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1352 JOURNAL OF THE AOAC (Vol. 56, N o .

6, 1973)

Hoist Filtration Apparatus for Van Soest Detergent Fiber Analyses
Experiment Station Chemical Laboratories, Agriculture Building, University of Missouri,
Columbia, Mo. 65201

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New filtration e q u i p m e n t was developed t o Filtration Method
i m p r o v e t h e a c i d - d e t e r g e n t m e t h o d of fiber Apparatus {Patent Pending) (Fig. 1)
fractionation. This apparatus incorporates a (a) Vacuum manifold.—Acts mainly as reservoir
v a c u u m m a n i f o l d w i t h a n a i r m e t e r i n g device to cushion any sudden change in pressure and per-
t h a t provides t h e o p e r a t o r very p r e c i s e c o n t r o l mits uniform or gradual buildup of vacuum. Each
over t h e p a r t i a l v a c u u m , p e r m i t t i n g a very filtering unit has separate manifold with aspirator to
g r a d u a l c h a n g e i n v a c u u m level as n e e d e d for provide vacuum.
p r o p e r f i l t r a t i o n . T h e p a r t i a l p r e s s u r e is p r o - (b) Stopcock.—120°, to shut off vacuum to sample,
vided by a w a t e r a s p i r a t o r . A h o t w a t e r j a c k e t for washing, while retaining vacuum in manifold.
p e r m i t s a c o n t i n u o u s flow of h o t w a t e r a r o u n d (c) Stopcock with metering device.—To bleed air
t h e s a m p l e d u r i n g t h e filtering process t o into vacuum manifold to control amount of vacuum.
k e e p t h e s a m p l e h o t . T h i s s p e e d s filtering o n (d) Receptacle.—To receive filter crucible. This
p r a c t i c a l l y all s a m p l e s a n d is e s s e n t i a l for reli- contains cone-shaped hard rubber gasket to provide
able results on samples high in carbohydrates vacuum seal with crucible.
a n d s a l t s . As a r e s u l t of t h i s n e w filtration (e) Vacuum gauge.—To indicate vacuum on each
e q u i p m e n t we d o n o t n e e d a s b e s t o s for a filter filtering crucible.
a i d . T h i s e l i m i n a t e s t h e n e e d for d u p l i c a t e
(f) Hot water jacket.
a c i d - d e t e r g e n t fiber a n a l y s e s w h e n u s i n g 7 2 %
(g) Stopcock in hot water line.—These last 2 items
H2SO4 for t h e cellulose a n d l i g n i n d e t e r m i n a -
permit continuous flow of hot water around filter
t i o n s . Six i n d e p e n d e n t a n a l y s e s w e r e p e r -
crucible to keep sample hot during filtration.
f o r m e d o n e a c h of 9 s a m p l e s (3 feces, 3 o r t s ,
a n d 3 feeds) for t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n of a c i d - Analytical System
d e t e r g e n t fiber a n d i t s c o n s t i t u e n t s . T h e aver- Third filter unit has two 3-way stopcocks installed
a g e m a x i m u m differences for t h e s e a n a l y s e s in waste line so vacuum can be routed through filter-
i n d i c a t e t h a t t h i s filtration a p p a r a t u s a n d t h e ing Erlenmeyer flask, making it possible to save fil-
m e t h o d are reproducible and have reduced t h e trate for further analysis (Fig. 2). This figure shows
filtration t i m e f r o m several h o u r s , o n s o m e how new Hoist filter apparatus is accommodated in
s a m p l e s , t o 15 m i n . equipment used for processing crude fiber. A bank of
6 reflux units sits on either side of hot water tank
T h i s work was u n d e r t a k e n to develop an a p p a - (Item 2). Supply of distilled water is held in the
r a t u s for the new detergent system of fiber reservoir (Item 5) and flows by gravity through coil
fractionation (1) reported b y Goering a n d Van of copper tubing in hot water tank and then through
Soest. T h e reagents, procedures, and processing rubber tubing (Items 3 and 4). Item 4 leads to stop-
cock (Item 7, Fig. 1) on filter apparatus while Item 3
times as prescribed in Agricultural Handbook No.
is approximately 10' long and is used to wash sam-
879, " F o r a g e Fiber Analysis" (1), were used with
ples from reflux beakers into filter crucibles. Item 6
no a t t e m p t at modification. However, we found shows filter crucible in place, and how hot water is
t h a t t h e filtration a p p a r a t u s as described in t h e flowed around crucible while filtering. (This appara-
above publication was inadequate in 2 specific tus is available from Analytical Biochemistry Lab-
areas: (a) T h e r e was no way to provide a definite oratories, Box 1097, Columbia, Mo. 65201.)
or specific a m o u n t of v a c u u m on the sample, or
no way to v a r y it uniformly as the need arose. Procedure
(6) N o provisions were m a d e to keep t h e sample Procedures as outlined by Goering and Van Soest
h o t during the filtering process. Our modified fil- (1) were followed with the exception of filtering pro-
cess and placing of samples on reflux apparatus.
t r a t i o n a p p a r a t u s is described below:
Place samples on reflux apparatus at 5 min intervals
as this is speed at which they can subsequently be
Received November 15, 1972. filtered with 3 filter units in filter apparatus.

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FIG. 1—Hoist filtration apparatus.

Place crucible in receptacle, flow hot water around Discussion

and into crucible to warm it, and set vacuum so indi- Our modified apparatus can be used for any
cator needle on pressure gauge is just lifted from peg
filtering operation. We have used it in the Experi-
(0-1" Hg).
Remove reflux beaker with sample from hot plate ment Station Chemical Laboratories for filtering
(do not swirl sample) and add hot water inside cruci- difficult crude fiber samples and in the sulfur
ble again just before pouring sample. Pour sample analysis procedure. It has also been useful for
very gently into filtering crucible so most of liquid is backwashing (2) the Van Soest filter crucibles.
decanted before solid enters crucible. Wash sample This is accomplished by inverting the crucible on
from beaker with minimum of hot distilled water. the rubber gasket and flowing water through it
Continue to flow hot water around crucible until under vacuum. This technique is used on hard-
filtering process is completed. to-clean crucibles.
Observe rate of flow of filtrate through system; if Another significant application of the Hoist fil-
it slows or stops, gradually increase vacuum until
tration apparatus was found in the 72% H2SO4
flow resumes. It is very important to maintain flow
of filtrate through fritted glass because, if flow of hot method for lignin determination (1, 3-5). With
filtrate stops, fritted glass cools, and then salts and this filtration apparatus, the use of asbestos as a
starches precipitate and gel, clogging fritted glass. filtering aid is eliminated, saving considerable
Shut off vacuum (for washing sample) by 1 of 3 time and manipulation in the acid lignin analysis.
methods: Use stopcock (Item 2, Fig. 1) to shut off The deletion of asbestos as a filter aid resulted
vacuum and still maintain same level of vacuum in in the following H2SO4 method for acid-detergent
manifold; use metering device (Item 3, Fig. 1) to fiber, cellulose, lignin, residual ash, silica, and
lower vacuum in entire system; and, if pressure is cutin determination:
<4" Hg, lift crucible from receptacle for washing. Analyze for acid-detergent fiber (ADF) in
However, using metering device is recommended as
normal way as prescribed (1), using the new
this will always start vacuum at 0 after each washing.
filtration apparatus, and determine ADF content.
Vacuum is provided for filtering unit by water
aspirator with water valve wide open so vacuum can Treat fiber residue with 72% H 2 S0 4 for 3 hr.
be increased to 30" Hg, if needed, just by turning Some H2SO4 will filter through fritted glass, so
metering device. add more as needed. After 3 hr, filter excess acid
1354 JOURNAL OF THE AOAC (Vol. 56, N o . 6, 1973)

FIG. 2—Hoist filtration apparatus with reflux units and hot water supply. Downloaded from by guest on 07 April 2020

and wash 5 times with hot distilled water to re- weigh. Difference between this weight and empty
move acid. Dry overnight in 100°C oven. Remove dried crucible weight is calculated as per cent
from oven, place in desiccator to cool, and weigh. silica.
Difference of this weight and final weight from Our modifications are sufficient for the deter-
ADF analysis (1) is calculated as per cent cellu- mination of ADF, cellulose, lignin, residual ash,
lose. and silica in most of the common forages which
Ash residue overnight at 500°C, remove from normally are low in cutin. However, with feed
furnace, desiccate until cool, and weigh. Differ- grains or rations that contain seed hulls high in
ence of this weight and cellulose weight is calcu- cutin, the ashing to determine lignin will be mis-
lated as per cent lignin. Difference between empty leading as the cutin fraction will ash and erro-
dried crucible weight and ashed weight is calcu- neously be reported as lignin. With samples
lated as per cent residual ash. known to contain seed hulls, the cutin fraction
Treat residual ash with 4-5 ml 48% HBr for can be determined as follows: Instead of ashing
1.5 hr; add more acid if red color appears. Wash to determine lignin, use the potassium perman-
out excess HBr twice with acetone, filtering ace- ganate method as reported by Van Soest et al.
tone after each washing. Ash overnight at 500°C, (1, 2) to determine per cent lignin. The loss in
remove from furnace, desiccate to cool, and weight on ignition is calculated as per cent cutin.

Calculate per cent residual ash as above and Table 1. C o m p a r i s o n of m o d i f i e d H2SO4 m e t h o d "
with KM11O4 m e t h o d 6
determine silica as above.
Table 1 shows the greater precision obtained Cellu-
lose, Lignin,
with the Missouri Station H2SO4 method over Sample Method av. %c Range av. %c Range
the KMnC>4 method for determining cellulose and
Feces KMn04 25.85 0.84 11.20 0.88
lignin in acid-detergent fiber.
H2S04 25.10 0.01 11.54 0.12
With the Van Soest detergent fiber technique,
Feces KMn04 27.13 0.70 10.23 1.28
the analysis of 12 samples per day was considered H2SO4 26.94 0.14 10.12 0.21

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satisfactory, writh some samples requiring several Feces 26.96 0.89 10.06 0.81
hours to filter. With the Hoist filtration apparatus H2SO4 27.58 0.42 10.30 0.00
even the most difficult samples can be filtered in Orts KMn04 29.88 0.73 6.55 0.44
less than 15 min and it is possible to analyze 60 H2SO4 31.26 0.30 4.98 0.23

or more samples per day. In the Van Soest meth- Orts KMn04 28.16 1.09 6.70 1.88
od, crude fiber filters were used with no way to H2SO4 29.66 0.44 5.61 0.14

control the vacuum. With this new filtration Orts KMn04 29.82 1.92 10.62 1.49
H2SO4 30.94 0.79 9.66 0.27
apparatus the vacuum can be controlled with the
Feed KMn04 27.03 0.32 6.74 1.06
air bleed-in valve (Fig. 1, Item 3). In the Van 28.04 0.26 5.37 0.04
Soest method, the vacuum leads directly from the Feed KMn04 23.62 0.05 5.68 0.65
aspirator to the filter crucible, while in this new H2SO4 24.88 0.52 4.94 0.05
equipment the vacuum manifold (Fig. 1, Item 1) Feed KMn04 22.94 1.29 5.52 0.89
prevents any sudden change in water pressure H2SO4 24.42 0.49 4.32 0.01
which would adversely affect the filtering sample. Std dev. KMn04 0.77 0.92
The bleed-in valve bleeds air into the manifold so H2SO4 0.33 0.11
that any change in vacuum level has to take place 0
M i s s o u r i S t a t i o n H2SO4 m e t h o d d e s c r i b e d i n t h i s
in the manifold before the filtering sample is paper.
affected. This permits a very gradual change in c
K M n 0 4 m e t h o d , r e f . 1.
A v e r a g e s c o n s i s t of 2 i n d e p e n d e n t a n a l y s e s o n
vacuum level on the sample. different days.
With the Van Soest method, no provisions were
made to keep samples warm during filtration. The data presented here and the routine service
This is very important because samples high in work performed in the Missouri Experiment Sta-
carbohydrates would form a starchy gel and sam- tion Chemical Laboratories show that the Hoist
ples high in salts would precipitate upon cooling filtration apparatus is fully capable of filtering
during the filtering process. Both of these condi- feeds and feces for the determination of Van Soest
tions would result in clogged fritted glass, pre- fiber, cellulose, and lignin with a high degree of
venting or impeding the filtering process, and precision. We have no other method of detergent
giving erroneously high fiber results. This diffi- fiber analysis for a comparative study but the
culty was overcome by the use of the hot water researchers for whom our service work has been
jacket (Fig. 1, Item 6). performed are highly pleased with the results
With the former method, it was very difficult obtained.
to obtain duplicate analyses that agreed because
of the filtering problems. Table 2 shows the preci- Acknowledgments
sion possible with the Hoist apparatus, with the The author is extremely grateful to C. W.
original analysis and the duplicate analyses by Gehrke and W. H. Pfander for their evaluation
different operators. Table 3 shows comparative of the significance of this work and suggestions in
results for samples submitted by Van Soest. the preparation of the manuscript. Robbie Wren,
It is very important to start the filtration Glassblowing Service, University of Missouri,
process at a very low vacuum and increase it as Columbia, is also to be commended and thanked
needed to maintain a continuous flow of filtrate for his work in the construction of the model
through the fritted glass. apparatus.

Contribution from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment This paper was presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the
Station, Journal Series No. 6792. Approved by the Director. AOAC, Oct. 9-12, 1972, at Washington, D.C.
1356 JOURNAL OP THE AOAC (Vol. 56, N o . 6, 1973)

T a b l e 2. Precision of a c i d - d e t e r g e n t f i b e r ( A D F ) and n e u t r a l - d e t e r g e n t f i b e r ( N D F ) a n a l y s e s
with Hoist a p p a r a t u s

NDF + residual ash ADF + I gnin (H2S04) ADF+silica

Lig- Sili-
Wt, NDF, Ash, Wt, ADF, nin, Wt, ADF, ca,
Sample g % % Sample g % % Sample g % %
Feces 1A° 0.5000 58.2 2.7 Feces 6A 1.0000 45.0 10.1 Feces 11A 1.0000 44.4 7.1
IB6 0.5000 58.1 2.9 6B 1.0000 44.6 9.7 11B 1.0000 44.3 6.9

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Feces 2A 0.5000 65.9 1.7 Feces 7A 1.0000 44.0 11.7 Feces 12A 1.0000 44.5 5.9
2B 0.5000 65.3 2.0 7B 1.0000 44.0 11.5 12B 1.0000 44.4 5.8

Orts 3A 0.5000 70.3 1.7 Orts 8A 1.0000 33.8 4.8 Feces 13A 1.0000 44.0 4.9
3B 0.5000 69.0 1.8 8B 1.0000 33.7 5.2 13B 1.0000 44.1 5.2

Feed 4A 0.5000 52.7 1.4 Orts 9A 1.0000 53.3 12.4 Orts 14A 1.0000 39.5 1.9
4B 0.5000 52.5 1.5 9B 1.0000 53.4 12.3 14 B 1.0000 39.4 1.7
Feed 5A 0.6226 0.0 0.0 Feed 10A 1.0000 32.3 4.7 Feed 15A 1.0000 33.9 3.2
5B 3.0172 0.4 0.1 10 B 1.0000 33.0 4.9 15B 1.0000 33.6 3.0

A l l A s a m p l e s w e r e a n a l y z e d by t h e a u t h o r a n d w e r e t h e o r i g i n a l a n a l y s e s of a l a r g e g r o u p of s a m p l e s s u b m i t t e d
to t h e Station Laboratory.
A l l B s a m p l e s w e r e a n a l y z e d by S t u d e n t A s s i s t a n t V. W o l f a p p r o x i m a t e l y 10 d a y s l a t e r as n o r m a l p r o c e d u r e f o r
r e - a n a l y z i n g 10% of s a m p l e s t o c h e c k o r i g i n a l a n a l y s e s .

T a b l e 3. C o m p a r a t i v e results for a c i d - d e t e r g e n t fiber ( A D F ) and n e u t r a l - d e t e r g e n t fiber ( N D F )

of s a m p l e s s u b m i t t e d by V a n Soest, Cornell University 1 1

ADF Lignin (KM n 0 4 ) NDF

6 c
Sample Hoist Va n Soest Hoist Va n S o e s t Hoist Ve n S o e s t

Alfalfa 35.9 36.2 12.2 12.2 49.6 48.3

Orchard grass 40.0 40.2 — — 67.5 66.7
Wheat straw 56.6 56.1 — — 81.1 78.8
Timothy 46.2 47.6 10.3 11.5 76.8 75.2
Barley straw 56.7 54.6 11.6 11.3 85.7 81.1
Soybean oil m e a l 6.6 6.1 1.8 1.8 7.6 6.6

T h i s w a s n o t r u n as a c o l l a b o r a t i v e s t u d y a s we h a d v e r y l i t t l e i n f o r m a t i o n as t o h o w V a n Soest s a m p l e s w e r e
h a n d l e d in h i s l a b o r a t o r y .
S a m p l e s f i l t e r e d w i t h t h e new filter a p p a r a t u s .
A n a l y s i s s u b m i t t e d by V a n S o e s t .

REFERENCES (3) Van Soest, P. J., & Wine, R. H. (1967) Determi-

(1) Goering, H. K., & Van Soest, P. J. (1970) Forage nation of Lignin and Cellulose in Acid-Detergent
Fiber Analysis, Agricultural Handbook 379, U.S. Fiber with Permanganate, Animal Husbandry
Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Research Division, U.S. Department of Agrieul-
(2) Van Soest, P. J., & Wine, R. H. (1966) Use of ture, Beltsville, Md.
Detergents in Analysis of Fiberous Feeds IV, Ani- (4) Crampton, E. W., & Maynard, L. A. (1938) J.
mal Husbandry Research Division, U.S. Depart- Nutr. 15, 383-395
ment of Agriculture, Beltsville, Md. (5) Van Soest, P. J. (1973) J AOAC 56, 781-784

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