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Journal Week 4

Monday February 8th

Today we started off the morning speaking with our supervisor about who all would be

coming in today and were told that victims would be coming in for interviews and two others

would be coming in for counseling. Katie and I were able to play with one of the little girls for a

little bit while her father filled out paperwork. After doing so, we were tasked with sanitizing the

entire waiting room and all of the different toys that we played with. When that was finished, we

were all tasked with helping re-stock the mini fridge in the interview room and the fridge in the

kitchen with drinks which are given to the people who come in for interviews or counseling if

they want them. Once we were finished with that, I sat down and completed an hour of the

training courses since we had a little bit of free time before another victim came in for

counseling. Since everything we did took up most of the day, this was everything that was done

during the workday.

Tuesday February 9th

Today our supervisor was gone all day for a meeting at the Hampton office, so we met

with the other staff members and discussed who would be coming in today for interviews or

counseling. From around 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM, we were in charge of answering any phone

calls or the door if someone were to ring the doorbell while the staff attended the meeting

virtually on zoom. We were told that we would be allowed to sit in on the next meeting since our

supervisor would be leading it. After we got back from lunch, a victim came in for an interview

and soon after another victim came in for counseling services. We were able to interact with the

victim that came in for an interview and played with him while his stepdad filled out paperwork.

Afterwards, we were tasked with sanitizing the entire waiting room, interview room, and
bathroom. After the victim that was interviewed left, two little boys came in for counseling and

we were in charge of watching over them and playing with them while the mom went back and

met with the counselor. Once they left, we again had to sanitize the entire waiting room and


Wednesday February 10th

Today we were informed that there would be no one coming in for interviews or

counseling. Our supervisor was gone again to Hampton for meetings, so we were left on our own

for most of the day to continue talking about our ideas for the internship project. We also

discussed the idea of tabling on campus sometime in the next few weeks and handing out the

crisis hotline cards to students as well as other resources about sexual assault and abuse. After

discussing those ideas, I completed 3 hours’ worth of training modules to get ahead on hours for

the week since we had time to do them. This was all that was really done today since it was a

really slow day.

Thursday February 11th

Today was another slow day due to a family not showing up for their counseling sessions.

Three siblings were supposed to continue their counseling this morning, but they never showed

up and no one could get ahold of either parent or grandparents. We were told that someone

would be coming in later in the afternoon for a different counseling session and that we will need

to keep the children company while the parent fills out paperwork. After lunch, two victims

came in for counseling and we were tasked with sitting in the waiting room with them and

playing with them while their mom talked with the counselor. After they left, we had to sanitize

the entire waiting room including any of the toys that they played with. After doing this, I sat

down and completed about an hour of the training courses to keep myself busy. We also had to
empty all of the trash cans in every room at the end of the day and take it out since trash day is

on Friday.

Friday February 12th

Today we started the morning off by having a meeting to discuss who would be coming

in today and were given some background info on the victim and why she would be coming in.

We also were told that another victim would be coming in later in the day after lunch for

counseling as well. Once those counseling sessions were over, our supervisor and the other staff

members came in and sat down to discuss with us what our different tasks would be moving

forward. We came up with the idea of having a list of different tasks that each of us interns

would rotate weekly so that we can do different things each week and not get too repetitive.

After our meeting, we sat in on the forensic interviewer’s phone calls to two different detectives

about two different cases which I really enjoyed getting to do. I’ve be interested in learning more

about the whole forensic interviewing aspect, so I am excited to continue getting to sit in on

phone calls and learn more from her.

Monday (2/8/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00 (+ 1 training hour) = 8 hours

Tuesday (2/9/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00 = 7 hours
Wednesday (2/10/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 (+ 3 training hours) = 9 hours
Thursday (2/11/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00 (+ 1 training hour) = 8 hours
Friday (2/12/2021): 9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 = 6 hours
Weekly Hours: 38
Total Hours to Date: 131

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