Strategy Evaluations: Unit 7

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Strategy Evaluations

Unit 7
Dimensions of Strategic Decisions
 Top Management decisions
 Future oriented
 Require large amount of resources
 Long term prosperity of the firm
 Usually have multifunctional consequences
Types of Decision Making
 Programmed Decision
 A decision that is fairly structured or recurs
with some frequency (or both)
 Non Programmed Decision
 Decision that is relatively unstructured and
occurs much less often than a programmed
Decision Making Conditions

Decision Maker
faces conditions

Level of ambiguity and chances of making a bad decision

Strategy Evaluation
 Strategic decisions are the decisions that are concerned with
whole environment in which the firm operates, the entire
resources and the people who form the company and the
interface between the two
Strategy Evaluation Steps
 Fixing benchmark of performance - what benchmarks
to set, how to set them and how to express them
 In order to determine what to be set, it is essential to
discover the special requirements for performing the main
 The performance indicator that best identify and express the
special requirements might then be determined to be used
for evaluation
 The organization can use both
 quantitative and
 qualitative criteria
Strategy Evaluation Steps
 Quantitative criteria determination of net profit, ROI,
earning per share, cost of production, rate of employee turnover
 Among the Qualitative factors such as - skills and competencies,
risk taking potential, flexibility etc
 Measurement of performance - performance is a bench mark
with which the actual performance is to be compared
 Then strategy evaluation becomes easier
 Similarly divisional performance is sometimes difficult to measure
as compared to individual performance
 For measuring performance, financial statements like - balance
sheet, profit and loss account must be prepared on an annual basis.
Strategy Evaluation Steps
 Analyzing Variance - While measuring the actual performance
and comparing it with standard performance there may be
variances which must be analyzed
 The strategists must mention the degree of tolerance limits
between which the variance between actual and standard
performance may be accepted
 The positive deviation indicates a better performance but it is
quite unusual exceeding the target always
 The negative deviation is an issue of concern because it indicates a
shortfall in performance in this case the strategists must
discover the causes of deviation and must take corrective action
Strategy Evaluation Steps
 Taking Corrective Action - Once the deviation in
performance is identified, it is essential to plan for a corrective
 If the performance is less than the desired performance, the
strategists must carry a detailed analysis of the factors responsible
for such performance
 If the strategists discover that the organizational potential does not
match with the performance requirements, then the standards
must be lowered
 Another corrective action is reformulating the strategy which
requires going back to the process of strategic management,
reframing of plans according to new resource allocation trend and
consequent means going to the beginning point of strategic
management process
Strategic Decisions
Characteristics/Features of Strategic Decisions
 Strategic decisions have major resource propositions for an
organization. These decisions may be concerned with
possessing new resources, organizing others or reallocating
 Strategic decisions deal with harmonizing organizational
resource capabilities with the threats and opportunities.
 Strategic decisions deal with the range of organizational
activities. It is all about what they want the organization to be
like and to be about.
Strategic Decisions
 In the process of strategic management – the basic thrust
of decision making is to make a choice regarding the
course of action to adopt
 It is complicated
 It is extremely difficult
Issues in the Strategic Decision Making
 Requires objective setting – serves a benchmark to measure
efficiency and effectiveness of the decision making process
 Objectives serve as the criteria for decision making
 In decision making, there is also a need to make Rationality
in decision making – exercising a choice from among
various alternative course of action which may lead to the
achievement of the objectives in the best possible manner
 Creativity in the decision making process may affect the
search for alternatives where novel and untried means may
be looked for and adopted to achieve objectives in an
exceptional manner
Issues in the Strategic Decision Making
 Variability in the decision making process may be the case
given an identical set of conditions two decision makers may
reach totally different conclusion

Name one example from the above

Strategic Decisions
 Strategic decisions involve a change of major kind since an organization
operates in ever-changing environment.
 Strategic decisions are complex in nature.
 Strategic decisions are at the top most level, are uncertain as they deal with
the future, and involve a lot of risk.
 Strategic decisions are different from administrative and operational
decisions. Administrative decisions are routine decisions which help
or rather facilitate strategic decisions or operational decisions. Operational
decisions are technical decisions which help execution of strategic

To reduce cost is a strategic decision which is achieved

through operational decision of reducing the number of
employees and how we carry out these reductions will be
administrative decision
Strategic Decisions Administrative Operational Decisions
Are long-term decisions. Are taken daily. Operational decisions are
not frequently taken.
Where The future planning These are short-term based Medium-period based
is concerned. Decisions. decisions.

Taken in Accordance with Are taken according to Are taken in accordance

organizational mission and strategic and operational with strategic and
vision. Decisions. administrative decision.

Related to overall Counter Are related to working of Related to production.

planning of all Organization. employees in an
Deal with organizational In welfare of employees Related to production and
Growth. working in an organization. factory growth.

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