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Happy Africa Week.
Microsoft Word Skills.
1. Launch Microsoft Word. d
2. Type a Paragraph of what we would have done or how we would have celebrated Africa Day if there was no
Corvid 19 and the Lock down.
3. Download a Map of Africa and Copy and Paste it on your Document.
4. Please note....After pasting right click on your Image. Click wrap text. Click in front of text. Move your
picture to the bottom of your paragraph.
5. Insert WordArt as your Heading and it should read “Africa My Beloved Continent".

6. Right click the Word art and place it" In front of Text” and place it at the top of your paragraph.

1. We would have come to school looking beautiful in our African attire. Then we go to the sports field
to celebrate Africa Day. We dance with our friends to an African song or a song related to our
beloved continent Africa. When we finish playing and having fun we go back to class to learn but
before we know it its break time even more time to have loads of fun. When we open our lunch
boxes we would have found tradition food and at lunchtime we would be served even more than

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