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Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher: Dakota Graham Grade: 7th

Subject: World History
Time Needed for Lesson: 90min Lesson Concept: Athens v Sparta
Teaching: Feb. 16th-19th

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

Standard - 8.4.7.A
- Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals and groups in world

Standard - 8.4.7.C
- Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
● Belief systems and religions
● Commerce and industry
● Technology
● Politics and government
● Physical and human geography
● Social organizations

Standard - 8.4.7.D

- Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted the history of the

- Summarizing various types of contributions from groups impacts history.
- Understanding change allows us to better understand how social groups were shaped.
- Group conflict negatively impacted the world.

- Why is understanding contributions from groups of people important in world history?
- How has conflict throughout the world impacted the way societies have been shaped?

- none

OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

- The students will be able to differentiate between the societal aspects of Athens and Sparta by creating a
brochure that displays the five aspects of a chosen society.

- pen/pencil
- notes
- papers
- worksheets

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook):

- The students will have sometime to work/finish their polis projects from the following week.
- The class will start with a write-pair-share. This write-pair-share is more of a conversation starter. The
students will partake in “two sides.” Whichever student thinks education is more important will go to
one side, and then whoever picked strength to be more important will go to the other side. The students
will not be graded. The students will be asked “Would you rather be a part of a society that spends all
the money on educating the people, or a society where they spend their money to train their people to
become strong?”
- Once discussed as a class, we will be reading a few documents on aspects of Athens and Sparta.
- I will read the first document with the students and guide them along with corresponding Venn
❖ they will draw Venn diagrams in their notebooks
❖ each article will have a corresponding diagram
- The Venn diagrams are for the students to realize and understand the differences of each society.

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included):

- After we read one of the articles together and complete the Venn diagrams, the students will be
responsible to finish the other readings and create a venn diagram per each article.
- I will assign students a partner to do this assignment together.
- The students will not be allowed to move on to the project aspect until they show me all their diagrams
and get my approval.
- The final part of this project will for the students to create a “brochure” on which society they would
rather be a part of.
❖ they can work with the same partner or work alone
❖ they will have to follow my instruction sheet

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?:
- The class will wrap up with the students working on their brochure.
- Before leaving, the students will complete an exit ticket.

- extra time
- one on one assistance

ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and
summative assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.
- BY having the students complete an exit ticket.
- On their exit ticket, they must create their own example. This will allow me to see if they
comprehended what we learned about the differences in Athens and Sparta.

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in
clinical placement):
- I truly enjoyed this lesson! This was my first real lesson plan that I carried out on my own. While no
lesson is perfect, I was happy with how this lesson went. I had to tweak a few things and explain certain
part of the lesson in more details to the students, but I have no complaints!

Brochure Time!!!!!!!!!!!!
After learning about Athens & Sparta today, it is time for you to pick which society you would rather
be a part of! In this activity, you will be creating a persuasive brochure. You want the brochure to
persuade people why they should want to be a citizen of Athens or a citizen of Sparta. Your brochure
must have the following:


1. On the front page please include the following: (1pt).

· name of society

· creative slogan
· image

2. For each section (government, values, economies, women/slaves, and boys/girls) please include
the following:

· title (.5pt)

· slogan/nickname (.5pt)

· 2 pros/positive details to support why you chose that society (2pts)

· 1-3 sentences explaining why that society is better than the opposite society (1pt)

. 3 sentences (written on the back flap) describing the society you picked and why (please provide
evidence) (3pts).

Name: ____________________

Exit Ticket

Below is a quote. I want you to decide which society you think the quote came from. Did someone from Athens say
the quote or someone from Sparta? Write your answer below and explain why you know which society it is.

1. “As a woman, I am grateful for my rights. I cannot imagine being a part of that OTHER society where women
cannot even own property!”




2. Write your own example of a quote from someone from Athens or Sparta. Explain your quote. Two sentences!




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