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Choose the correct answer (​there is ​and​ there are or is there ​and​ are there​)

1. There is​ a laptop on the desk.

2. There are​ some students in the courtyard.
3. Is there​ any possibility to meet her tonight?
4. There are​ so many issues with the new software.
5. Are there​ any interesting books in the school's library?
6. Is there​ anybody who can help me?
7. The waiter says ​there are​ a lot of people who are complaining about the food.
8. Are there​ any poems in this new textbook?
9. Are there​ any reasons I should believe her again?
10. I think ​there is​ some truth in what you are saying.

B. Choose the correct word (​some​ or ​any​).

1. I need a car and ​some​ dollars.

2. He would like ​some ​help.
3. There aren't ​any​ policemen in the street.
4. Do you know ​any ​plumber?
5. He needs to make ​some ​friends.
6. Do you have ​any​ idea why he is always alone?
7. Charley doesn't have ​any​ friends, too.
8. My sister has got ​some​ interesting books about history.
9. My mum doesn't read ​any​ poetry.
10. I've got ​some​ news for you.

C. Choose the right answer (much, many, a lot, a lot of, lots)

1. We have ​a lot of ​oranges.

2. We don't have ​many​ bananas, and we don't have ​much​ fruit juice.
3. Do you have any cereal? Sure, there's ​a lot ​in the kitchen.
4. How ​much​ this? It's ten dollars.
5. How ​many​ do you want? Six, please.
6. He's very busy; he has ​a lot of ​work.
7. David has ​a lot​ of rice, but Tyler doesn't have ​much
8. London has ​many​ beautiful buildings.
9. They eat ​many​ apples.
10. I wrote ​a lot of​ poems.
11. I have got ​a lot ​ofmoney.
12. I visited ​a lot of ​European cities.
13. Do you like soccer? Yes,​a lot
14. Were there ​many ​guests in the wedding? Yes, there were ​many
15. Leila is popular. She's got ​a lot of​ friends. Nancy does not have ​much
16. She hasn't got ​many ​patience.

D. Decide whether you have to use "a little" or "a few".

1​ | ​English Class Grade 8

1. We had ​a little ​snow last winter.
2. A few ​people were interested in the exhibition.
3. I speak ​a little​ French.
4. There are ​a few​ students in the classroom.
5. She has ​a few​ relatives.
6. There is ​a little ​water in the pond.
7. The professor spends ​a little​ time playing tennis on Sundays.
8. We have ​a little​ knowledge of this phenomenon.
9. There are ​a few ​mushrooms in my mushroom soup.
10. A few​ animals can survive in the desert.

2​ | ​English Class Grade 8

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