Reading Check 3 Themes and Juxtaposition: Theme Example - Explanation

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Themes and juxtaposition

Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary
Find at least three themes the novel has developed so far and give a description
of them. If possible, include text evidence.
A major latent theme that William Golding
Absence of social norms has put into Lord of the Flies is the presence
of social norms and traditions. The idea
behind this theme is that it is the pressure of
the social norms and traditions that force
people to obey laws and rules or traditions.
If there is an absence of social norms,
people show their true nature, and it is
mostly evil and vicious. However, social
norms, traditions, and customs protect the
weaker group.

A bunch of kids land on a desert

island and need to fight to be able to
Struggle for survival survive. Sometimes they fight among
them and sometimes they fight with

The kids show their more savage

instinct on the island. They show how
Human Fallibility their actions affect others and how
they prefer their own benefit over the
group benefit.

During their time on the island, the

kids began a small society that
How society works reflects how it works in real life.
Corruption, jealousness, and the
desire for power are present on the
 Complete the following graphs by using elements that are contrasted
side by side in the novel “Lord of the Flies” and give a short
explanation of the juxtaposition.

Explanation: Ralph is a good leader that is always worrying about the others
and trying to help the weak ones, whilst Jack is always trying to get the control
and overthrow Ralph from being chief, he is always seeking for power.

The Island

Explanation: England is the expression of civilization and how it maintains

balance as well as the completely opposite to savagery and the greatest
expression of high society. Meanwhile the island is the opposite it shows how if
society is not well structured it falls and get the inhabitants to the anarchism and


The Conch
The Pig Head

Explanation: The conch represents how the kids tried to keep a well structured
society, represents safeness and union, whilst the Pig’s head represents all the
dangers and anarchism they are and could face in the island.

Ruled Society
Opressed Society

Explanation: During the island we can see two different political parties:
Ralph and Jack. One (ruled society) is seeking for the group benefit and justice.
The other (Oppressed society) is looking for a society made up of fear, he wants
the power and does not cares about anyone.

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