Noah Hitt-Job Shadow

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I chose this Job because I wanted to know what kind of things make fixing a Semi hard

and I found out everything is hard. I did an On-Site Job Shadow. We went to fix a Semi off of
Interstate 80. I was with my mom and her boyfriend.
When we were at the broken Semi, I had to drill a lock off of the hitch so it could connect
to the trailer. I also had to remove the side panel of the truck and swap it out with a brand new
I learned that everything is very difficult. There are many parts that connect the panels
together so they don't go flying off. It was also cool to see how much stuff they were carrying in
the back of the trailers.
I may want to do this as a Job to start out and make some money, and it will also let me
learn how to fix a car and be able to maintain the situation if something breaks down.

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