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Arangged as Assignment of Micro-Teaching Subject

By :
Mawan Eko D efriatno



School : Junior High School

Subject : Science (Biology)
Class / Semester : VII / 2
The Meeting : 8-11
Allocation of Time : 8 hours of lessons
Competency Standards : 6. Understanding the diversity of living things.
Basic Competence : 6.1 Identify the characteristics of living things.
Indicators : • Gather information on the characteristics of creatures life.
• Create reports on the characteristics of living things.

I. Learning purpose
Students are able to :
a. Describe the sense of the diversity of living things with identify characteristics of living
b. Decognize symptoms of life in animals and plants;
c. Distinguish symptoms of life in plants and symptoms of life in animals.

II. Main Content

• Breathing
• Moving
• Receives and reacts to stimuli
• Requires food
• Growing breed
• Removing the remaining substances
• Perform adaptation
III. Learning Methods
The method used is
A. exploration of sources of relevant literature;
B. observations to compare the characteristics of life among animals and plant.

A. Setting induction
Teachers give perception about understanding breathe. Furthermore, teacher to motivate
the form of questions, "there are the divrent respiratory process between animals and plants?"
B. Main Activities
1. Teacher divides students into several groups.
2. Each group read a book about the characteristics of creatures life and underlines the
important concepts of the material them.
3. Students make a presentation about the characteristics of living things, namely moving,
breathing, receives and reacts to stimuli, and require eat.
C. Closure
Teachers guide students to be able to make a summary and give chores, ie observing the
movement in plants.

VI. Media
Equipment / Materials: Stationery, Power Point
Learning Resources: Syamsuri, Istamar, et al. 2007. For high school biology class X
semester 1. London: publisher

V. Source / Learning Materials

Source / learning materials in the form:
a. book Concept and Application of Science Biology 1, Tiga Serangkai, page 31-48;
b. school environment.
VI. Rating
Assessment includes written tests and performance.


When you hear the word "Diversity", in your mind might be imagined that a collection of
diverse objects, both sizes, colors, shapes, textures and so forth. The shadow is indeed not
wrong. The word diversity is to describe the state of a variety of objects, which can occur due to
differences in size, shape, texture or amount.While the word "Life" implies a living thing. So
biodiversity describes the variety of living things (organisms) residents of the biosphere.
Biodiversity is also called "Biodiversity". Diversity or diversity of living things can
happen as a result of differences in color, size, shape, number, texture, appearance and other
properties.While the diversity of living things can be seen in the presence of characteristic
similarities between living things. To understand the concept of uniformity and diversity of
living things you go to the school yard. Observe the surrounding environment! You will find a
variety of plants and animals. If you notice plants that, then you will find a trunked plants is
high, for example: palms, mango, banyan, coconut. And a low-trunked, for example: chili,
tomatoes, jasmine, roses and others. There is a trunked plants hard, soft and trunked. There is a
broad leaf, but there is also a small leaf, and colorful flowers. Similarly, you'll find plants that
have similar characteristics such as bone or parallel pinnate leaves, root system riding or fiber,
seed closed or open, flower crown berkelipatan 3 or 5 and others. Similarly, in the animals that
you find, there are animals like big cats, cows, buffalo, and a smallish like ants
and a butterfly. There were four-footed animals, like cats. Two-legged like a chicken. Like
many-legged centipedes and luwing. Also will look bird has feathers and wings.
In addition, you will also find an animal that lives in water, such as: carp, catfish, carp fish. And
the animals that live on land such as cats, birds and others. There are animals whose body was
covered with feathers like birds, chickens. There are scaly like a fish, carp, goldfish, and some
are hairy, such as cats, rabbits and others.
From the observation or observation in the school yard, you have found the existence of
uniformity and diversity in living things.


1. The differences observed among chickens in one cage called ... ... ..
A. evolution
B. adaptation
C. variation
D. diversity
E. adaptation and variation
2. Among conspecifics never found the exact same for all properties. This occurs because of
differences ... ...
 A. environment
B. parent
C. type
 D. environment and genes
F. genes and germplasm
3. Ecosystem diversity shown by the different components of the following, except ... ... ... ... ..
A. primary energy source
 B. type manufacturer
C. productivity
D. types of customers
 E. biotiknya components
4. Two living things occupy the same area could be called species if ... ....
 A. habitat and the same hair color
 B. same color and shape hair
 C. types of food and eating the same way
 D. method of reproduction and the number of children the same
 E. in marriage produces fertile derivatives
5. Can be mated with the poodle dog boner. The dogs can give birth to children who fertile
because of the dogs ... ...
A. one genus
B. a familia
C. one species
D. one order
E. a kingdom

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

1. What is the name of ecosystems in Figure 1, Figure 2, and figure 3?
2. Write the kinds of flora and plants found on the ecosystem Figures 1, 2, 3?
3. Write the kinds of fauna or animals found in ecosystems Figures 1, 2, 3?
4. Of the three kinds of ecosystems, which one has the number and diversity of living things
the most?
5. What is the diversity of ecosystems?

II. Biodiversity Observation Level Type (species)

Tools and materials:

1. Ruler
2. Scale
3. Five (5) types of mung beans,
4. Lab notebook
Work Steps:
1. Make a table in the lab notebook, like the example below.
2. Observe carefully the form of bean seeds one by one.
3. Observe the color of each bean.
4. Measure with a ruler the length of each bean seeds, one by one.
5. Weigh heavily each bean seeds, using tools scales
6. Fill in the observation data into the table.

No. Seed Form Color Length Mass

1. Kidney beans ....... ....... ....... .......
2. Peanut ....... ....... ....... .......
3. Soybean ....... ....... ....... .......
4. Green beans ....... ....... ....... .......
5. Peas ....... ....... ....... .......
1. Based on observations, is there a diversity of properties on the bean seeds?
2. In your opinion, what causes the diversity of species?
3. What is the level of species diversity?

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