alexandrinus. His invention was called the Aeolipile
and is made up of a sphere that is positioned in a way that it could rotate around its axis and the
nozzles that are parallel to each other would expel steam, thus generating a combined thrust
resulting in torque. Today, steam power is still heavily used around the world in various
applications and many modern electrical power plants use steam generated power by burning coal
to produce electricity.
DF-HIT3 | Explain how information and the technology associated to it became increasingly complex
thru out the ages.
→ Information and technology evolved to be one of the things that are being associated with one
another. By definition, information means facts provided or learned about something or someone
and technology on the other hand means the application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes. Together they mean processing of data by computers. Information technology came
from the development of natural language programming, which is deeply rooted from
mathematics. Meanwhile the revolution of information dominated the development of computing,
since engineers and mathematicians relied heavily on proven data and information to create,
adapt, and maintain hardware and software that could be beneficial to the society. It became
increasingly complex throughout the ages since these developers often seek out ways to improve
their previous work and to innovate something unique that creates solutions for future problems
and issues.
DF-HIT4 | Why do paper and pen remain in our society?
→ The use of electronic devices has a certain advantage over the traditional pen and paper. But with
all these conveniences, paper still has its advantages that typing could almost never accomplish.
Pen and paper are helpful in memory improvement, making it easier to remember if you write
something that needs to be remembered. It also offers a sense of simplicity since one does not
have to remember font combinations, word sizes, indentions, and complicated setups. The use of
paper and pen is often more flexible in its capabilities.

DF-HIT6 | How does IOT take part in shaping our societies communication?
→ Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm that has changed the traditional way of living into
something that is high-tech. Today, we are using numerous inventions that were possible because
of IoT. Networking technologies allow IoT devices to communicate with other devices,
applications, and services. It has shaped the way societies communicate in the ways of facilitating
social networking among machines by creating a network and communication infrastructure that
is specifically made towards communication among humans.

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