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221810310013 - Revathi
221810310020 - Ishita Nigam
221810310031 – Tejeswini
221810310046 – Sai Navya
221810310049 – Shivani
221810310058 – Vaani Sri
Indicators of Organisational Culture:
1. Value:

 This is revealed by sincerity, humanitarian approach,

steadfastness (firmly needs of management and
employees to achieve the goals of the organization.)
2. Selflessness:

 This exactly means that people who work for the organization should identify themselves
with the organization. Self-centered
centered people ruin the firm. This indicates the degree of
dedication of people who work for the organization and level of organizational consciousness
they possess.

3. Faith:

 This refers to the extent of belief that employees have about practices in the organization.
Both top management and employees should believe each other to develop overall
organizational culture. Good faith is indicated by win-win
win situation. For example –
Tatas, Infosys, who give importance for human factor to achieve their goals.
4. Knowledge:

 Leads to the development of good culture.

 This also tunes the behavior of worker/manager/ top management in
5. Problem Sharing:

 Hierarchy may prevail in the organization, but good culture is that the top
management should share the problem with employees to develop team
spirit instead of bossing.
6. Risk Taking:

 Employees should face these challenges and drive the organization to

attain good result.

 Organizations have to take risk to achieve business goals

 The employees who work for reducing risks in organization should be

suitably rewarded. It is a good culture.

7. Management Perspective:

 cultural aspect is to adapt the principles of equity and justice. This

prompts the workers to be more productive.
8. Employee Satisfaction:

 Tolerance and patience, initiative to develop organization, functional expertise, assisting fellow
workers in times of need, focusing on one’s own job are all the traits of workers which
contribute for the development of healthy culture of the organization. The managements make
way for adapting these personal traits of employees of keeping them in good mood and satisfied.
Qualities Of A Great Organizational
rganizational Culture

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