Unsafe/Unhealthy Acts and Conditions

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1. List down unsafe/unhealthy acts and conditions that aren’t mentioned in this
i. Examples of unsafe conditions in the workplace include inadequate illumination or
ventilation, loud noise, inadequate fire extinguishers available, containers without
labels, careless waste disposal, and broken warning systems. For unsafe acts,
examples are working without proper authorization, disregarding warning signs,
putting one’s body or any part of it onto or into shafts or openings, lifting material
incorrectly, removal or failure to use of safety devices, and talking on a cell phone
while working.

2. Identify Filipino traits and characteristics in the workplace which result in

unsafe/unhealthy acts and conditions.
i. Filipinos are generally distinguished to be very hospitable and kind people. Our good
qualities are known around the world. However, we cannot dismiss the fact that we
also have our fair share of negative traits that more often than not result in bad
outcomes. In this case, serve as catalysts for unsafe/unhealthy acts and conditions in
the workplace. One example of these traits is “unnecessary overtime”. Some people
opt to finish extra work in the office and stay long after they’re supposed to go home.
While this is not necessarily a major problem, health and safety issues might arise
when this is made as a routine. Another toxic Filipino trait is gossiping even while
working. As it shifts one’s focus from the actual task at hand to talking with a co-
worker, it can be considered as a serious distraction. Large-scale jobs and especially
risky ones require full attention and must not be taken lightly. Stubbornness might
also be accounted as an unhealthy Filipino characteristic. Some jobs require workers
to wear appropriate PPE. While there are strict rules governing this precept, some of
us follow our own judgment and deliberately disobey our superiors’ injunctions. Most
Filipinos are believed to be overly conceited and cocky even in the workplace that
they find amusement in putting themselves at risk. This results in unnecessary injuries
and sometimes even major complications for the company.

3. Give some ways to promote safety consciousness.

i. There are a lot of ways to promote safety consciousness in the workplace. Training
employees well is one of the basics in improving safety and security. This is why the
Philippine BOSH Training was brought about in the first place. In order to attain a safer
and healthier work environment, there is nothing more appropriate than teaching the
personnel first the fundamentals in proper safety management. Another way for
safety promotion is keeping things clean. Messy workplaces propose higher risks of
unfortunate incidents and in order to prevent this, both the superiors and workers
should practice proper organization and orderliness. Conducting regular equipment
checkup could also be considered in attaining a safe environment. This way, defective
tools and hardware can be cleared up or replaced early on. With the proper working
tools, employees can accomplish tasks smoothly and with lesser risks slowing down
productivity. Other courses of action include strict implementation of safety
regulations, conducting open forums on an established timetable, having regular
meetings on safety concerns, and several more.

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