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Legend of Tim Po

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Class Session 

Objectives: Students learn the words to Legend of Tim Po. Students will sing with accurate
rhythms and pitches. Students will learn the Orff accompaniment. Student will perform the Orff
accompaniment with accurate rhythm and pitches.

Standards Being Addressed:

Pr.5.1.a With limited guidance, perform music for a specific purpose with expression.

Materials of Instruction: Quaver music, Orff instruments

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Activity: Students will listen to The Legend of Tim Po as a warm up. They will listen for
to the song first. Next, we will listen to the song again, I want students to beat the pulse so they
can experience tempo changes in the song.

Activity #1: Students will learn the words to The Legend of Tim Po.

1. I will ask students “what Tim Po was known for?”

a. Goal answer: musical man
2. I will ask students “what instruments did he play?”
a. Goal answer: clicked sticks and clapped his hands
3. Finally, I will ask students “has anyone heard the word tempo and does anyone know
what the word means?”
a. Goal answer: How fast or slow music moves.
4. This will lead into the study of the words. Students now have successfully learned 80% of
the words through the questions.
5. “Now I want you to listen and repeat after me”
a. “Tim Po was a musical man”
b. “Clicked his sticks and clapped his hands”
c. “xylophones and tambourines too,”
d. “Banged on the drums till his hands turned blue”
e. “Tim Po, Tim Po”
f. “Playing fast, playing slow”
6. “Now I am going to say the first part and I want you to say the part that comes next.”
a. “Tim Po was a ____________”
b. “Clicked his sticks _____________________”
c. “Xylophones and ____________,
d. “Banged on the drums ________________”
e. “Tim Po, ______”
f. “Playing fast, _____________”
7. “Alright! That is the whole first verse! Let’s try it together!”
a. Students and Teacher will sing it together.
8. “Now I want you to try it once without me!”
a. Students will sing it by themselves.
9. “Great work! Now lets go on! Repeat after me again!”
a. “Down into the village he went”
b. “What a sight he was to see”
c. “Sticks and drums and xylophones all”
d. “Folks in town came to heed his call”
e. “Tim Po, Tim Po”
f. “Playing fast, playing slow”
10. “Awesome! Now I will say the first part and you will fill in the blank!”
a. “Down into the _________”
b. “What a sight he ________”
c. “Sticks and drums and _______”
d. “Folks came down to ________”
e. “Tim Po _______”
f. “Playing fast, _________”
11. “Wonderful, now we are going to sing the whole verse together!”
a. Students and teacher sing together
12. “Last step for this verse! Your turn!!”
a. Students sing the verse by themselves
13. “Let’s Sing the first verse!”
a. If this is rocky again, we will refresh.
14. “Now sing verse 1 and verse 2!”
a. I will sing with them
15. “Now let’s learn our last verse! We will start with you repeating after me”
a. “Tim Po said now listen to me”
b. “Come make music here with me”
c. “All the people started to play”
d. “Dancing and singing through the day”
e. “Tim Po, Tim Po”
f. “Playing fast, playing slow”
g. “Tim Po, Tim Po”
16. “Now it is time for filling in the second part of the line!”
a. “Tim Po said __________”
b. “Come make music _________”
c. “All the people _________”
d. “Dancing and singing ___________”
e. “Tim Po, _______”
f. “Playing fast, __________”
g. “Tim Po, ________”
17. “Great work!! Now let’s try it together!”
a. Students and Teacher will sing together.
18. “Now your turn!”
a. Students sing by themselves
19. “Time to put it with our music!”
a. students sing with the quaver slide.

Activity #2: Students will learn the Orff Accompaniment to The Legend of Tim Po.

1. “Let’s review our song with the recording!” (if one a different day)
2. Hand out Orff instruments by rows in class.
3. “Alright I need everyone to hold up your right hand”
4. “Now your left”
5. “In your left hand, you are going to find and hover your mallet over the E key. DON’T
6. “In your right hand, you are going to find and hover your mallet over the G key.
7. “Now we are going to play our G key, now our E key”
a. students will listen and do multiple times
8. “Great, now we are going to watch this video and you are going to mimic”
a. we watch the Orff accompaniment video
9. “Now let’s review our lyrics, everyone put your mallets on your head!”
10. Students sing the lyrics again.
11. “Great, now let’s play our instruments while we sing!”
12. “WONDERFUL WORK! We will study more about TEMPO next time!”

Closure/Summative Assessment: Students could play their instruments with accurate pitches
and rhythms. Students sang with accurate pitches and words. Students sang with correct rhythms.
Students were able to hear the tempo change in the song.

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