Battle of Uhad: Face of Their Prophet With Blood While He Is Inviting Them Towards Allah"

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✔ Fought in 625 A.D.

✔ 3000 Mekkans marched towards Medina under the leadership of Abu Sufyan to avenge the defeat at
✔ When Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to know of this from his uncle Hazrat Abbas, he (PBUH) consulted his
✔ Majority wanted to fight outside Medina. He (PBUH) decided to do so even though his personal opinion
was against this which shows his ‘democratic nature’.
✔ At first Muslims were 1000 but the number was reduced to 700 when 300 hypocrites deserted the
Muslim army under Abdullah bin Ubay on the excuse that their suggestion to fight inside Medina was
not accepted.
✔ When Holy Prophet (PBUH) reached the valley of Uhad, he appointed 50 archers on the hill top under
Hazrat Abdullah bin Jubair to avoid any attack from behind. He (PBUH) strongly instructed them not to
leave their position in any case.
✔ At first the Muslims had an upper hand in the battle. Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Hamza fought bravely. The
flag bearer of Quraish, Talhah was killed.
✔ Khalid bin Waleed, a Quraish commander, tried to break the Muslims from behind three times but the
archers held him off. The Muslims were successful in driving back the Makkans and now the Quraish
started to flee.
✔ Seeing this, some Muslims started to collect the spoils of war and so most of the archers (40) ignoring
the instructions of Holy Prophet (PBUH) left their position to collect the war spoils.
✔ Khalid bin Waleed, saw this was an opportunity and attacked the unprepared Muslims army from behind
through an undefended pass.
✔ The Quraish army on seeing this turned back and renewed the battle.
✔ Now Muslims victory changed into a near defeat and there was chaos.
✔ Nine Madinans Muslims made a defensive ring around the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
✔ Companions like Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umer, Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Abu Dujana, Hazrat
Abdur Rehman bin Auf did not care for their lives and protected Holy Prophet (PBUH) like Hazrat Talha
lost fingers of his one hand but he still stood by the side of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
✔ Holy Prophet (PBUH) was also injured in the battle and he lost his two teeth.
✔ Muslims flag bearer Hazrat Musab bin Umair was martyred and since he resembled like Holy Prophet
(PBUH) so there was rumour that Holy Prophet (PBUH) had been killed. This disappointed Muslims and
they started leaving the battlefield. Then, Hazrat Kaa’b bin Malik saw Holy Prophet (PBUH) and he
shouted loud to regroup Muslims.
✔ Meanwhile, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Muslims retreated to the Uhud mountain. The Makkans
mutilated the dead bodies of the Muslims, including Hazrat Hamza, uncle of Holy Prophet (PBUH) who
was killed by Wehsi, (who earned his freedom through this act) and his body was mutilated by Hind
whose near relatives were killed by Hazrat Hamza in the Battle of Badr (her father Utbah and brother
✔ He (PBUH) still did not curse the Makkans and said:“How can those people be successful who dye the
face of their Prophet with blood while he is inviting them towards Allah”
✔ He (PBUH) also prayed for them and said“O Allah! Forgive my people as they do not know me”
✔ While leaving, Abu Sufyan challenged the Muslims for another Battle at Badr. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
and his companions went to Badr the following year. However the Makkans did not show up.
✔ The Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent a group of 70 Muslims under Hazrat Abu Ubaidah to chase the Quraish
army while they were leaving in order to avoid any attack on Medina which shows his farsightedness.
✔ More than 70 Muslims were martyred. The Muslims buried their martyrs and returned to Madina.
✔ Now Muslims learnt an important lesson that they must obey Holy Prophet (PBUH) in all situations.
✔ Quran says: “Allah did fulfill His promise of help to you in the initial stage of Battle. It was you who
were killing them by Allah’s leave until you lost heart and disputed about your duty and disobeyed
your leader, when Allah showed you what the spoils you coveted”.
✔ Thus, Muslims learned another lesson that Jihad is only in the way of Allah and not for worldly gains.

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