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Describe the main events of Holy Prophet (PBUH) migration

from Mekkah to Medina?

After the success of Pledges of Aqba the Holy Prophet (PBUH) allowed his followers to migrate to Medina. When
Quraish came to know of this, they were alarmed as they feared that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) would also escape to
Medina and this would lead to expansion of Islam. The Quraish feared this as it was a threat to their religious, economic
and political position. Thus in order to discuss this situation they gathered at Dar-un-Nadwa in 622 A.D. All leaders of
Quraish who belonged from different tribes gathered and gave different solutions to this problem. Among them was Abu
Jahl who was the leader of Banu Makhzum, Utbah and Shebah who were the leaders of Banu Abd Shams, Hakim bin
Hazam who was the leader of Banu Asad, and Ummayah bin Khalf who was leader of Banu Juma.

One of them proposed that “Tie up his hands and his feet and keep him interned in his house”. However, this
suggestion was turned down as their were chances that Muslims might turn strong and free him (PBUH). Another gave a
suggestion “It is enough to banish him”. However this was also rejected as it would lead to spreading of Islam in other
parts of Arabia, because Holy Prophet (PBUH) had a soft tongue which attracted people. Then Abu Jahl gave an idea to
assassinate the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and this task should be done collectively by all tribes so that Banu Hashim could
not take revenge. Thus they choose each representative from a clan to do this job and 11 men were arranged to assassinate
Holy Prophet (PBUH).

However, he (PBUH) was informed through a revelation about this evil plot of Quraish and so he was ordered by Allah to
migrate to Medina. The Holy Quran says in this regard, “Remember when the unbelievers plotted against you to keep
you in bonds or slay you or get you out (of your homes). They plot and plan and Allah also plans but the best of the
planner is Allah”. He asked his cousin Hazrat Ali (RA) to cover himself with a green sheet and sleep in his bed not to
only to return the belongings of the Makkans but also to fool the Quraysh that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was still in
Makkah. Then he left for Medina with his friend Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA).

When he (PBUH) came out of his house, he threw dust into the eyes of the enemies and recited the following verses and
so the pagans were unable to see him (PBUH). The Holy Quran says, “And We have put before them a barrier and
behind them a barrier and covered them, so that they do not see”. Hazrat Abu Bakr had already arranged a guide and
2 camels for journey from Mekkah to Medina. Thus, Holy Prophet (PBUH) left for Medina with Hazrat Abu Bakr on 1 st
Rabi-ul-Awal. Quran mentions this in the following words: “When the unbelievers drove him out he did not have
more than one companion”. He (PBUH) was aware that they were being pursued by the Quraysh. Therefore they
decided to hide in a cave known as cave of Thawr. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) entered the cave first and closed all its holes
except for one, for which he did not have enough cloth to close.

Later he was bitten by a snake from the same hole however he did not cry because Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sleeping in
his lap at that time. When Holy Prophet (PBUH) woke up, he (PBUH) applied saliva at the place where Hazrat Abu Bakr
was bitten and it healed him. The Quraysh set a price of 100 camels for capturing Holy Prophet (PBUH) dead or alive.
There were some miracles at the mouth of the cave. A spider made a web and a nesting bird laid egg so that the Quraish
should feel that anybody entered the cave. This was the reason that the Quraish reached at the entrance of the cave but did
not bother to look inside as they were sure that it was empty.

At this point, Hazrat Abu Bakr got scared but Holy Prophet (PBUH) comforted him by saying: “Fear not for Allah is
with us”. During their stay in cave Hazrat Abu Bakr’s daughter Hazrat Asma used to bring them food & his slave Amir
(who was a shepherd) used to bring them milk and covered the footprints of Hazrat Abu Bakr’s son, Abdullah, who used
to bring news regarding Quraish. They stayed in the cave for three days and nights and then continued their journey when
they felt safe. Suraqa bin Malik followed Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Abu Bakr, because he was greedy & wanted
to win the bounty. However when he reached near them, his horse sank into sand and he fell. He tried again but he fell
again. Even the third time, the result was same. So now Suraqa realized that he (PBUH) was Prophet of Allah and asked
Holy Prophet (PBUH) for help. He (PBUH) prayed for him and when he was going back told him that one day he will
wear the bangles of Khusrow of Persia and during the time of Hazrat Umar (RA), it did happen.

On their way to Medina they stayed at a place called Quba where they reached on 8 th of Rabi-ul-Awal. Hazrat Ali (RA)
joined them there after returning all the belongings of Mekkans. Holy Prophet (PBUH) constructed a mosque at Quba
known as Masjid-e-Quba, which is first mosque of Islam. On 12 th Rabi-ul-Awal, Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed the
first Juma with his companions at Bani Saleem where he gave the first sermon of Friday.

The people of Medina were anxiously waiting for Holy Prophet (PBUH). They welcomed him whole heartedly and some
girls of the town were singing songs in the praise of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he (PBUH) also appreciated them. Every
Muslim in Medina wanted that Holy Prophet (PBUH) to stay with him however Holy Prophet (PBUH) informed them that
his camel was under divine instructions. The camel stopped in an empty plot belonging to two orphans ‘Sahel and Suhail’.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) now decided to purchase this land to construct a mosque as well as a residence. Meanwhile,
the mosques was being constructed, he (PBUH) stayed with Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari for 7 months, whose house was
nearest to the plot.

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