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The article "Balancing the risks and rewards of fintech developments" from

February 2020 is devoted to the development of fintech. The authors of this article
chose Singapore as the object of their study because it is an example of an open
economy and an important financial center in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, this
region was chosen by the authors as one of the objects of research, due to the large
population, which is poorly covered or not at all covered by banking services, which
creates great prospects for the development of fintech in this region and helps to make
forecasts about the prospects of fintech with greater freedom. and traditional banks.
The observations of Philippon and Bazot were chosen as a fulcrum, which recorded a
certain kind of contradictions in the development of fintech in this region. In addition,
the article itself is more devoted to the risks associated with the development of
fintech and possible ways to eliminate and regulate them. The article consists of 17
paragraphs, including an introduction and conclusion. At the end of this work,
references are made to the literature that was used as a fulcrum. Continuing the
review of this article, I would like to express my personal opinion: this work is
written in the style of an economic note, which is not so much focused on a purely
scientific approach, but is more focused on practical cases. The text is well structured
and consistent in general style. Upon personal reading, there were no great difficulties
with understanding the content, but this can be explained by the specifics of the
education received in the field of finance and the knowledge accumulated over the
years of study in various educational institutions, including the Financial University
under the government of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, it will not be easy for
an unprepared reader to understand the material of this article: a large amount of
vocabulary of a purely economic nature can create obstacles to understanding when
reading this work. I would not rate this article in very simple categories: good or bad.
Clearly structured, consistently written, with a large number of interesting and
relevant examples, this work is of great interest for people not only working in the
field of finance, but also for students receiving education in this specialty, to which I
belong as a student of a specialized university. However, for the unprepared reader,
this article can be difficult to understand and fully immerse in the topic. Some
explanations for certain terms and abbreviations were indicated by the authors, but the
critical majority remained undisclosed, in fact, completely appealing to the
specialized vocabulary of readers dedicated to the topic of the article. Sometimes,
even I had to refresh my knowledge and return to the transcripts and explanations
given by the authors. I believe that it is necessary to provide more information
regarding certain terminology, if not in the text itself, so as not to violate its structure,
and thereby the interest of the target audience, then at least to provide explanations in
the appendices. General impressions from reading the article can be characterized as
positive. It was very interesting to read the material based on real cases and
concerning me as a future specialist in the field of finance.

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