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3/6/2019 Gmail - threat vs consequences - aka reading comprehension skills :-(

Katherine Konitzer <>

threat vs consequences - aka reading comprehension skills :-(

61 messages

dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 9:06 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

you need to kill your ego and realize you fucked up and let me do my job as your boyfriend and take care of you

a threat: "im going to rape you"

a consequence: "if you continue to insult me and emotionally abuse me and blame me for all of our issues i will go to the
media and tell my story of you and your sister and friends, this may include calling her boss and attempting to illuminate
her behaviour as well as an article on"

a more complex moral consequence/expression: "if you don't get your own hotel room I'm going to rape you."

similar: "if you do not cease and desist i will shoot"

must be nice living in a delusional reality where you spin every situation into one where you're never to blame and never
fucked up and only were "less than perfect"

cept we both know you haven't been finding it that nice and that's why you found/find my emails helpful sometimes

you need to kill your ego and realize you fucked up and let me do my job as your boyfriend and take care of you

Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 9:58 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

I have never raped or threatened to rape you. These are things you have done to me however, including saying - in the
car we were in together - if rape was legal you would rape me.

I'm sorry for calling you an idiot and the times where my jokes were offensive. However threatening blackmail is not
appropriate. Your abusive texts toward me - including saying if I was a guy you would tell me to kill myself - when I have
depression, is very hurtful.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 9:59 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

im too high to read ur bullshit today

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 9:59 AM
To: Katherine Konitzer <>

or right nosw
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:00 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i actualy am slower than i was post head trauma pls realize this

95% of brain damaged ppl scare their wives and shit it is totally normal for me not to ever have a relationship this is a
reality ive come to grips with maybe i am too much of a fucking freak to be around anyone without them being in danger
idk LOL what a life FUCK
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:00 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

I do not have to have sex with you if I don't want to. It is not appropriate whatsoever to tell me my shit will be outside
unless I have sex with you, and you have a right to rape me.
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:02 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

Stop harassing and abusing me. I told you to get help for your anger and possible psychiatric problems. I have
depression, and I'm working on getting better. To basically tell me to kill myself 'if I was a man' is cruel and sadistic. Leave
me and my family alone.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:03 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

I agree with what you're saying. A person should never threaten blackmail against their spouse that was truly fucked of

I don't consider myself a person when I'm around you as sometimes (a large portion of it) you treat me subhuman
untrustable trash.

Its wrong of me to bottle up those emotions and not communicate that to you and then it all comes out in a huge BOMB
but i didn't want to be critical of you while you were depressed

i dont think you want to be mean or have your partner consider you mean or offensive. maybe you think im a joke and not
normal enough to have a good gauge of whats acceptable and not in totality and thats fine. but im telling you im not the
only one that doesnt like being invited to a hotel then called unfun and loser for asking how long theyd be gone for

LOL jfc
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:05 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

I'm sorry for calling you unfun and a loser. However you are blowing those comments way out of proportion. I do not send
100+ texts a day abusing you and threatening to blackmail you. You need help.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:06 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>… 2/13
3/6/2019 Gmail - threat vs consequences - aka reading comprehension skills :-(

I do not have to have sex with you if I don't want to. It is not appropriate whatsoever to tell me my shit will be outside
unless I have sex with you, and you have a right to rape me.

ppl taht go on vacation fuck

if i wanted to fuck you and was having issues with boners and alcohol environment and i said some really fucked up shit
that isn't the worst thing that could have happened on that vacation LOL

instead you blew it up into something way worse

i was black out fukin drunk

i called like 50 ppl

fuck you for leaving me i probably would have gone to cuban jail anyway for starting a real fight irl with some goons or
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:07 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

I'm sorry for calling you unfun and a loser. However you are blowing those comments way out of proportion. I do not send
100+ texts a day abusing you and threatening to blackmail you. You need help.

If you didn't require everything in text or didn't resort to insults or running away we could have come to this understanding
of each other a lot sooner and been out of each others lives LOL
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:07 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

I am not going to be with someone who threatens me into sleeping with them or tells me to basically kill myself when I am
in a depressed state. Get help for your anger issues. Do it for yourself.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:08 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

I dont want to be with someone that reduces my grief to "oh saying unfun and a loser' isn't that bad and it was only one

congrats u minimized my emotions to one instance and didnt even bother inquiring about anything else or asking how i
felt etc

and you call me a typical guy


the way you treat emotional situations is more like a guy than even me HAHAHAHAHA
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:10 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

ill feed u or sell u anavar if you want


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we are lucky to live in canada with a smaller population as this makes the roid market smaller and more demand for
higher purer quality steroids

canada has legendary underground steroid production :-) and i have a sweet hook up

anavar is the choice hormone for female body builders or fitness models looking to really get slim

and as women dont naturally have test has minimal side effects on women in the long term if dosed 100% correctly

i happen to have some 100% super pure anavar that ive used myself and stocked up to a huge ammount way more than i
could ever comfortable use on myself without chemically castrating myself on accident

i will give u this deal

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:10 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

it will make you grow a dick like you want and already have metaphorically
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:11 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

never thought id meet a hooker named coral with a penis but i did
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:11 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:13 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

yd u even break up with tyler u dumb bitch

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:13 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:13 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

that was rhetorical in case u didnt get it

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:16 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

I'm sorry for calling you unfun and a loser. However you are blowing those comments way out of proportion. I do not
send 100+ texts a day abusing you and threatening to blackmail you. You need help.… 4/13
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If you didn't require everything in text or didn't resort to insults or running away we could have come to this understanding
of each other a lot sooner and been out of each others lives LOL

also i know ive fucked your mind. and im pretty sure you aren't gonna kill yourself. if you do i guess i'll laugh like you did
@ me when i had half a skull and deserved to be in the hospital right?

am i that evil katherine? as evil as you? LOL

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:18 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

dont kill urself cuz u gave a "psycho" enough ammo to fuck you and your sisters life up a bit

maybe next time dont get involved with "psychos" and maybe also well nvm it doesn't matter im talking to a person that
stone walls me anyway LOL


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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:34 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

I never said you deserved what happened to you. I even visited you in the hospital, a number of times, despite you writing
abuse about me online - posting my picture + bikini photos of me which I did not give you permission to post and saying I
was a slut, a gold digger, a drug addict, a depressed loser who stays in bed all day. If I truly felt you deserved to have
been hurt, I would not have visited you far in the hospital all those times in the winter.
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:34 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

Your desire to go after my sister is shameful. She has done nothing to hurt you.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:35 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>


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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:35 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

this is 1 minute long and fluxus like see if u like it
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:35 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

You have an instinct to bully and abuse people. To scream in your elderly mother's face that she is a "stupid cunt"?
Beyond indefensible. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:35 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>… 5/13
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i just wanted to get u ola and caroline pregnant is that the worst thing ever? am i that much of a monster
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:36 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

Get help. I will not be responding to any more texts or picking up any phone calls from you. Stop abusing me.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:36 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

I'm ashamed

and you did amazing bussing to hospital in all those snow storms

i hope your mom knows you did that and were a hero

i will put this act of bravery and commitment on your tomb stone soon
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:40 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i dont want to text you or call you anymore man

if you dont want to resolve things or take responsibility for all the hurt and emotional pain and abuses you did to me then

ya i yelled and i said some mean shit

you yelled and said some mean shit to me too

you exasperated abusive situations and created them too

the difference is i take responsibility for my shit and you take none and just blame me

we could have had a good relationship if you just worked with me instead of making aliances and betraying

you need to compromise more with the next person

i dont think you sohuld have ever broke up with tyler you sohuld have sacked up and said you loved him

if you didnt love him i think you are incapable of love or very stunted in it

i do love you i am compelled to be with you i think anger management for the most part is good and i am going and will
work on not doing this stuff with the next girl

seeing as if i even do change with you it wont matter because you wont have fixed your own abusive shit against me

id say we never fit to begin with but for whatever reason we did so that happened

anyway fuck you

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:46 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>… 6/13
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when you accepted hate and distrust into your life and psychology completely you fully became aspd

perhaps you didnt know that was a consequence of doing that that you actualize psychopathic traits to hate but it
obviously happens

in accessing all that hate and distrust you have you become incredibly destructive

i am naturally destructive but its usually for good

my whole way of life makes that quite clear for most people

if you create situations that put me in a corner then i will fight back

dont be shocked if im better at fighting back more destructively than you

and dont call that a bad trait cuz it isnt

i refuse to be complacent to your abuses and just pretend they didnt happen

and ya ill totally write about them

you can tell people they didnt happen or that you didnt mean such and such or that some shit was a joke etc

but i lived your lies

i lived you lying to me daily about fucking steve aoiki

looking me in the eyes and swearing you werent a liar when i asked on multiple occasions and in a non joking quirky way
but in a bold faced poker face 100% serious lie

you're scum
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:48 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

you are a very very very controlling authoritarian person,

its fucking pathological with you too. to the point where you accuse other people of abuses or even try to create situations
where the abuse is more likely to happen to you

idk wtf that is but i dont want to be a victim of your quest for revenge against society because you were a loser years ago

like grow the fuck up

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:49 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

and ya try to psychologiucally cop out and say im the abuser spinning this on you like a typical man!!!!!!

in doing that you'll reduce the situation totally

ya i fucked up




LOL… 7/13
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you have a huge fucking ego

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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 10:59 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

I don't think you're like a typical man. A typical man is not an abusive bully like you.

Your other emails reveal a lot of projection.

I previously asked you to list the abuses I have done to you. I responded to them as best as I could and apologized
sincerely. You seemingly could not let go of me calling you unfun and a loser once, even when I apologized for it - I
wouldn't say something that I knew could actually hurt you, whereas you say things with the intention of hurting me.
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:00 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

You told me you had aspd. It's strange now you trying to project it on me. I clearly have no aspd, where it is readily
apparent you do. I did not judge you for your aspd - I asked you to get help for it.
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:01 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

As for the Steve Aoki thing, I'm amazed you took that seriously.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:05 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

I dont believe men should hit women. But when women hit men How can she slap can happen.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:05 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

men are much stronger than women and can really injur women
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:07 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

however if in a situation where you feel so emotionally battered and cornered or abused that you must leave the istuation
that is the best option

this know now for sure

but i also know i care about you so i treaded the dangerous risky waters of not running away

and ya i said some mean vicious violent fantastical shit to you

but i didnt do anything with physical force beyond my words and their emotional impact

so idk what ur huge deal is

ur gay i think or u want to be with phil or some guy named berry

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i love the name berry

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:08 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

You told me you had aspd. It's strange now you trying to project it on me. I clearly have no aspd, where it is readily
apparent you do. I did not judge you for your aspd - I asked you to get help for it.

i straight up told you in cuba on vacation that i was a psychopath on the internet

which was expressive

then i told u in the same conversation it was purely a joke that i wasnt a real psycho

it is good from a self-actualized perspective to understand psychopaths and that includes role play or empathizing with

mazlow wrote about that himself i can link the fucking pages in his book that talks about
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:10 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i am not an actual psychopath on the internet

i just play one to fuck with mysognisists and racists and nazis

i get accused of being an SJW aka a JEW every fucking day

fascist attitudes are still contagious and anti-Semitism is still very popular and accepted especially on the internet cuz lel
"free speech" herp derp

look i said some stuf fyou could put me in jail with you should do that

when the laws change and i can press rape by deception charges on your manipulative polish cunt i am gonna FUCKIN
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:12 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:15 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

And ya I can be an abusive bully and I still listen to slipknot at age 28 idc what you think fuck you

you abused me now you want me to list my abuses like some JEW trying to get compensation from the german
bureaucracy before being ushered into an oven

fuck you
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:16 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>… 9/13
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like do i lie to myself and the world and say the stress from this didnt help push epilepsy to develop if it does?


am i supposed to live a lie to defend your honor or something when you abused me too LOL

wat world do you live in where women are that fragile

o right SA hahahaha
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:17 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

You told me in Vin and Vi's apartment you had aspd. I asked whether if one of your dogs died, if you'd feel sad. You said
no. You said you wouldn't cry.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:18 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

and again thanks for belittling any abuse or concern i have like the steve aoiki thing which i even explained to you you
kept up as a bold faced lie despite me geuinely believing it and being curious/disturbed by it for a long time (star chasing
is a gold digger tactic and you wonder and are so offended when i call you a gold digger facetiously on a shit post racist
forum like tw)
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:19 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i have no emtoions and feign all emotions

i have no fart fetish i just wanted to shame you into a pair bond and submission hahahahahaha

and i was so close to making you do it u dumb slut

and i would have WON

there you saee my real cards


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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:20 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

If you have genuine abuse concerns, I'd want to hear them and make amends.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:20 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>


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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:21 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

It's nice you revert to humor when shit becomes too honest for you - particularly when you cannot respond for your
mistakes and lies. You hide your emotions. Then you 'blow up'. And it's my fault for that.
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:23 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i think i have a very nice case for the splc against

i wonder if it will hit any even medium sized media outlet like buzzfeed or reddit front page if it got cleaned up more

too bad no one loves me and i have no life partner that enjoys writing and reading to help me with stupid career goals like
this and ill probably have to rely on corporate mainstream news agency or some person with legitimate nothing in
common with me to help me editing these things


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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:23 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

You don't take other peoples emotions seriously at all. You belittle and mock them. And when you get the slightest hint of
discomfort, you consider that ABUSE and blow up. You need therapy for that, friend.
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Katherine Konitzer <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:24 AM

To: dsfargh ffdsfargh <>

I am going to the gym now. I hope you find peace within yourself and use your destructive tendencies for making positive
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:25 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i think u r right about me needed lots of sex to stay sane or something

i think brian damaged people that are unproven geniuses need sex for some kind of comfort level from living on the fringe
and being outcasted

but i dont have sex without some kind of love so im truly gonna be alone for awhile

ahahahahahaha fuck life is sweet

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:26 AM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

You don't take other peoples emotions seriously at all. You belittle and mock them. And when you get the slightest hint of
discomfort, you consider that ABUSE and blow up. You need therapy for that, friend.

Again belittling any abuse or concern I've had. And you call me the misogynist abuser when i identify with female traits
more than you and every woman in my family thinsk YOU FUCKED UP TOO LOL
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 11:31 AM
To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i was very lucky to do all the sexual stuff i did with you

i wish i could have had more sex in my life and time with you but i guess thats over

whoever gets you gets a prize

ya i mean this in an objectification way and in an emotional way

men need sex and even when you have no sex drive if you're in a long-term relationship you should take care of your
partners sexual needs as best you can or help them find an outlet for it while sitll loving and supporting them

you are a god damn bitch and noncommittal you treated me like shit
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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 4:19 PM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

and ya i will be jealous of the guy that gets you when you're in love with them

you treat men a lot better when you trust them and are in love with them

what got me is you never even gave me a chance at trust in the first place and blew all of my already shaky trust of
women with mental illness even more so

dating you was like a nuclear bomb of deceit and distrust after 3 years of being stable and in good fwb relationships
where the women wanted to be my gf and were more than polite and cool to me

just sent me off the rails into fear and paranoia and feeling like i was the one at fault for everything

you predated on my insecurities to make yourself feel more secure and powerful and in control

i will write a longer email of all the shit i found abusive

the thing is it's intersectional and you have no empathy for men so it won't really matter what i write you'll just view it as all
lies, deflect it, belittle it, tell me i'm the one at fault and tell me to leave you alone

i am quite sure you'll be fine on ur own without me anyway

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 4:28 PM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

I am going to the gym now. I hope you find peace within yourself and use your destructive tendencies for making positive

the whole reason i feel like i was put in a corner and given no agency to the point where i became "destructive" as you
say or the reality being informed you of bad consequences for your abuses that i would be forced to enact in self-defense
if they continued

so you see i was already using my anger for good to begin with and have managed my anger quite well

i do not "lose control" as you say though sometimes i let myself become devastating with my words intentionally to hurt
people back the way theyre hurting me

that is self defense

you are the aggressor and you are the authoritarian

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 4:30 PM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

i hope you find the peace withing yourself to use your destructive tendencies to make positive changes

you deserve a good relationship and iw as dedicated to you for 2 years (even when not together and injured) to attempt to
be the perfect guy for you

i was gonna buy a sick yamaha bolt with passenger seat and everything

im totally fine taking anger management too

what im not comfortable with is having all my emotional needs totally belittled :(

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dsfargh ffdsfargh <> Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 9:35 PM

To: Katherine Konitzer <>

If you have genuine abuse concerns, I'd want to hear them and make amends.

wats ur concept of amends anyway? LOL dismiss my opinions and feelings as delusion? push a medication i dont need
on me? tell ppl im psycho violent cuz i said some shit that amused me but hurt ur feelings and is actionable in the media 4

You need therapy for that, friend.

im not ur friend u condescending patriarch bitch

part of an apology is asking and cooperating with the resolution process

4 example in divorce resolution SEVERING and NO CONTACT is sometimes part of the resolution

other times in more PROGRESSIVE STATES




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